
It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"It's 'true' that eating meat causes cancer!" On weekend mornings, sunlight spilling into the room through the cracks in the curtains, Chen Hui stretched lazily and prepared to go to his piano lessons. As a programmer, Chen Hui is very busy on weekdays, and his piano lessons on weekends are one of the few times he can relax.

It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

He walked into the piano classroom and unexpectedly ran into his old friend Li Jianguo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Li Jianguo is an internist, and the two were friends in high school. Seeing his old friend, Chen Hui greeted happily: "Hey, Jianguo, I haven't seen you for a long time, why did you come here to learn piano?" ”

Li Jianguo smiled: "Haha, yes, when you're old, you have to cultivate some taste." What about you? How is your health lately? ”

Chen Hui sighed: "Alas, I'll tell you the truth, I've not been feeling well lately. Especially in the stomach, I always feel bloated and often have a dull pain. ”

It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

Li Jianguo frowned: "How are your usual eating habits?" Is it eating too much meat? ”

Chen Hui nodded: "Well, I usually work a lot of overtime and eat a lot of takeout, especially I like to eat heavy things like bacon and sausages." ”

Li Jianguo's expression became serious: "This is not good." In fact, eating meat is not groundless, especially for certain types of meat. ”

Chen Hui asked in surprise, "Huh? Is it really that serious? ”

Li Jianguo nodded and said, "Yes, especially processed meat products, like the bacon sausages you just mentioned." These things are not only high in salt and fat, but also contain a lot of carcinogens. ”

It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

Li Jianguo then began to explain in detail: "According to the report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), cured, smoked and other processed meat products are classified as Group 1 carcinogens, which means that there is enough evidence to prove that they are carcinogenic to humans. In particular, processed meat products such as sausages and bacon produce nitrosamines, which are strong carcinogens. ”

Chen Hui was stunned when he heard this: "Is it just that there is a problem with these processed meat products?" Is fresh meat safe? ”

Li Jianguo shook his head: "Actually, it's not. While fresh meat is not as dangerous as processed meat products, there are certain risks. In particular, regular consumption of red meat, such as pork, beef, and lamb, can also increase the risk of cancer. Studies have shown that excessive intake of red meat increases the risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancers. ”

It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

"One large study followed more than 500,000 people and found that consuming 50 grams of processed meat per day increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent," he added. Consuming 100 grams of red meat per day increased the risk of cancer by 17%. These numbers may not seem like much, but considering that cancer is a cumulative disease, the risks are significant in the long run. ”

After hearing this, Chen Hui's face became solemn: "In this way, there is really a big problem with these things I usually eat." ”

Li Jianguo nodded: "That's right, you need to pay attention to your diet and reduce the intake of these high-risk foods." Eating more fruits and vegetables and getting enough dietary fiber can help reduce the risk of cancer. ”

It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

Chen Hui thought thoughtfully: "Hearing you say this, I really have to adjust my eating habits." ”

Li Jianguo continued: "In fact, many diseases are closely related to diet. For example, if you have an upset stomach, it may not just be because you eat too much meat. There is also a common but easily overlooked problem – constipation. ”

Chen Hui was stunned: "Constipation? Does this have anything to do with carcinogenesis? ”

Li Jianguo nodded and said, "Of course there is." Constipation can cause stool to stay in the intestines for too long, which increases the amount of time harmful substances come into contact with the intestinal wall, which increases the risk of colon cancer. Insufficient intake of dietary fiber, low water intake, and less exercise are the main causes of constipation. ”

It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

Chen Hui suddenly realized: "I see, it seems that you need to eat more fiber-rich foods." ”

Li Jianguo smiled and said, "That's right, like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, these are all good choices." In addition, drinking at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day and exercising in moderation can help you keep your gut healthy. ”

The two chatted with great interest, and Chen Hui felt that he had gained a lot of health knowledge. When parting, Li Jianguo patted Chen Hui on the shoulder: "Adjust your lifestyle well, and you will find that your body will improve a lot." ”

On the way home, Chen Hui couldn't help but think about the conversation just now. He decided to change his eating habits from today onwards, eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat less processed meat products to make his life healthier.

It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage

In addition to dietary changes, what other lifestyle changes can be effective in reducing cancer risk?

In addition to dietary changes, the following lifestyle changes can also be effective in reducing cancer risk:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is a risk factor for many cancers. Maintaining a normal weight through a healthy diet and moderate exercise can reduce the risk of many types of cancer.
  2. Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Smoking is a major cause of many cancers, including lung, oral and laryngeal cancers. Alcohol is also a risk factor for many cancers, especially liver and stomach cancers. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol are important preventive measures.
It's "true" that eating meat causes cancer! The internist reminds: the most carcinogenic meat is not bacon sausage
  1. Regular check-ups: Regular health check-ups, especially cancer screenings, such as breast, cervical, and colon cancer screenings, can detect cancer early and improve cure rates.
  2. Boost immunity: By eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress, you can boost your immune system and help your body fight cancer.
  3. Reduce exposure to environmental pollution: Avoid long-term exposure to harmful chemicals, radiation, and air pollution, all of which may increase cancer risk.

By making a combination of these lifestyle changes, you can greatly reduce the risk of cancer and improve your overall health.

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