
The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, stay healthy!

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is not to be superstitious!

The ancients said: "If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." "When we first met, everything was so beautiful and pure, but as time went by, complicated interpersonal relationships and endless anxiety seemed to become the norm in life.

"Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." Life is a practice, how to preserve oneself and live a good life in this practice? Let's start with "The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, and stay healthy!" This way of wisdom begins to explore the art of survival of the ancients and the present.

The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, stay healthy!


Listen, what I'm trying to say here is that "not being social" is definitely not about making you withdrawn and self-isolated, but about teaching you how to choose your social style more wisely. Don't rush to refute, listen to me slowly.

Think about Tao Yuanming's poem: "Under the east fence of picking chrysanthemums, you can see Nanshan leisurely." "Isn't that kind of leisurely contentment exactly what each of us yearns for? In today's labyrinthine interpersonal relationships, who says you have to force yourself to fit in? Who says loneliness has to be shameful?

There is a saying in "Zengguang Xianwen": "Acquaintances are all over the world, and there can be a few acquaintances." "Even if you have friends all over the world, how many do you really understand? Instead of losing yourself in the noisy crowd, enjoy the tranquility and freedom of being alone.

As Tolstoy wrote in War and Peace, life is not a carnival, but a practice. Wouldn't it be nice to cut back on those ineffective social activities? Take time for yourself, for your family, and do what you're truly passionate about.

As the saying goes, "it is better to have less than to have more". The same goes for socializing, quality is always more important than quantity. Not being social does not isolate you from the world, but makes you value those people and times that are truly worth associating with.

"Sit alone in the secluded grate, play the piano and howl." Sometimes, a person's time can be so wonderful. So, don't blindly fit in and find a social rhythm that suits you, which is the greatest respect for life.

That's my point of view, it's okay to live your true self if you don't fit in!

The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, stay healthy!

Not anxious

Lin Yi has been smart and studious since he was a child, with lofty ambitions, and he is eager to one day be able to be named on the gold list and glorify his ancestors. However, in the imperial examinations for several consecutive years, he was named Sun Shan. As he grew older, Lin Yi began to feel unprecedented anxiety and pressure, he couldn't sleep at night, couldn't eat sweetly, immersed in the shadow of failure all day long, and even began to doubt his own ability and fate.

One day, Lin Yi happened to meet an old monk who traveled all over the world, and the old monk saw that he frowned tightly and looked haggard, so he stepped forward to ask the reason. Lin Yi told all about his experience and inner anxiety. After hearing this, the old monk smiled slightly and said, "Young man, have you ever heard of the hundred-year-old locust tree in the west of the village? It has endured countless winds, rains, thunders and lightnings, but it is still thriving. The tree doesn't worry about when it blooms and when it loses its leaves, it just changes with the seasons and grows naturally. ”

Afterwards, the old monk led Lin Yi to the old locust tree and asked him to sit and meditate. Lin Yi closed his eyes and pondered, his ears were the rustle of the wind through the leaves, and his heart gradually calmed down. He began to realize that he was too obsessed with the outcome and neglected the beauty and growth in the process. Just like the old locust tree, no matter how the outside world changes, it sticks to its original heart and grows quietly.

Since then, Lin Yi no longer worries all day long, but spends more time reading, traveling, and helping others. He found that when he was no longer anxious about the uncertainty of the future, life became more colorful.

Take a look at how the poet Bai Juyi expressed this state of mind in "Farewell to the Ancient Grass": "Leaving the grass on the plain, one year old and one withered." Wildfires burn inexhaustibly, and spring breezes blow and regenerate. This is not only a depiction of the endless vitality of the natural world, but also a philosophical reflection on the return to peace after the ups and downs of life. Just as the weeds on the plain, they have experienced the withering of autumn and winter, but they can always rejuvenate in the spring breeze, and the same is true of life, experiencing setbacks without anxiety, believing that time will bring new turnarounds.

In the long history of modern literature, Haruki Murakami's novel "Norwegian Wood" also has a profound interpretation of the attitude of "no anxiety". When the protagonist Watanabe is faced with the entanglement of love and friendship and the impermanence of life and death, he chooses to bear it silently, and accepts the gifts and deprivations of life with an almost detached attitude. His inner monologue, as if to tell us: "Don't be impatient, because everything will be a thing of the past." This acceptance of life is the antidote to anxiety.

