
Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

author:100 years of biography
Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Figure 丨 Liu Bocheng


On November 20, 1989, Deng Xiaoping, a great man who was 85 years old, still remembered the history of Erye with a clear mind:

The relationship within The Two Fields is very united, not only between the upper and lower levels, between the columns, but also between the lower levels, the relationship is very harmonious. ...... The leaders of the field army believed in their subordinates, and the leaders below them, and this relationship of mutual unity and mutual trust was like this from the very beginning of the battle. This is a great force, and the main reason why Nino can train into such a great army is mainly because of this one.

Looking at the history of Erye's development, it is true that as Deng Xiaoping described, the relationship between the superior and subordinate levels and between the columns is very harmonious, the most representative of which is the relationship between Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping!

Widely circulated "special wills"

On October 14, 1986, the auditorium of the General Logistics Department was filled with mourning, and for the first time, the front hall of the auditorium was decorated as a solemn spiritual hall, with black veils wrapped around columns and hanging beams.

A great man lay quietly among flowers and cypresses, the bright red party flag covering his tall body, and the People's Liberation Army soldiers with guns guarding the coffins.

Deng Xiaoping brought his whole family to see off Marshal Liu Bocheng, looking at his old partner in the past, Deng Xiaoping seemed to recall the arduous years of the Taihang Mountains, the heroic struggle of the Dabie Mountains, and the past events of chasing deer in the Central Plains, the Battle of Huaihai, the Battle of Crossing the River, and the March into the Great Southwest... Tears blurred his vision, and scenes of the past reappeared in front of him.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Pictured by Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping

At the beginning of 1942, the Japanese army carried out a large-scale sweep of the Anti-Japanese base areas in Jinji-Hebei, Luyu, and Hebei, causing great losses to the base areas. In order to reverse this situation and prepare to deal with greater difficulties, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping conducted a detailed study in early March and decided that Liu Bocheng would stay in the division headquarters and that Deng Xiaoping would lead the 722nd Regiment to the Taiyue District to arrange and inspect the work and sum up experience.

In mid-March, after Li Da sent Deng Xiaoping on his way, Liu Bocheng said to Li Da: "Now that the enemy is active very frequently, we are responsible for the safety of Political Commissar Deng, and we must report to the division headquarters every day on the situation of Political Commissar Deng." ”

Li Da quickly arranged for it, but Liu Bocheng was still not at ease, and had to go to the headquarters duty room every day to personally inquire about Deng Xiaoping's situation.

On the evening of March 19, Liu Bocheng came to the duty room again, and the duty officer immediately understood the division commander's thoughts and immediately replied: "Just received the telegram, Commissar Deng is going to go to Taiyue District through Baijin Road tonight." ”

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping had a cordial conversation

Hearing this, Liu Bocheng couldn't help but be a little worried, because there were enemy ironclad cars patrolling the railway. Thinking of this, Liu Bocheng was not relieved, so he said to the two duty officers: "I know." After saying that, he asked the two duty officers to go to rest first, and sat down to carefully examine the duty diary.

But how could these two duty officers let the division commander be on duty for them, but under the persuasion of Liu Bocheng, they still returned to their residence to rest.

In this way, Liu Bocheng stayed in the duty room, checking the duty records while waiting for the telegram to arrive. It was not until late at night that Liu Bocheng received a telegram from Chen Geng and was relieved to learn that Deng Xiaoping was fine.

