
Baking soda is always available at home, these 4 uses are fantastic, many people don't understand, the method is real

author:Zou Yihan
Baking soda is always available at home, these 4 uses are fantastic, many people don't understand, the method is real

Topic: Baking soda is always available at home, these 4 uses are so great, many people don't understand, the method is really useful

Introduction: The magic of baking soda

At home, you may always find a box of baking soda, which is not only a common condiment in the kitchen, but also a versatile household cleaner. However, many people may not know these wonderful uses of baking soda, and today I will unveil the mystery of this little white box for you.

1. Clean kitchen grease, baking soda magic

Storyline: I remember one time, my friends and I had a cooking competition at home, and all kinds of food were cooked in the kitchen, however, behind the food was always the inevitable fumes and grease. And at this time, baking soda is like a magician, solving this problem with ease.

Usage tip: Sprinkle an appropriate amount of baking soda on the kitchen where the smoke is more serious, and then wipe it with a damp rag, and the grease will disappear like magic, leaving a piece of freshness.

Baking soda is always available at home, these 4 uses are fantastic, many people don't understand, the method is real

2. Deodorization and deodorization, the refreshing power of baking soda

Storyline: Once, a friend came to visit my house, and unfortunately, I had some expired food in my fridge, which gave off a bad smell. That's where baking soda comes in handy, and it successfully refreshes my fridge.

Usage tip: Put a small bowl of baking soda in the refrigerator, it can absorb the odor inside the refrigerator and keep the refrigerator fresh at all times.

3. Clean drains, baking soda detoxifying effect

Storyline: The kitchen drain at home is often clogged, and every time you use it, it's a headache. However, by chance, I discovered the miraculous effects of baking soda, and since then, I have never bothered with drainage problems again.

Usage tip: Pour the right amount of baking soda into the drain, then pour in hot water, wait for a while and rinse with water, and the grease and dirt will be easily removed.

4. Clean the kettle from the dirt, the alkaline magic of baking soda

Storyline: Limescale on the inner wall of the kettle is a headache, and long-term use will lead to poor water quality and affect health. However, the alkaline properties of baking soda led me to find a solution.

Usage tips: Add an appropriate amount of baking soda and water to the kettle, then put it on the fire to boil, wait for a while and rinse it with clean water, the scale on the inner wall of the kettle will quickly dissolve and return to smoothness.

Epilogue: Baking soda, the all-purpose wizard of household cleaning

Baking soda, a seemingly ordinary condiment, contains infinite magic. Not only can it help our kitchens, but it can also be a great helper for household cleaning. I believe that through the introduction of this article, everyone has a deeper understanding of the wonderful use of baking soda. Let's make good use of this small white box in our daily life to make our home cleaner and more comfortable!

Baking soda is always available at home, these 4 uses are fantastic, many people don't understand, the method is real

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