
6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

author:Dr. Huang talks about health
6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

Wang Hu is a retired teacher, and recently he found that many middle-aged and elderly friends around him are talking about various health products, some say that this health care product can lower blood lipids, some say that health care product can enhance immunity, and some say that a certain health care product can prevent cancer.

Wang Hu was very confused about this, he didn't know whether these statements were true or not, whether he needed to buy health care products, in order to find out the situation, Wang Hu decided to go to the hospital to consult the doctor's opinion.

At the hospital, Dr. Zhang patiently listened to Wang Hu's questions and gave him some routine physical examinations, which showed that Wang Hu's indicators were within the normal range and there were no obvious health problems.

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

Dr. Zhang told Wang Hu that many health care products on the market now have various exaggerated and misleading consumer problems, some health care products have not been scientifically verified at all, some have certain efficacy, but the applicable population is limited, and some may even have safety risks.

Dr. Zhang gave several common marketing tricks for health care products:

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

The first is false advertising, some health products claim to be "curable", claiming to treat various diseases, and even prevent cancer, but in fact, no health care products can play such a role, these are all false advertisements made up by merchants to promote products.

The second is to exaggerate the efficacy, some health supplements may indeed contain some ingredients that are beneficial to health, but their actual efficacy is far less magical than advertised.

For example, some supplements claim to be able to lose weight quickly, but in fact, they are only diuretic or laxative, and do not really help the body burn fat.

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

Thirdly, some merchants will deliberately exaggerate the dangers of certain diseases, and then claim that their own health products can prevent these diseases, so as to stimulate consumers' desire to buy.

But in fact, for healthy people, most chronic diseases can be effectively prevented through a balanced diet and regular exercise, and there is no need to buy health supplements.

In addition, there are also problems with the pricing of some health care products, and merchants create a false impression of "taking advantage" through various preferential activities, such as "buy one get one free" and "flash sale".

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

But in reality, the prices of these supplements are often grossly inflated, and even after discounting, they are much higher than their actual value.

Finally, some health products even have quality and safety problems, due to lax supervision, there are many counterfeit and shoddy products on the market, and some even illegally add hormones, antibiotics and other ingredients, long-term use may be harmful to health.

Dr. Zhang advises Wang Hu that for most healthy middle-aged and elderly people, there is no need to buy health supplements, and the most important thing is to develop a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and maintain a happy mood.

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

If you really want to supplement some nutrients, you can choose some common foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, soy products, etc., which are economical and safe.

If you must buy health supplements, you should also be vigilant and do not easily believe those unreliable sounding claims.

It is necessary to choose products produced by regular manufacturers, carefully check the ingredient list and efficacy description, do not blindly believe in the so-called "ancestral secret recipes" or "imported brands", and at the same time, choose the products that are suitable for you according to your actual needs and under the guidance of your doctor, and do not overdo it.

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

After listening to Dr. Zhang's explanation, Wang Hu suddenly realized that health care products were not as magical as he imagined, and some were even deliberately set by merchants to set consumption traps, and he decided to focus on a healthy lifestyle in the future, and spend money on the blade, rather than blindly chasing the so-called "panacea".

In general, the health care products market is mixed, there are many marketing routines that mislead consumers, false publicity, exaggerated efficacy, panic, inflated pricing, quality problems, etc., are common problems, especially for middle-aged and elderly friends, we must be vigilant and not easily deceived.

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

In fact, for most healthy people, through a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and a happy mood, you can maintain good health, and you don't need to rely on health products, even if you want to supplement some nutrients, you can also achieve it through daily food, which is safe and economical.

Of course, this is not to say that all health care products are deceitful, some products produced by regular manufacturers and strictly controlled by quality control may still be helpful for some specific groups of people, such as malnutrition, recovery period after illness, etc., but even so, it should be used cautiously under the guidance of a doctor, and cannot be blindly superstitious.

6 big circle money routines for health care products, middle-aged and elderly friends should be careful!

Health is the pursuit of each of us, but the path to achieve health varies from person to person, and instead of passively relying on external products, it is better to actively shape one's own lifestyle.

From now on, let us accept health knowledge with an open mind, practice a healthy life with self-disciplined actions, and face every day of life with a positive attitude, because true health comes from our own choices and efforts.

This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspect involved in the text has nothing to do with reality (without any implication). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. ”

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