In April, the Japanese re-established a battle plan based on the experience of previous sweeps. In this plan, the enemy included two special tasks: to assassinate and capture leading cadres of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the headquarters of the 129th Division in the Taihang District during the sweep.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of this combat plan, the enemy can be said to have taken pains, and while spying on the operational information of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the headquarters of the 129th Division, the Japanese and pseudo secret service organs also printed everyone's photos, characteristics, and resumes on a pocket fold in detail.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Figure 丨 Chen Geng

However, these small actions of the enemy did not conceal the Eighth Route Army. After receiving the enemy's briefing, Liu Bocheng was very worried about Deng Xiaoping's safety, and specially instructed Li Da: "Political Commissar Deng is at Zhongtiao Mountain, telling Chen Geng, Wang Xinting, and Zhou Xihan to absolutely ensure the safety of Commissar Deng. ”

Soon after, the enemy began a major sweep, carrying out a large-scale sweep of the southern part of The Taiyue District and the south and north of the Taihang District that lasted 38 days, mobilizing more than 30,000 troops. On the afternoon of May 25, Liu Bocheng learned through the radio that the personnel of the Northern Bureau and the headquarters organs had divided into three roads and broken through to the outside, but the breakthrough situation was not yet clear.

On the Taiyue side, there was no definite news of Deng Xiaoping's whereabouts.

Throughout the day, Liu Bocheng was in a state of restlessness. Li Da also understood why the division commander was so irritable, and if the head of the headquarters and the political commissar Deng made any mistakes, it would have a huge impact on Taihang and even the entire War of Resistance behind the enemy lines. Therefore, Li Da sent out all the scouts who could be sent out, and the telegram was also sent in a fiefdom, but there was no news coming.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Pictured: Old photos of Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng

A day later, the division headquarters finally received a telegram from the Taiyue Military Region: Comrade Deng Xiaoping would return to Taiyue after the anti-sweeping campaign in Nanyue was over.

Just 20 words, but let Liu Bocheng's nervous nerves relax. Afterwards, after Deng Xiaoping learned of this incident, he tightly held Liu Bocheng's hand...

After Recalling this past, Deng Xiaoping was even more sad in his heart, and then he took his family and bowed deeply to Liu Bocheng's body.

Two days later, on October 16, 1986, the sky was high and the autumn breeze was clear, and the flags of Tiananmen Square, Xinhuamen, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were half-hanging, paying tribute to the old marshal who served the country and the people.

At 4 p.m., the memorial service for Marshal Liu Bocheng was held in the north hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Deng Xiaoping presided over Liu Bocheng's memorial service

The memorial service was solemnly arranged, with wreaths all around the venue, and the party and state leaders, together with more than 3,000 people of all nationalities and all walks of life in the capital, mourned this highly respected founding marshal with great sorrow, and this memorial service was also presided over by Deng Xiaoping himself.

As for the selection of the host of this memorial service, there is also a widely circulated story of a "special will".

One day in October 1976, Hua Guofeng came to visit Marshal Liu Bocheng, and after the two of them chatted, Liu Bocheng made a request to Hua Guofeng:

I have worked with Comrade Deng Xiaoping for more than fifty years, and I know him best. After I die, I hope that Comrade Deng Xiaoping will preside over my memorial service, and if not, I will never enter The Babao Mountain and let my son throw my body into the wilderness.

As for the truth or falsity of this matter, Liu Taixing, the son of Marshal Liu Bocheng, once came forward to respond.

Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Liu Taixing was naturally very clear about Deng Xiaoping's relationship with his father. When talking about this widely circulated "special will", Liu Taixing expressed his views: My father Liu Bocheng died of illness in the 301 Hospital, and before his death, he did not ask the question of who would be the host of the memorial service.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Picture 丨 Liu Bocheng family portrait

According to Comrade Liu Taixing's recollection, on the day of his father Liu Bocheng's death, he immediately rushed to the hospital after receiving the news. After arriving at the hospital, Liu Taixing saw Yang Shangkun, Hong Xuezhi and other revolutionaries of the older generation. At that time, Yang Shangkun said to the comrades of the Party Central Committee:

Comrade Liu Bocheng's memorial service should be studied by the Central Committee, and Comrade Liu Bocheng is a person who has made great contributions to the Chinese revolution and is also a very influential person.

Since the Central Committee of the Memorial Service for Comrade Liu Bocheng still needs to be studied, there is no content that Liu Bocheng has already specified.

