
When you are older, it is recommended to eat more of these 5 foods, which is better than eating health products every day, and your body is healthier!

author:Little friends food

As you get older, you become more aware of the importance of a healthy diet to maintain your quality of life. Instead of relying on expensive supplements with varying results, get back to nature and get the nutrients you need from your daily diet.

Below I share five home-cooked dishes that are not only common and easy to cook, but also nutritious and help to strengthen the body and rejuvenate the body from the inside out.

1. Scrambled eggs with cucumbers

When you are older, it is recommended to eat more of these 5 foods, which is better than eating health products every day, and your body is healthier!

Ingredients: 2 cucumbers, 3 eggs, appropriate amount of salt, a little chopped green onion, appropriate amount of cooking oil.

Detailed instructions:

- Wash and slice the cucumbers, beat the eggs and set aside. Add oil to the hot pan, pour in the egg mixture and stir-fry quickly until solidified, then set aside.

- Leave the bottom oil in the pan, stir-fry the chopped green onion until fragrant, add the cucumber slices and stir-fry quickly until broken.

- Return the scrambled eggs to the pot, add salt, chicken essence, adjust the taste, and stir-fry a few times to get out of the pot.

2. Fungus mixed with white fungus

When you are older, it is recommended to eat more of these 5 foods, which is better than eating health products every day, and your body is healthier!

Ingredients: 10 grams of dried fungus and white fungus (after soaking), an appropriate amount of minced garlic and coriander, a spoonful of light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar and sesame oil.

Detailed instructions:

- Soak the fungus and white fungus in advance, wash and blanch, remove and drain and cut into shreds.

- Mix minced garlic, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar and sesame oil into a sauce.

- Put the shredded fungus and white fungus in a large bowl, pour in the sauce and mix well, and finally sprinkle with chopped green onions.

3. Prawn vermicelli pot

When you are older, it is recommended to eat more of these 5 foods, which is better than eating health products every day, and your body is healthier!

Ingredients: 10 prawns, 50 grams of vermicelli, appropriate amount of minced garlic and ginger, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce and oyster sauce, half a cup of water, a little chopped green onion.

Detailed instructions:

- Soak the vermicelli in advance until soft, remove the shell and tail of the prawns, and make a knife on the back to remove the sand line.

- Add oil to a hot pan, stir-fry minced garlic and ginger until fragrant, add prawns and fry until red on both sides.

- Pour light soy sauce, oyster sauce and water into the casserole, add the vermicelli, cover and simmer until the vermicelli is full of soup, mix well and then remove from the pot.

4. Homemade roasted tofu

When you are older, it is recommended to eat more of these 5 foods, which is better than eating health products every day, and your body is healthier!

Ingredients: a box of tender tofu, 100 grams of minced pork, an appropriate amount of green onion and ginger, a spoonful of bean paste, light soy sauce, a little sugar, and an appropriate amount of water starch.

Detailed instructions:

- Cut the tofu into small cubes and blanch them with boiling water until they are fishy; Finely chop the green onion and ginger.

- Add oil to the pan, stir-fry the minced green onion and ginger and bean paste until the red oil is stir-fried, then add the minced pork and stir-fry until it changes color.

- Pour in the tofu, add an appropriate amount of water, add light soy sauce and sugar, and simmer over low heat.

- When the soup is thickened, thicken with water starch, gently turn the tofu to evenly coat the sauce and remove from the pot.

5. Boil the corn

When you are older, it is recommended to eat more of these 5 foods, which is better than eating health products every day, and your body is healthier!

Ingredients: 2 fresh corn cobs, a pinch of salt.

Detailed instructions:

- Peel and whisker the corn cob and wash it well.

- Add enough water to a pot, add the corn, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to medium-low heat and cook for 15-20 minutes.

- Cook the corn until cooked through, remove and let cool before serving.

These five home-cooked dishes, which are delicious and nutritious, are rich in protein, fiber, trace elements, etc., and are the preferred recipes for middle-aged and elderly people to maintain good health and stay away from health care products. Pair these dishes with these dishes in your daily life to enjoy a simple and healthy diet that will make your body stronger and your life better.

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