
AI deceives humans, including deceptive abilities such as manipulation, flattery, and cheating

author:Nutrition and Medicine

Original GlobalMD Global Physician Organization 2024-05-13 06:31 United States

AI deceives humans, including deceptive abilities such as manipulation, flattery, and cheating

The latest report explains that part of the artificial intelligence (ChatGPT AI) has learned how to deceive humans. "AI deception" refers to the systematic induction of false beliefs in pursuit of certain outcomes other than truth. By analyzing examples of AI spoofing, the report discusses the "spoofing" skills of specialized AI systems and GAI (LLMs), especially in the medical field. Stay tuned for details.

AI deceives humans, including deceptive abilities such as manipulation, flattery, and cheating

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With the continuous improvement and application of AI technology, some of these AI systems have demonstrated the ability to "deceive" humans. The so-called "AI deception" refers to the systematic inducing of false beliefs by AI to achieve a specific purpose. This phenomenon has been observed in large language models (LLMs) and other generative AI systems.

The AI learns how to achieve its stated goals through various tricks such as manipulation, sycophancy, and even "cheating" in tests.

Industry insiders are concerned that the enhancement of AI's ability to deceive could raise serious risks, including possible fraud, election tampering, and the loss of full control of AI systems.

Dr. Eric Topol, in his book Deep Medicine: How AI Can Humanize Healthcare Again, argues that AI should be integrated through deep medicine, i.e., through deep phenotyping, deep learning, and deep empathy, to improve current healthcare delivery.

This emphasizes the use of AI to improve patient care and support medical staff's diagnosis and treatment decisions, and strengthen the intelligence of the overall healthcare system, rather than simply pursuing AI-assisted improvement of certain efficiency.

Therefore, it is important to develop a strategy to deal with AI deception to ensure that AI technology adds positive energy to the stability of human society, rather than becoming a dangerous factor that undermines society and human well-being. Stay tuned for details.

AI deceives humans, including deceptive abilities such as manipulation, flattery, and cheating

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