
The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is not to be superstitious!

"Dragons soar all over the world, rich in the world." Since ancient times, the dragon has been regarded as a symbol of good fortune and dignity, and its destiny contains extraordinary potential and wealth.

"The dragon gives birth to nine sons, each of them different." The zodiac dragon, as a noble genus of the zodiac, has been closely associated with auspiciousness and wealth since ancient times.

And the dragon sons and dragon girls born on certain dates of the lunar calendar are believed to be destined to have extraordinary fortune. Today, let's talk about this topic and see which zodiac dragons with lunar birthdays are destined to have a brilliant life.

The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

1. Dragons born on the first day of the first lunar month

On the first day of the first lunar month, the zodiac dragon descending on this day full of vitality and hope seems to be the most brilliant color in heaven and earth. They not only carry the blessings of the New Year, but also shoulder the mission of opening a new era. "Zhou Yi Qiangua" has a cloud: "Yuan Henry Zhen, the four virtues of Qian." "The dragon born on the first day of the first lunar month, as shown by the Qiangua, has the qualities of founding, accessibility, suitability and firmness, and has shown otherworldly bearing and intelligence since childhood.

Ancient emperors often chose auspicious days to worship the heavens to pray for the peace of the country and the people, and the first day of the first lunar month is one of the most solemn days. According to the "Historical Records", Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty held a "Congratulations" ceremony on the first day of the first lunar month, which was celebrated by the whole world, implying the prosperity of the country and the well-being of the people. This sense of ritual not only gives the dragons born in the first month a noble status symbol, but also implies that they will lead the trend of the times and create the future like emperors.

As a classic of traditional Chinese medicine, "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" mentions at the beginning: "The sun is sick, the pulse is floating, the head is strong and the head is painful and cold." Although this is a medical discourse, it also enlightens us that, just like the dragons of the New Year, when they are born, although the external environment is still cold, the yang energy (life force) contained in their bodies has begun to rise, indicating that the flowers are about to bloom.

In their life journey, even if they face challenges, they can rely on their inner tenacity and wisdom, like the sun penetrating the ice, to usher in a warm spring.

Looking back on the long history, Su Shi, a literary master of the Song Dynasty, also resembles the style of the New Year Dragon. Su Shi was born on January 8, 1037 A.D., although it is not the first day of the first month, but his birth is close to the beginning of the year, his life is talented, repeatedly degraded without losing his ambition, as he said in "Red Cliff Fu": "Gai will be seen from its change, then heaven and earth have not been able to take a moment." He coped with the ups and downs of life with an open-minded attitude, and was still able to smile at life in his later years, creating masterpieces that have been passed down through the ages, which is the embodiment of the calmness and confidence of the dragons in the first month when facing challenges.

The zodiac dragon born on the first day of the first lunar month is not only the darling of nature's gifts, but also the stage of their life, like an unfolding picture scroll, which not only inherits the wisdom and courage of the ancient sages, but also integrates the innovation and challenges of the modern world, showing a charm and power across time and space.

The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

2. Dragons born on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

Zongzi was first related to the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a doctor of Chu during the Warring States Period, a loyal minister, and was exiled because of greed, and then he was worried about the country and the people, and after the fall of the Chu capital Yingdu into the hands of the Qin State, Qu Yuan threw himself into the Miluo River and was martyred. After hearing the news, the people rowed boats to rescue and salvage, and at the same time put rice dumpling leaves to wrap food into the river to feed the fish and prevent them from eating Qu Yuan's body. As a result, zongzi has become a symbol of the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan's noble and loyal martyrs, implying loyalty and national unyielding, and the feelings of family and country.

Hanging mugwort sachets, also known as sachets, is another feature of the Dragon Boat Festival. In ancient times, people believed that May was the time of evil spirit, and mugwort herbs could ward off evil spirits and avoid plagues. Therefore, on this day, the two sides of the door are hung with wormwood and calamus, and the child wears a sachet on the body, and the sachet contains herbs such as mugwort leaves, cinnamon, and atractylodes, which not only prevents diseases, but also implies auspiciousness. The sachet removes filth, protects health, symbolizes peace, and is also a harmonious symbiosis between family care and nature, reflecting the wisdom and life philosophy of the ancients.

Since ancient times, there has been "May 5, Duanyang; Eat zongzi, hang sachets", highlighting the unique charm of this festival. And the zodiac dragon that came to the world on this special day seems to be born with the auspiciousness of the festival and the legend of the dragon.

In their personalities, they not only have the majesty and dignity unique to the zodiac dragon, but what is even more rare is that they are well versed in the warmth of the world and know how to find a balance between fortitude and tenderness.