After liu Taixing said this, he paused for a moment and then said: "Regarding my father's memorial service, we are completely in accordance with the procedures of the central authorities. ”

In Liu Taixing's view, his father Liu Bocheng strictly abided by party discipline throughout his life, and at all times he acted in accordance with the party constitution and party rules, and never exceeded it.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Figure丨Liu Bocheng (fourth from the right)

Judging from Liu Taixing's own response, this widely circulated "special will" is completely a fictitious matter.

As the family member of Marshal Liu Bocheng, Liu Taixing did not make any demands at all on the issue of holding a memorial service, which was decided by the Party Central Committee.

So did Marshal Liu Bocheng leave a will on his children?

Liu Taixing recalled: "If my father left a will, it was to ask us to strengthen our belief in serving the people and really do something for the people." ”

From Liu Taixing's answer, we can see that the will left by Marshal Liu Bocheng has nothing to do with Hua Guofeng, but Hua Guofeng did visit Marshal Liu Bocheng.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Figure丨Liu Bocheng (first from the right)

According to the recollection of Cao Wangui, Hua Guofeng's secretary, Hua Guofeng did visit Marshal Liu Bocheng, but because of Liu Shuai's health at that time, Hua Guofeng did not talk to Liu Shuai, but talked with Liu Shuai's family for a while and then left.

When Liu Taixing recalled the past, he couldn't help but think of the years when he got along with his father Liu Bocheng...

In 1939, the most difficult period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Taixing was born in the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army in Liao County (now Zuoquan County) in Taihang Mountain.

At that time, Liu Bocheng was not by Wang Ronghua's side because of his busy military affairs.

Wang Ronghua looked at the child in his arms and was very happy in his heart, so he wrote a letter to Liu Bocheng. Soon after, Liu Bocheng replied: "My son will be called Taixing."

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Pictured by Liu Bocheng and his wife Wang Ronghua

Wang Ronghua in the military did not have milk after giving birth, and looking at the child who was waiting to be fed, Wang Ronghua was very anxious in his heart. Later, it was difficult to find a wet nurse, and it was difficult to raise Xiao Taixing to more than one year old.

In the summer of 1940, Xu Xiangqian, commander of the First Column of the Eighth Route Army, was ordered to return to Yan'an from Shandong, passing through the Taihang Mountains. At that time, the Hundred Regiments War had already begun, and Liu Bocheng, who was commanding the battle on the front line, entrusted Xu Xiangqian to bring Liu Taixing back to Yan'an and give it to Zhu Laozong to take care of.

After arriving in Yan'an, Liu Taixing lived in the Yan'an Central Nursery. At that time, many of the leaders' children were arranged there and could only go home on weekends. Every weekend, Mr. Zhu and Kang Keqing happily brought home Liu Taixing and Luo Ruiqing's eldest son, Luo Jian.

For this period of history, Liu Taihang once recalled:

The Commander-in-Chief and Mama Kang were very kind to me and made me feel the love of my parents. My name is Jude "Papa Zhu".

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Figure 丨 Liu Bocheng and son Liu Taixing

By the time Liu Taixing met his father, it was October 1943. At that time, after Liu Bocheng and his wife returned to Yan'an from the Taihang Mountains, they went to the nursery to see their children for the first time.

The staff took Liu Tai's back to the activity room, and the person in charge said to him: "Tai Xing, your parents have come to see you." ”

Liu Taixing had not seen his parents for a long time, so he was stunned. After a while, he said, "My father is Liu Bocheng, and Zhu De's father, who are they?"

Liu Bocheng walked over with a smile and said, "I am Liu Bocheng!" ”

Liu Taixing shook his head, and then said, "My father Liu Bocheng is killing the enemy on the front line and doesn't have time to see us." Under Liu Bocheng's explanation, Liu Taixing finally recognized that the couple in front of him was his parents.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Figure丨 Marshal Liu Bocheng

In the summer of 1945, Liu Bocheng went to Taihang Mountain because of his work, so he handed Liu Taixing over to Commander-in-Chief Zhu De. As Liu Taihang grew older, he also reached the age when he needed to study.

