
Regardless of men and women, remember not to drink water during these 3 time periods, don't take it seriously, and know it early

author:Zou Yihan
Regardless of men and women, remember not to drink water during these 3 time periods, don't take it seriously, and know it early

Title: Regardless of men and women, remember not to drink water during these 3 time periods, don't take it seriously, and know it early


In life, we often hear all kinds of health tips, some of which we believe in and some of which are inevitably overlooked. However, one thing that should not be taken lightly is that at certain times, both men and women, remember not to drink water. You may think this may sound a bit ridiculous, but trust me, this is the result of years of life experience and expertise, and it should never be overlooked.

1. After waking up early in the morning:

Early morning is the most refreshing and peaceful time of the day. The sun has just risen and the breeze is blowing, and at this time, you may feel your mouth dry and crave a glass of cool water to quench your thirst. However, don't rush to drink water! Why? Let me explain it to you.

Storyline 1: The tragedy of Xiao Ming

Xiao Ming is a friend of mine, he is a person who has a lot of interest in life. One morning, when he woke up feeling thirsty, he went straight to the kitchen and poured a glass of cold water and drank it. However, soon after, he began to feel pain in his stomach and went to the toilet frequently. After the doctor's diagnosis, he was told that it was because of the irritation of the stomach caused by drinking cold water on an empty stomach, which caused stomach problems.

Regardless of men and women, remember not to drink water during these 3 time periods, don't take it seriously, and know it early

Lessons learned:

Drinking water on an empty stomach in the early morning can easily irritate the stomach, leading to stomach discomfort and even stomach problems. Therefore, we should wait for a while to give the stomach a buffering process before drinking water.

2. One hour before meals:

An hour before a meal is a time when the body's digestive system is ready to receive food. At this time, the body is adjusting the secretion of stomach acid and digestive enzymes for better digestion of food. If you drink water during this time, it may cause adverse effects on the digestive system and even cause a series of health problems.

Storyline 2: Little Red's Lesson

Xiaohong is a colleague of mine who has always had a lot of experience in eating. However, at one point she made the mistake of drinking a large glass of water an hour before her meal. As a result, she felt an upset stomach during meals and had a significant loss of appetite, which seriously affected her quality of life.

Lessons learned:

Do not drink water one hour before meals, so as not to affect the normal work of the digestive system, leading to the occurrence of problems such as indigestion.

3. One hour before bedtime:

One hour before bedtime, it is the time period when the body enters a state of rest. At this time, the body is preparing to enter sleep mode, and various physiological functions are gradually slowing down. If you drink water during this time, it may cause frequent waking up at night, affecting sleep quality, and even causing problems such as nocturia.

Storyline 3: Xiao Li's troubles

Xiao Li is a friend of mine, and he used to have a period of poor sleep quality and often woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. Later, after the doctor's diagnosis, he found out that it was because he drank too much water an hour before bedtime, which caused the occurrence of nocturia.

Lessons learned:

Do not drink water one hour before bedtime, so as not to affect the quality of sleep and cause problems such as nocturia.


In life, we should always pay attention to protecting our health. Although drinking water is one of the important ways to maintain good health, we should also pay attention to moderate water intake during certain periods of time to avoid adverse effects on the body. I hope that through the sharing of this article, everyone can pay more attention to their health and know better!

Regardless of men and women, remember not to drink water during these 3 time periods, don't take it seriously, and know it early