This unique personality makes them comfortable in interpersonal communication and can easily win the trust and respect of others.

"There is a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is like a neighbor." This ancient poem describes their communicative talents. Dragons born on the fifth day of the fifth month of the fifth month are good at dealing with people, and their network of contacts is like a dense forest, with lush branches and leaves all over the world.

Because of this, their fortunes are also quite prosperous as if they have received divine help.

In ancient legends, dragons are gods in charge of the waters, able to call the wind and rain to keep the wind and rain in order.

Dragons born on the fifth day of the fifth month of May seem to have inherited this magical ability, except that their "waters" are more embodied in the ocean of commerce and wealth.

"The more friends you have, the easier the road to go", this modern saying has been perfectly interpreted in them. With their personality charm and extensive interpersonal relationships, they are like fish in water in the business sea and are at ease. For them, wealth is like the dumplings of the Dragon Boat Festival, which naturally rolls in.

Not only that, but they are well versed in the truth of "The University" that "if wealth gathers, the people will disperse, and if wealth is dispersed, the people will gather".

While accumulating wealth, they also do not forget to give back to the society and help others, which is a great wisdom and a big pattern, which makes their financial fortune like a tiger with wings.

The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

3. Dragons born on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar

August 15, the Mid-Autumn Festival, a round of bright moon hanging in the sky, the world at this time.

On this day, the zodiac dragon seems to carry the consummation and beauty of the Mid-Autumn Festival, not only the character is as warm as the moon, sincere to others, and business wisdom, they are proficient in the time, well aware of the truth of cooperation, and the art of win-win. As the Analects says: "Harmony but difference, villains are the same but not harmonious." This is exactly the portrayal of the dragons on August 15 - in harmony and independence, gentle and elegant, good at friendship, and harmonious and wealthy.

"Harmony produces wealth", this ancient saying has been given a new dimension in the context of today's times.

On August 15, the dragon not only adheres to the virtue of harmony, but also cleverly combines it with modern business strategies to create new models. As modern business guru Charlie Blankett said, "Strategy is about creating unique value." "They have found unique value in cooperation, and based on harmony, they have built a win-win ecological chain, just like the nodes of the Internet, where every link is powerful and the whole is strong.

In today's interpersonal networking, the dragon on August 15 has transformed harmony into a powerful capital. They have built a broad and deep network of people, and each node is an intersection of resources, supporting and trusting each other. As Lei Jun said: "Connections are your wealth and strength." "They know that harmony generates wealth, and they know wealth even more, and this wealth, the network of people is like moonlight, illuminating the way forward.

In the wave of globalization of the modern economy, the dragon of August 15 demonstrates the philosophy of harmony. They know that cooperation is king. They use harmony as the adhesive, the binder, different resources, and create value together, just like Peter Drucker's blue ocean strategy: "The only purpose of the enterprise is to create customers." ”

They are harmonious, create customers, create value, and achieve mutual benefit, which is the philosophy of harmony.

The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

4. Dragons born on the first day of the tenth lunar month

On the first day of October, the autumn breeze is cool, the cold gradually hits, and everything on the earth begins to enter the state of collection. And the zodiac dragons born at this time of year, their personalities reveal a rare calmness and wisdom, as if the maturity and stability of autumn have given them this trait.

These dragon sons and dragon girls are not impatient, gentle and elegant. They are good at seeing the details of ordinary life day after day, and grasping those business opportunities that ordinary people are difficult to perceive. "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds and muscles."

Therefore, before the time is ripe, they choose to accumulate silently and constantly enrich themselves.

This kind of calmness and wisdom can't help but remind people of those stories that have been passed down through the ages. Like a goujian, he silently accumulated strength in the predicament, and finally shamed himself, which coincided with the dragon born on the first day of October. They also understand the principle of "a gentleman hides his weapon and moves when the time comes", and shows amazing explosive power at critical moments.

"Zhou Yi" has a saying: "Don't use the hidden dragon." This is the best portrayal of the dragon born on the first day of October. They are like dragons lurking in deep pools, temporarily hiding their edges, waiting for the moment when the storm will meet.

And once the time comes, they will be able to ride the wind and waves, soar into the sky, and turn their previous accumulation and hard work into brilliant achievements.

"No accumulation of steps, no thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas. "These zodiac dragons are well aware of the importance of accumulation, and they are constantly absorbing new knowledge and skills in their daily lives to lay a solid foundation for future growth. And when the opportunity comes, they are able to quickly seize it and turn their previous preparations into tangible results.

The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

5. A dragon born on the twenty-third day of the lunar month

On the twenty-third day of the lunar month, when the year is young, the smoke curls and the hearts of the people return home, indicating the approach of the new year and the farewell of the old year.

