
Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

author:Love Jade Gate

Source: First Cuisine

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Once a person is old, his body is not as good as before, and the various "parts" of the body are like rust, and if he is not careful, all kinds of "big problems" and "small problems" will come to the door. As the saying goes: "medicine is not as good as food", which is also the key for many middle-aged and elderly people to pay attention to diet and health.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

Is it OK to eat more beef?

When it comes to supplementing nutrition and nourishing the body, many people first think of beef, it is undeniable that beef does have the effect of strengthening bones and muscles, rich in nutrition, high protein and low fat, but not everyone is suitable, especially middle-aged and elderly people.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

As one of the non-easy meats, beef contains a lot of rough muscle fibers, and the digestion of the elderly over 60 years old is relatively weak, and it can only be digested after eating for more than 4 hours, and it can even cause stomach bloating, so it is not recommended to eat more appropriately.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

Advice for middle-aged and elderly people: Don't be too frugal in life, these 4 foods are highly nutritious and easy to digest, often eat body sticks, and have strong legs and feet.

1. Eggs

Compared with beef, the price of eggs is much more affordable, and eggs are high-quality "natural supplements", rich in calcium, protein, a variety of trace elements, etc., the elderly eat 1-2 eggs a day, which helps to improve memory.

Recommended method: [Spiced tea eggs]

1. Prepare a few eggs, wash the shell, then steam the eggs in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the eggs on the grate gently, cover the pot and time for 8 minutes.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

2. Add a little star anise, a few bay leaves, 5 grams of green peppercorns, a small piece of cinnamon, two pieces of rock sugar, and prepare a small bag of tea leaves to soak in water for later use.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

After 3.8 minutes, take the steamed eggs out of the pot, put them in clean water to cool, and then remove the cold eggs and crush the shell for later use.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

4. After all the ingredients are ready, we start to boil tea eggs, boil water in the pot, pour in the prepared accessories, put in the soaked tea leaves, add 5 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of dark soy sauce, 3 spoons of salt, 1 spoon of monosodium glutamate, stir evenly and cook over medium-low heat for 5 minutes, and cook the fragrance of the ingredients.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

After 5.5 minutes, pour the boiled sauce on the eggs, the amount of juice should overflow the eggs, cover with a layer of plastic wrap and marinate for 2 hours, after the eggs are fully flavored, take out the eggs and place them on the plate, and then pour the appropriate amount of juice, and the delicious is ready.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

2. Fish

Fish is easier to digest than beef, and can supplement nutrients for the human body, among which DHA is known as "brain gold", which can alleviate the loss of middle-aged and elderly people.

Recommended method: [Milk white fish soup]

1. Prepare a crucian carp, which has been slaughtered in advance, put it in clean water and rinse the fish inside and out for later use; cut the green onion into water chestnut slices, cut the ginger into slices, and cut the coriander into sections for later use.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

2. Heat oil in the pot, pour out the hot oil after fully sliding the pan, add more cold oil, this step is mainly to prevent the crucian carp from sticking to the pan, when the oil temperature is hot, put in the green onion and ginger slices to stir-fry, drain the crucian carp and put it into the pot, this step must keep the fish body dry, otherwise the fish skin is easy to stick to the pan and break.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

3. Turn on low heat and fry slowly, shake the pan often to heat the fish evenly, gently turn over after one side is set, fry for about 3 minutes, and fry the fish on both sides when it is golden brown.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

4. Put it in a boiling casserole, turn on high heat and simmer, this step is very critical, the high heat can fully stew the protein in the fish, so that the fish soup will be more rich and fragrant, the whole process is high, add a little salt and pepper when the fish soup is milky white, sprinkle in coriander and pour sesame oil before going out of the pot, and it is delicious.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

3. Nuts

For the elderly, eating some nuts in moderation can absorb unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B and other components, which has the effect of preventing Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Recommended method: [cucumber cashew nut]

1. Prepare two cucumbers, peel the outer skin clean, break into several halves to remove the melon pulp inside, in fact, the main thing is that the melon pulp is easy to get out of the water; half a red pepper cut into slices to match the color; a small handful of soaked fungus, remove the hard roots and cut into small pieces; put an appropriate amount of cashew nuts in a bowl for later use.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

2. Burn more oil in the pot, pour in the cashew nuts when the oil temperature is hot, turn on low heat to fry the water inside, if the fire is too big, the cashew nuts are easy to paste, and the same is true for frying other nuts, slowly increase the oil temperature, fry the water dry, turn off the heat after the cashew nuts are slightly yellow, and continue to fry them for five or six seconds and pour them out.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

3. Boil half a pot of boiling water, pour in cucumbers, red peppers and fungus to blanch slightly, take out the cucumbers after they turn green, and immediately rinse them with cold water, so that they taste more crispy.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

4. Add a little base oil to the pot, pour in a little water, add an appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, sesame oil and stir to dissolve the seasoning, add a little water starch, collect the soup until it is slightly sticky, pour in the side dishes and quickly stir evenly, and then pour in the cashew nuts and stir-fry a few times to get out of the pot, and it is delicious.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

4. Soy products

For middle-aged and elderly people, in order to delay bone loss, they must usually eat calcium-containing foods, and soy products, as the first choice for high calcium, not only contain a variety of dietary nutrients, but also promote digestion and are not easy to gain weight.

Recommended method: [Toon tofu mix]

1. Prepare a piece of tender tofu and cut it into one-centimeter square tofu. Finely chop two millet peppers.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

2. Prepare an appropriate amount of toon leaves, put them in boiling water and blanch them, pour them out after scalding until the toon leaves turn green, rinse them with water again, squeeze out the water, and cut them into chopped toons.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

3. Boil half a pot of boiling water, pour the tofu into it and boil it to remove the beany smell, and pour it out quickly after boiling the pot to pass the cold water, so that the taste is more smooth.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

4. Prepare a small basin, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken powder, pour a little more sesame oil to stimulate the fresh fragrance, and add a little warm boiled water to turn into water, and the tofu is easy to break if you mix it directly with the seasoning.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

5. Pour all the chopped toon, millet pepper, and the seasoned sauce on top of the tofu, then pour a little scallion oil to increase the freshness, gently shake it and mix it well, and it will be delicious.

Reminder: When people reach middle age, don't be reluctant to eat! 4 kinds of food are easy to digest and nutritious

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