
AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices

author:Nutrition and Medicine

Original GlobalMD Global Physician Organization 2024-05-12 06:56 United States

AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices

The UK's NHS is the first to fully introduce the application of AI technology, aiming to transform the current medical and health care services covered by universal health insurance, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of disease diagnosis and treatment, and most importantly, use AI-assisted tools to predict and prevent diseases. This is the best way to reduce and save healthcare expenses. Stay tuned for details.

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In healthcare delivery, artificial intelligence (AI) applications have begun to transform the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and doctors are no longer in charge. More and more patients are using GPT-AI to query and even communicate with ChatGPT to make the best choice.

It's no secret that healthcare workers in hospitals face a variety of challenges, including not having enough time to communicate and ask about the condition and cause. In addition, there is an objective rate of misdiagnosis, which is due to the limitations of medical resources and doctors in analyzing the disease.

In this objective context, the internationally renowned cardiovascular expert Dr. In 2019, Eric Topol proposed the concept of "deep medicine", which shows a new AI solution compared to the current "shallow medicine", that is, it does not seek to solve the problem and homogeneous treatment, and doctors apply AI technology to improve the efficiency and quality of diagnosis and treatment, and give full play to the auxiliary functions of medical AI.

AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices

Deep medicine consists of three core pillars: 1) deep phenotyping; 2) deep learning; and 3) deep empathy. Redefining the holistic understanding of patients and diseases in the concept of future medicine.

First, by integrating and analyzing a person's comprehensive medical and health data, including the impact from genetic information (omics data) to the living environment (exposomes); Provide a holographic "portrait" from health to disease. This deep phenotyping approach not only increases the understanding of the condition by the physician and the patient himself, but also helps predict and prevent disease.

The second is to use mature AI algorithms, such as neural networks, to process and analyze large-scale data. This not only speeds up the diagnosis and differentiation process, but also improves the accuracy of processing multimodal data, including medical images and predicting disease trends.

Finally, it is emphasized that the application of AI should enhance the humanistic care of doctors and patients, rather than replace medical staff. AI tools can help reduce the burden on medical staff, allowing them to spend more time and energy interacting with patients, improving compassion and efficacy.

AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices

In short, the use of AI technology combined with humanistic care will surely reshape the future medical-health care service system, which will not only optimize the efficient use of medical resources, but also realize the humanization and intelligence of medical services.

AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices

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Many young people, even middle-aged doctors and technicians, are also peeking into the career development of AI medicine, and we share with you the development and working status of the AI medical career based on the reports and industry forecasts of international industry peers.

AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices
AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices
AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices

What "AI medicine"? What does it really mean?

AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices
AI-driven "deep medicine" is transforming current healthcare practices

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