
Use baking soda to marinate the beef to be tender

author:Blue Moon

Beef has an important place on the table around the globe. Whether it's teriyaki steak in Asia, filet mignon in the West, or lamb skewers in the Middle East, you can see beef. In addition to its rich nutrition and good taste, another important factor is that beef is highly malleable, allowing it to express different flavors and textures through different cooking techniques. Among the various cooking techniques, marinating is undoubtedly an important part of enhancing the tender taste of beef. Among the methods of marinating beef, baking soda (also known as sodium bicarbonate) corned beef method has attracted more and more attention and love in recent years, and its biggest advantage is that it can make the beef more tender.

Use baking soda to marinate the beef to be tender

1. The chemical effect of baking soda

To understand how baking soda makes beef tender, you first need to understand the chemistry of baking soda. Baking soda is a weakly basic compound with the chemical formula NaHCO₃. When baking soda is dissolved in water, it breaks down into carbonate ions (CO₃²⁻) and sodium ions (Na⁺). Carbonate ions neutralize some of the acidic components in the meat, giving it a slightly alkaline environment. This alkaline environment helps to break down the protein structure of the meat, making it soft.

2. The scientific mechanism of baking soda-marinated beef

In the fibrous structure of beef, it is mainly made up of protein. Proteins exhibit different properties at different pH levels. When the proteins in beef are exposed to a more alkaline environment, such as a baking soda solution, the protein molecules denature and dissociate. As a result of these changes, the connections between the protein structures become looser, and the meat becomes softer and smoother. In addition, baking soda also promotes the entry of moisture into the fibre of the beef, allowing the beef to reduce water loss during cooking, thus maintaining its juiciness.

3. Specific steps for marinating beef with baking soda

In order to achieve a better marinating effect, the steps of marinating beef with baking soda need to be taken seriously. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide:

1. Choose the right cut of beef: Different parts of beef have different characteristics. For example, beef brisket is suitable for stewing, and beef tenderloin is suitable for stir-frying. For beef slices or steaks that require a tender texture, it's best to choose a more tender part, such as a tenderloin or shoulder.

2. Slicing/dicing: Cut the beef into the appropriate size according to the recipe or personal preference. If it's an ingredient for a dish, such as stir-fried beef fillet, the beef can be cut into thin slices along the fiber.

3. Marinate with baking soda: In a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of baking soda, in general, 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 500 grams of beef. Then add an appropriate amount of water to dissolve the baking soda thoroughly. Pour the cut beef into a bowl, making sure that each piece of meat is soaked evenly.

4. Curing time: The marinating time can be based on the cooking needs. Generally speaking, the marinating time is limited to 15-30 minutes. Going too long may result in an overly loose texture or even an unnatural minced meat feel.

5. Rinse the beef: After the marinating time is over, the beef needs to be rinsed several times with clean water to remove the remaining baking soda and avoid the strange smell during the cooking process.

6. Further marinating: To add flavor, you can rinse it off and further marinate it with your favorite seasonings, such as soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, ginger, garlic, etc. The marinating time for this step can be adjusted according to individual taste and needs, but is generally between 20-30 minutes.

Fourth, a few things to know about baking soda pickling

There are a few things to be aware of when using baking soda to marinate beef:

1. Control the amount used: Too much baking soda can make the beef too loose and lose its texture, and it will also have a alkaline taste. Therefore, the dosage of baking soda must be mastered.

2. Rinse thoroughly: Be sure to rinse well after baking soda is marinated to avoid residual baking soda affecting the taste and texture.

3. Suitable cooking method: Baking soda-marinated beef is more suitable for short-term high-temperature cooking methods such as quick stir-frying and frying. If it is simmered for a long time, the beef may lose its tenderness after it was marinated.

