
The secret of fried small yellow croaker, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside! 1. The proportion of the secret recipe of marinade 1, 40 grams of cooking wine 2, 20 grams of green onion 3, 20 grams of ginger slices 4, 20 grams of salt 5, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate 6, chicken essence

author:North Drift Kitchen

The secret of fried small yellow croaker, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside!

1. The proportion of the secret recipe of the marinade

1. 40 grams of cooking wine

2. 20 grams of green onions

3. 20 grams of ginger slices

4. 20 grams of salt

5. 5 grams of monosodium glutamate

6. 5 grams of chicken essence

7. 3 grams of white pepper

8. 3 grams of five-spice powder

9. The proportion of corresponding ingredients is about 2 catties of small yellow croaker

Second, the proportion of batter preparation

1. 300 grams of flour

2. 150 grams of corn starch

3. 8 grams of baking powder

4. 1 gram of baking soda

5. 1 egg

6, 500g fresh water

7. 30g of edible oil

The ingredients that can be used for this batter are: small crispy pork, fried hairtail, fried lotus root box, fried eggplant box, fried mushrooms, and fried pork segments.

3. Production steps:

1. Small yellow croaker treatment: Generally, supermarkets sell more frozen small yellow croaker, buy it and thaw it directly, put it in clean water, clean the dirty things inside, and then drain the water;

2. Start pickling: Prepare a large basin, put the processed fish directly into it, then add all the above marinades according to the proportion, stir well, seal and refrigerate for 1 hour.

3. Batter preparation: Prepare a small basin, first put all the ingredients in the batter recipe together and mix evenly, and then pour in water, pour it again and again, stir it again. until there are no flour particles at all. The batter should be relatively viscous.

4. Start to hang the slurry: after marinating the small yellow croaker, pick out the seasoning inside; Then put the small yellow croaker into the batter in turn, hang a layer of batter evenly, and start frying.

5. Frying: Be sure to put more cooking oil in the pot, so that the fish is heated evenly, and the fried ingredients will be golden and crispy. The oil temperature is burned at about 180 °C, put the small yellow croaker in it, keep the oil temperature at about 180 °C, fry until the surface is golden and then take it out;

6. Second re-frying: all fried small yellow croakers should be re-fried; In this way, the small yellow croaker will not become soft, and the taste will be more crispy.

Raise the oil temperature to 200 °C, then put the small yellow croaker in it and fry it for about 30 seconds. Take it out and eat it directly. #头条创作挑战赛#

The secret of fried small yellow croaker, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside! 1. The proportion of the secret recipe of marinade 1, 40 grams of cooking wine 2, 20 grams of green onion 3, 20 grams of ginger slices 4, 20 grams of salt 5, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate 6, chicken essence
The secret of fried small yellow croaker, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside! 1. The proportion of the secret recipe of marinade 1, 40 grams of cooking wine 2, 20 grams of green onion 3, 20 grams of ginger slices 4, 20 grams of salt 5, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate 6, chicken essence
The secret of fried small yellow croaker, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside! 1. The proportion of the secret recipe of marinade 1, 40 grams of cooking wine 2, 20 grams of green onion 3, 20 grams of ginger slices 4, 20 grams of salt 5, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate 6, chicken essence

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