
Saihan District launched the 2024 National Nutrition Week and Student Nutrition Day

author:Saihan District Urban Management Bureau

In order to further promote the reasonable diet and student nutrition improvement plan, on May 16, the launching ceremony of the 2024 National Nutrition Week and the "5·20" Chinese Student Nutrition Day theme publicity activity in Saihan District was held in the Affiliated Kindergarten of Hohhot No. 30 Middle School.

Saihan District launched the 2024 National Nutrition Week and Student Nutrition Day

With the theme of "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier", the event aims to advocate the public, especially students, to increase the intake of soybeans and milk, and reasonably control the use of edible oil, so as to build a healthier and more nutritious diet.

At the launching ceremony, the staff of the Saihan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted an in-depth analysis of the guidelines for students' diets and the current nutritional status of students by playing a nutrition science popularization video, advocating that through reasonable diet and healthy exercise, the goal of "balancing eating and exercising, and being healthy for a lifetime" can be achieved.

Saihan District launched the 2024 National Nutrition Week and Student Nutrition Day

The participants at the scene said that they had a deeper understanding of nutrition and health through this event. Cheng Zhuocan, a parent of the student, said: "The expert's explanation made me deeply aware of the importance of milk and soy food to children's growth. In the future, I will pay more attention to my children's diet, and try to let my children consume more milk and legumes rich in high-quality protein, less oil and less salt. I believe that through the efforts of our parents, the children's diet will be healthier. ”

Saihan District launched the 2024 National Nutrition Week and Student Nutrition Day

Afterwards, the participants visited the well-arranged nutrition and health exhibition area with great interest and actively participated in the health stall activities. "We hope that through this event, more people will realize the importance of scientific nutrition knowledge and turn it into practical actions to ensure that every child can enjoy a healthy and balanced diet, have a healthy body and a bright future." Wang Jianping, deputy director of the Saihan District Health Commission, told reporters.

Saihan Rong Media / Liu Yitong

Source: New Saihan V

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