Use baking soda to marinate the beef to be tender

5. List the applications of baking soda marinated beef

To better understand and apply the method of marinating beef with baking soda, here are a few dishes

1. Beef with oyster sauce

- Ingredients: 500g beef tenderloin, 1 teaspoon baking soda, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, black pepper, corn starch, cooking oil.


Thinly slice the beef tenderloin, marinate with baking soda and water to suit for 20 minutes and rinse well.

b. Add soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce and cornstarch and marinate for 30 minutes.

c. Heat the pan, pour in an appropriate amount of oil, fry the beef quickly until it changes color, and set aside.

d. Stir-fry the garlic and green cabbage leaves with the remaining oil in the pan, and finally add the beef and seasonings to stir-fry quickly.

2. Black pepper beef tenderloin

- Ingredients: 500g beef tenderloin, 1 teaspoon baking soda, chopped black pepper, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, cooking oil.


Cut the beef tenderloin into finger-sized strips, marinate with baking soda and water for 15 minutes and rinse well.

b. Marinate with soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and sugar for 20 minutes.

c. Heat the pan, pour in a small amount of oil, fry the beef fillet until the surface is golden brown, and set aside.

d. Add crushed black pepper to the remaining oil and stir-fry until fragrant, then return the beef fillet to the pot and mix well.

3. Beef eggs

- Ingredients: 300g beef, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 3 eggs, chopped green onion, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, cornstarch, cooking oil.


Cut the beef into thin slices, marinate with baking soda and a small amount of water for 15 minutes and rinse well.

b. Add soy sauce, cooking wine, salt and cornstarch and marinate for 20 minutes.

c. Beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt and chopped green onions.

d. Heat the pan, pour in an appropriate amount of oil, stir-fry the beef slices until they change color, pour in the egg mixture and stir-fry quickly until the egg mixture is just solidified.

6. Advantages of baking soda-marinated beef

1. Easy to operate: Baking soda is very common in home kitchens, simple to operate, and suitable for self-preparation at home.

2. Efficient marinating: Compared with traditional marinating methods, baking soda has a short marinating time and remarkable effect, which can improve the tender taste of beef in a short time.

3. Significantly enhances taste: Baking soda can better retain the moisture of the meat during the marinating process, improving the juiciness and tenderness after cooking.

7. Limitations of baking soda-marinated beef

1. Be cautious in dosage: The amount and marinating time of baking soda need to be mastered, otherwise it may cause side effects, such as improper taste, and even adverse effects on health.

2. Taste issues: Baking soda-marinated beef may have a hint of alkaline flavor if it is not rinsed thoroughly, so it should be handled properly.

8. How to deal with the taste problems caused by baking soda pickling

In addition to rinsing being key, here are a few things you can try to mask or improve possible alkaline odors:

1. Supplemented with strong spices such as garlic and ginger: Garlic and ginger have a good deodorizing effect and can be used more in subsequent cooking.

2. Use sauces with strong flavors: such as oyster sauce, black pepper sauce, sand tea sauce, etc., which can mask possible alkaline tastes well.

9. Other uses other than baking soda-marinated beef

Baking soda is not only effective in marinated beef, but also in other meats such as pork and chicken. The principle is similar, it is through the change of protein structure in an alkaline environment to achieve soft meat. In addition, baking soda is also widely used in housekeeping, food baking, and other fields.

10. Conclusion

The key to making beef tender is that it breaks down the protein structure of the meat, making it soft, and at the same time helps the moisture enter the fibrous structure and retain more moisture. In practice, whether it's beef with oyster sauce, beef tenderloin with black pepper or beef eggs, as long as you pay attention to the amount of baking soda and the marinating time, you can make a tender and delicious beef dish. It's easy to use and effective, making it a great way to take beef cooking to the next level in your home kitchen. However, it is important to note that the amount of baking soda and the handling after pickling need to be treated with care to avoid unwanted side effects. Baking soda marinated beef is a scientific and efficient method of marinating, which is well worth promoting and applying in daily cooking.

Use baking soda to marinate the beef to be tender

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