The zodiac dragons born in this ceremonial day seem to have the eyes of a prophet, they are not only keen to the changes in the world, but also in the complex and changeable market torrent, like a fish in water, showing extraordinary insight and determination. These qualities are just like the words of the "University": "Knowing and then having a certainty, being certain and then being able to be quiet, being quiet and then being able to be peaceful, being at peace and then being able to consider, and then being able to attain it." "The dragon on the twenty-third day of the lunar month is to know the wisdom of stopping, and then move, so that it can be big in the commercial sea.

In "Historical Records: The Biography of the Goods and Colonies", Sima Qian once said: "A wise man has a thousand thoughts, and there must be a mistake; A fool thinks a thousand times, and he will get one. "The dragon of the twenty-third month of the lunar month, with its resourcefulness, integrates classical wisdom into modern business warfare.

They are good at drawing experience from the long river of history, combined with modern data analysis, to find certainty in the rapid change, as if they are the "Zhuge Liang" in the era of big data, in the ocean of information, with the wisdom of "straw boat borrowing arrows", accurately capture business opportunities, make decisive decisions, and achieve a career.

On the twenty-third day of the lunar month, the folk have the tradition of sacrificing the stove, which means sending the old and welcoming the new, and praying for peace and auspiciousness in the coming year. Dragons born on this day have been bathed in such a cultural atmosphere since childhood, they not only inherit the deep feelings of the Chinese nation for the family, but also integrate this emotion into the management of modern enterprises, advocate "family culture", and create a harmonious team atmosphere. They understand that whether it is the ancient "family and everything is prosperous", or the "teamwork" in modern enterprise management, the core is a "and" word, so as to promote innovation and growth.

On the twenty-third day of the lunar month, the dragon of this day, with classical wisdom as the wings and modern business warfare as the field, flies across the long river of time and becomes the messenger of change and innovation.

It not only rides the wind and waves in the business sea, but also plants hope in the home of the soul, integrates the essence of ancient and modern culture, and interprets a commercial hymn across time and space, showing the perfect fit between the profound heritage of Chinese culture and the modern business spirit.

The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

6. A dragon born on the eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar

On the eighth day of the fourth month of the leap month, the accidents of the years are everywhere, like the bright and unique in the starry river.

The zodiac dragon born on this day seems to meet in the sky, overflowing, endowed with a new soul, and blazing a unique path in the business sea, opening up its own territory, heaven and earth. This achievement, as stated in the "Zengguangwen": "Eclectic, self-contained." "The dragon on the eighth day of the fourth month of the leap month is the best of this unconventional, self-contained, and original leader.

"Innovation is the soul of progress." Edison said that the dragon on the eighth day of the fourth month of the leap month is the generation of this soul. They are not satisfied with the status quo, dare to break the old, and dare to try the new. Jobs' "You have limited time, so don't waste your time going to live someone else's life." "The eight dragons of the leap month, they live out of themselves, innovate with innovation, open the way, and prove their existence.

"On the eighth day of the fourth month of the leap month, the dragon leaps into the world." In the pen of modern poets, the dragon on the eighth day of the fourth month of the leap month was born with an extraordinary reflection. For example, the ancient poet Du Fu "will be in the clouds, and the mountains will be small." "The dragon of the eighth day of the leap month climbed to the top, overlooking the sea of commerce, and opened up a new domain. They are not confined to the ancient, with the elegance of poetry, the spirit of modernity, and the spirit of innovation, showing the extraordinary.

The eight dragons of the fourth month of the leap month, they are not only new, but also ancient. "Enlargement" cloud: "The past is the foundation of the present, and the mirror of the present." "They are well versed in the importance of the ancient, and they draw from the wisdom of history to innovate in the present. Such as "ancient moon" and "present poem", the eight dragons of the fourth month of the leap month will integrate the ancient and the modern, a unique furnace, which not only shows the ancient rhyme, but also the wind.

They reflect the past and the present, and integrate the wisdom and poetry of "Guang" into modern creation, showing a unique charm. The dragon on the eighth day of the fourth month of the leap month is the generation of innovation of the times, based on the ancient, unrestrained, opening a new chapter, and writing his own biography.

The 6th lunar birthday of the zodiac dragon hides wealth in his life, but whoever occupies one, has a worry-free life, and is brilliant in his old age

Friends of the Zodiac Dragon, if you happen to be born on one of these six lunar birthdays, congratulations! You are destined for great fortune and a brilliant life.

Of course, destiny is in your own hands, and only by continuous hard work and struggle can you transform these potential wealth into real-life success and happiness.

I hope that every friend of the zodiac dragon can leap and make money in the days to come!

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