There is also no lack of embodiment of the concept of "no anxiety" in ancient and modern folk customs. In traditional Chinese culture, the tea ceremony is regarded as a way of self-cultivation. Make a pot of tea, sit quietly in front of the window, watch the tea leaves slowly stretch in the water, taste a sip of tea, and the distracting thoughts in your heart gradually disappear. Just like Zhao Shixiu Shiyun in the Song Dynasty: "If the guests don't come for the night and a half, they will knock on the chess pieces and drop the lanterns." This tranquility and indifference in waiting is exactly the state of "no anxiety" that modern people urgently need to find in their fast-paced lives.

"No anxiety" is a philosophy of life that transcends time and space, which teaches us to maintain a peaceful heart in the chaotic world, and embrace every moment with wisdom and indifference. As the French writer Albert Camus said, "True life is always elsewhere." "Not being anxious means recognizing that the beauty of life lies not only in the ideals of the distance, but also in the solid ground under your feet and the breath of the moment.

Let us learn to find poetry in the trivialities of daily life, discover extraordinary meanings in ordinary days, and walk leisurely on the journey of life with a heart that is not anxious.

The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, stay healthy!


Li Muzhi is simple by nature, although he is not extremely smart, but he has a kind and innocent heart. In addition to studying the books of the sages, he also likes to help his neighbors, so he is loved by everyone.

It is said that in the summer of one year, Moxi Town suddenly experienced a drought, the wells and rivers were exhausted, and the people were miserable. The wise men of the town have offered suggestions, some advocate digging deep wells, and some suggest leading mountain springs, but they are all difficult to implement due to the huge project and limited manpower and material resources. At this time, although Li Muzhi was not a wise man, he was also silently thinking about how to solve the problem.

One day, he occasionally read "Zhuangzi" to the chapter "Ku Ding Jie Niu", and suddenly realized: the person who solves the cow is not to attack the hard bones, but to follow the gaps, and get twice the result with half the effort. So, he thought, water also has its "gap"? In the dead of night, he strolled alone on the ridges, looking at the dry riverbed under the moonlight, and suddenly realized: although the water was gone, the "gap" in the ground may exist, that is, the ancient river channel.

The next day, Li Muzhi informed everyone of his thoughts, but at first he was not convinced. But he was sincere, and said, "I don't want quick results, I just want to try, in case it is feasible, or it can save a town", and the people were finally moved by his sincerity and agreed to give it a try. So, Li Muzhi led several young people to dredge and dig along the ancient river channel, and sure enough, they found an old riverbed in an underground area, and there was still a moist soil layer. Everyone worked together to excavate, and soon a clear spring gushed out, although it was not large, but it was enough to quench the thirst of a moment.

When this matter spread, everyone was impressed, saying that Li Muzhi was not "not smart" than smart. It turns out that if you are not smart, you are not really wise, but you are not thinking of wisdom, you are not showing off your talents, you can tolerate all things, you can look at the micro with your heart, and you can touch people with sincerity. Just as the old saying goes: "Great wisdom is foolish, great ingenuity is clumsy", Li Muzhi proved the wisdom behind not being smart with his sincerity and simplicity.

Not smart, this statement is not to belittle wisdom, but a profound philosophy of life, just like the "treatise on typhoid fever" implied in the principle of "curing the disease", pre-adjusting and preventing the disease, starting when there are no symptoms, it seems to be a rainy day, but in fact it is a step ahead. Zheng Banqiao's "rare confusion" is a vivid portrayal of this wisdom, his words are concise and concise, and the world is insightful and indisputable, and wisdom is not revealed, which is the realm of great wisdom and foolishness.

In modern life, this clear stream of "unintelligent" also flows. The American writer Mark Twain once said, "Common sense is not so commonplace." "In the age of information explosion, people often get lost in appearances, blindly pursue smart labels, and ignore simple truths and common sense.

Therefore, not being smart is actually knowing how to find simplicity in complexity, not being confused by appearances, knowing but not showing, and maintaining a discerning heart that distinguishes between right and wrong.

As the proverb goes, "Be content and happy, and be able to endure yourself." "Not being smart also lies in contentment, knowing how to brake in the face of desire, not being burdened by fame and fortune, and not being disturbed by small things. Jia Baoyu's "Grand View Garden" life in "Dream of Red Mansions" seems to be behind the prosperity, but in fact, he realizes the life philosophy of "truth is also false when fake is true", which is another interpretation of unintelligent, seeing through the glitz in the red dust, but still having a pure heart.

