
Six rumors about children growing taller, the truth turns out to be like this!


CCTV Beijing, May 21 (Reporter Zhi Chenyang, Intern Reporter Zheng Jieyi) "How to make children grow up" is a topic that parents are very concerned about, especially when they see other people's children growing up crazy and their own children are still "small", I really can't wait to try all the methods that claim to make children grow taller, such as eating calcium tablets, drinking milk, hanging upside down, hanging horizontal bars...... But can these methods really make children grow taller? On the evening of May 20, Fang Yuan, attending physician of the Center for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Immune Diseases of Beijing Luhe Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, was a guest in the live broadcast room of "Central Radio Nutrition Class", shattering six rumors about children's growth.

Six rumors about children growing taller, the truth turns out to be like this!

Experts say that there are many reasons that affect a person's height, among which parental genetic factors account for 60%-70%, and the remaining 30%-40% are affected by acquired factors. According to the "2016 Adolescent Growth and Development Research Report", sixty percent of children are unable to reach or exceed the genetic height of their parents due to acquired factors. Moreover, the positive influence of acquired factors on children's height requires scientific and reasonable intervention to be fully stimulated. Through scientific methods such as nutritional guidance, exercise guidance, sleep security, disease prevention, and drug intervention, we can promote the secretion of human growth hormone in order to improve height.

Therefore, if the parents are tall, the children are not necessarily tall.

Six rumors about children growing taller, the truth turns out to be like this!

Experts said that "little rooster stewed notoginseng" can increase nutrition, thereby promoting the growth and growth of children's bones, but always eating these "big tonic" foods will cause the child's gonadal axis to start early, and secondary sexual characteristics appear in advance. It's like pulling seedlings to help grow, maybe the height jumps in a short period of time, but it compresses the overall growth time.

For example, half a year is five centimeters long, only two and a half years long VS half a year is three centimeters long, and it lasts for four and a half years, which is higher? The answer is clearly the latter.

Six rumors about children growing taller, the truth turns out to be like this!

Experts say that the growth of children's height is mainly due to the growth of long bones, and the amount of calcium determines the hardness of bones. However, calcium is definitely not the main engine that makes bones grow.

Bone growth depends on growth hormones and proteins and nutrients obtained from food. Children who are deficient in growth hormone will not grow tall even if they have enough calcium, while children with insufficient total energy and protein intake will not grow tall with calcium alone.

Six rumors about children growing taller, the truth turns out to be like this!

Experts say that exercise can increase the strength of muscles, and at the same time will help the child's pituitary gland secrete more growth hormone, which will speed up blood circulation and promote the nutrient supply of muscles and cartilage tissue, thereby promoting the growth of cartilage tissue. But this refers to consistent whole-body aerobic exercise.

Hanging upside down and hanging horizontal bars have little effect on children's height growth, and these sports are very risky!

Six rumors about children growing taller, the truth turns out to be like this!

Experts say that if the child's bone age, height, weight, etc. are higher than those of the same age and higher than the average, and the height and weight increase rapidly in a short period of time, special attention needs to be paid to consider whether there is an early sexual development.

In this case, you need to go to a specialist clinic to see a doctor for further examination.

Six rumors about children growing taller, the truth turns out to be like this!

Experts said that the growth of children's height mainly depends on the growth of long bones, and the chondrocytes at the epiphyseal end of the long backbone continue to differentiate and proliferate, so that the bones can grow. However, once the epiphysis is closed, the chondrocytes no longer have the ability to proliferate, and thus lose the possibility of growing taller.

If you want to predict the growth space, you need to have a professional bone age test. It is important to note that once the epiphysis is closed, it cannot grow taller with any medication.

Live Broadcast Preview:

What should I do if my family of origin has a negative impact on my growth? How can I get along better with my family members? At 19:30 on May 21, "CCTV Nutrition Class" invited Shi Yu, a national second-level psychological counselor, to be a guest in the live broadcast room to analyze the importance of family relationships.

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