At that time, Liu Bo assumed the post of commander of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Military Region, and some comrades proposed to set up a school for the children of cadres for Liu Taixing. Liu Bocheng did not approve of it after listening, but instead sent Liu Taixing to a rural primary school. Like an ordinary rural child, Liu Taixing sat in a dilapidated, simple classroom and studied.

In 1949, Liu Bocheng led the Second Field Army into the southwest, and in order to let his children study well, Liu Bocheng left Liu Taixing in Beijing. After graduating from Bayi Elementary School, Liu Taixing first studied at Beijing No. 4 Middle School and still lived in Mr. Zhu's home, and later as the people in Mr. Zhu's family grew older and older, Liu Bocheng wrote to Liu Taixing: The commander-in-chief has many family members, so you can live in another place!

From childhood to adulthood, Liu Taihang rarely spent time with his parents, and after graduating from junior high school, Liu Bocheng said: "Taihang this child, since he was a child, has not lived with us since he was a child, running wild, now I want to manage it myself, high school to Nanjing." ”

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Picture 丨 Liu Bocheng and his children took a group photo

In this way, Liu Taixing returned to his parents.

After the founding of New China, Liu Bocheng, who had lived half his life, finally had a stable home. In the early days of entering the city, Liu Bocheng said to his wife Wang Ronghua: "During the war years, we shared weal and woe with the masses of the people, and now after liberation, our lives, especially the lives of our children, must not be special, but should be roughly equivalent to the lives of the masses." ”

It is precisely under the education of Liu Bocheng that Liu Taixing and others have no privileged thinking when they grow up, and there is no difference between them and ordinary young people.

When Liu Taixing recalled this, he sighed: "I am very grateful to my father, who taught us to be serious and honest, not to catch up with the fashion, not to make a name." One is one, two is two, worthy of the people, worthy of the party and the state. That's all my life. ”

Affection for the people of the old district

After Liu Taixing retired, he found a new goal in life: to see the development of the old revolutionary areas and the living conditions of the people.

Liu Taihang has a deep affection for the old taihang mountain area, in 1998 Liu Taixing asked several old classmates to enter the old taihang mountain area together.

Liu Taixing and his party came to the school where they studied when they were young, but more than fifty years have passed, and the facilities of this school have not changed much, and when they see this, Liu Taixing and others are very uncomfortable in their hearts.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Figure 丨 Liu Taixing

Liu Taixing, who had a heavy heart, and everyone had a joint idea to run a hope primary school for the old revolutionary area.

Liu Taixing himself first took out 10,000 yuan, and he raised money everywhere, and finally with the help of friends, successfully established a hope primary school for the local area. After the school was completed and opened, Liu Taixing went to the school to see the children.

As soon as they entered the school, the children gathered around and shouted "Grandpa Liu is good!" Looking at these children, Liu Taixing was very happy in his heart, so he chatted with these children.

When he saw the bright classroom and the brand-new desk in front of him, Liu Taixing was very happy. When parting, Liu Taixing specially urged the children to cherish today's learning environment, study well, and then come back to build our old revolutionary areas after learning their skills.

Did Liu Bocheng really entrust Hua Guofeng to relay his will to Deng Xiaoping before his death? Liu Taixing came forward to respond

Picture 丨 Liu Taihang and the children in the old district together

Every time he returned from the old revolutionary area, Liu Taixing could not calm down in his heart. In the years of the revolutionary war, the people in the old areas made great contributions to the victory of the war, but now the lives of the people in the old areas are still very hard.

To this end, Liu Taixing did his best to appeal to the society: We must not forget the old revolutionary areas! We have the responsibility and obligation to make the people in the old area rich as soon as possible, so that the children in the old area can enjoy a good education!

It was at the appeal of Liu Taihang and other people that the development of the old revolutionary areas also attracted the attention of the whole society, and when talking about what he did, Liu Taihang smiled and said: "Serve the people!" ”

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