
Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Lao Li's morning always begins with the singing of birds and the aroma of tea. As a well-respected retired teacher in town, his life is filled with bland happiness and contentment. This tranquility was shattered after a routine medical check-up – advanced liver cancer.

Lao Li's home was instantly turned into a database, full of all kinds of medical books and printed web materials, and every night, under the light, his hands, which had corrected countless homework, now trembled and flipped through pages of information about cancer treatment.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

Until late one night, an inconspicuous news caught his attention: "Research by Zhejiang University: Baking soda may be able to 'starve' cancer cells, and the effect is close to 100%. Like a faint candle, the words rekindled in his almost extinguished hope.

But then came more doubts and uneasiness: Is such news reliable? Is it another empty joy? Lao Li's heart is mixed, on the one hand, he is eager for life, and on the other hand, he is afraid of the unknown.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

01.Why is there a high rate of cancer recurrence?

Incomplete surgery: Despite advances in modern medical technology, in many cases, it is often difficult to remove all cancer cells completely when the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or tiny lesions are difficult to detect. Even if the visible tumor is successfully removed, some remaining cancer cells may continue to grow after surgery.

Weakened immunity: Cancer treatments, especially chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in killing rapidly dividing cancer cells, but they also damage normal cells, including those in the immune system. This leads to a weakened immune system after treatment and a weakened body's control over residual or nascent cancer cells, increasing the risk of recurrence.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

Improper care: Nursing care during surgery and treatment is crucial. Factors such as irrational diet, lack of appropriate exercise, poor work and rest habits, and high emotional stress may weaken the body's ability to recover and provide a breeding ground for cancer cells to grow.

No continuation of treatment or follow-up: Some patients, after completing initial treatment, mistakenly believe that the cancer has been cured, neglecting follow-up maintenance therapy and regular follow-up. Even if the initial response to treatment is good, signs of recurrence need to be prevented or detected with long-term drug therapy, monitoring, and intervention if necessary.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

02. Can soda starve cancer cells?

The research team of Zhejiang University has attracted widespread attention for the results of baking soda can "starve" cancer cells, and under certain conditions, by directly injecting sodium bicarbonate into the tumor site, the microenvironment inside the tumor can be changed, thereby affecting the metabolic process of cancer cells, and achieving the purpose of inhibiting or even killing cancer cells.

The innovation of the study is that cancer cells can normally use lactic acid to produce energy in an acidic environment, and the injection of baking soda can neutralize some of the acidity, interfering with this metabolic pathway, making cancer cells "starving", which in turn slows or stops their growth.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

The results of the experiment showed that among the 40 patients with advanced liver cancer who participated in the study, this treatment showed a high response rate, and the "nearly 100% elimination of cancer" here does not mean that all patients have completely cured their cancer, but that the effective response rate of the treatment is high, which means that the treatment has had the expected positive impact on most patients.

Although this finding provides a new way of thinking about cancer treatment, it is important to emphasize that the success of this study was achieved in a tightly controlled clinical trial environment and with a professional medical intervention, rather than simply oral baking soda. Drinking baking soda directly does not replicate this therapeutic effect, but may cause other adverse effects on the body.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

03. Eat 5 more foods to keep cancer cells away

Shiitake mushrooms: Shiitake mushrooms are rich in a miracle substance called glucosidase, which is a natural weapon against cancer cells. It can effectively inhibit the development of various cancers such as leukemia, esophageal cancer, and gastric cancer. Regular consumption of shiitake mushrooms not only strengthens the immune system but also gives cancer patients hope for recovery.

Asparagus: Asparagus is known as the "king of vegetables" because of its rich nutrient content. Not only does it boost immunity, but it also hides a secret weapon against cancer – selenium. Selenium is known as the "king of anti-cancer", which can block the nutrient supply of cancer cells and curb their expansion.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

Bitter gourd: Although bitter gourd has a bitter taste, it has extraordinary anti-cancer value. The quinine-like protein can activate immune cells and become a "setter" against cancer cells. The protease inhibitors in bitter melon seeds can prevent the invasion and metastasis of cancer cells, building a solid line of defense for the body.

Garlic: the anti-cancer star on the table Garlic, a common spice in this kitchen, is actually a low-key anti-cancer hero. Studies have shown that frequent consumption of garlic is associated with a decrease in the incidence of gastric cancer. It contains ingredients that reduce nitrite levels and reduce the production of nitrosamines, thus playing a role in preventing stomach cancer.

Study: Can baking soda starve cancer cells and destroy cancer by nearly 100%, is it credible?

Kelp: An Anti-Cancer Treasure in the Deep Sea Kelp, the green treasure of the seabed, is not only rich in sodium and iodine, which have a positive effect on the prevention of esophageal and colon cancer. Especially for women, iodine is a key mineral in the prevention of breast cancer, and moderate intake can help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

It is important to note that no single food can completely eliminate the occurrence of cancer. Maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, insisting on moderate exercise, avoiding bad lifestyle habits, regular physical examinations, and scientific medical guidance are the best strategies for comprehensive anti-cancer treatment.

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