Gu Shiyun: "Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see Nanshan." "Tao Yuanming's seclusion is not really escaping from the world, but taking a scoop of clear stream in the turbid world in an unintelligent state, not competing with the world, and gaining the tranquility of the heart.

Modern life can also follow suit, find a corner of tranquility in the hustle and bustle, steal half a day of leisure in the busy, not trapped by wisdom, but at ease.

The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, stay healthy!

Not involved

Not participating is not only a passive avoidance, but also a wise choice to stay away from right and wrong. There is an ancient saying: "It's none of your business, hang high." Although this sentence may sound selfish, it is extremely practical in today's information-rich and controversial society.

Think of the wise men of ancient times, such as the fisherman in the Zhuangzi, who chose to hide in the rivers and lakes in the face of troubled world affairs, and did not ask about the world, so as to maintain inner peace. This kind of non-participating wisdom allows them to preserve themselves in troubled times, and focus more on their inner cultivation and pursuit.

Looking at the story of the West, Aesop's fable "The Crow and the Fox" tells us that instead of participating in the show-off and deception of the outside world, it is better to remain silent and protect oneself. The fox praised the crow for his beautiful voice, just to deceive the crow into eating the food, and the crow lost the food because of the momentary pride. This parable also warns us not to engage in unnecessary arguments and show-offs in order to avoid falling into unnecessary traps.

Gu Shiyun: "I don't know the true face of Lushan, only because I am in this mountain." "Sometimes, when we get too deeply involved in an event or controversy, we lose our way and lose sight of the truth.

Keeping a certain distance and not getting involved may give you a clearer insight into the merits.

In modern society, information is exploding and public opinion is flying. Every day, countless news, hot spots, and controversies fill our field of vision. But remember the saying: "It's not a big deal for the people who eat melons." "A lot of times, we don't have to be involved in every argument ourselves, and we don't have to spend energy on some pointless arguments.

Qian Zhongshu wrote in "The Siege of the City": "Marriage is a besieged city, people outside the city want to enter, and people in the city want to come out. In fact, this is not only a description of marriage, but also a metaphor for life. We always want to participate more, to get more, but we often ignore that not participating is also a choice, a choice that allows us to stay away from right and wrong.

The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, stay healthy!

Stay healthy

Keeping healthy is not only a simple wish in life, but also the cornerstone of each of us to cherish life. As the ancients said, "the body is the capital of the revolution", and without health, everything will be empty talk.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" profoundly pointed out: "Shanggong cures the disease, but does not cure the disease." "This is not only a high demand for doctors, but also a wake-up call for each of us.

Prevention is always better than cure, and prevention is better than prevention in order to achieve long-term health.

In this fast-paced, high-pressure era, we often rush for work and life, but often ignore the subtle changes in our bodies.

The body is honest and it doesn't lie. Every tiredness, every discomfort, is a warning to us. Therefore, it is particularly important to maintain good living habits and eating habits.

"Go to bed early and wake up early, health and wealth are both profitable." This common saying that modern people often say actually contains profound health wisdom. Regular work and rest and reasonable diet are the two magic weapons to maintain health. At the same time, we cannot ignore the importance of mindset. As the saying goes, "Laugh a little, ten years less." "Peace of mind and joy are also the source of health.

The modern poet Wang Guozhen wrote in "Love Life": "I don't think about whether I can succeed, since I have chosen a distant place, I only care about the wind and rain." Isn't this love of life and the pursuit of health exactly the attitude that each of us should have? Cherish life, start from cherishing health.

This is not only a responsibility to yourself, but also a commitment to your family.

The best way to save your life: not social, not anxious, not smart, not involved, stay healthy!

To sum up, being unsociable, not anxious, not being intelligent, and not participating is not a negative attitude towards life, but a positive way of life. Together, they form the best way to save your life – to keep your mind at peace, away from unnecessary distractions and strife, and to focus on your own happiness and health and that of your family.

It requires us to constantly practice, perceive and adjust in our daily lives. As the saying goes, "Eat the meal one bite at a time, and the road must be taken one step at a time." "Only by practicing these concepts in a down-to-earth manner can we truly cherish our lives, maintain our health, and enjoy life.

Finally, may we all find our own place of tranquility in this complex world. May we all face the ups and downs of life with a peaceful mind and cherish every moment of good time.

Because you only live once, do it and cherish it!

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