
From the beginning of summer to the dog days, don't forget to drink this bowl of soup~~ Clear the heat and relieve the heat, comprehensive nutrition, and spend the summer comfortably~

author:Longnan Liangdang released

After the beginning of summer, don't forget to drink three-bean soup to lay the foundation for your healthy summer, but also for your health in the second half of the year! After the beginning of summer, it is the time of the year when the body's surface qi and blood are more vigorous, and the annual winter disease and summer treatment will also begin. Three-bean soup is best drunk during this period, and can be drunk at the latest until the heat, twice a week.

From the beginning of summer to the dog days, don't forget to drink this bowl of soup~~ Clear the heat and relieve the heat, comprehensive nutrition, and spend the summer comfortably~

The recipe for the three-bean soup comes from the Song Dynasty medical work "Zhu's Collection of Prescriptions". It's all made up of food, it's very safe, it's not only sugar water, but also a super delicious medicinal tea.

1. What three beans are in the three-bean soup?

There are mung beans, red beans and black beans, and the "three beans" have their own strengths and are harmoniously matched.

From the beginning of summer to the dog days, don't forget to drink this bowl of soup~~ Clear the heat and relieve the heat, comprehensive nutrition, and spend the summer comfortably~

1. Black beans have the function of nourishing the kidney, benefiting essence and clearing heat;

2. Mung bean has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and dissipating heat;

3. Red beans have the effect of clearing heat, diuresis and reducing swelling.

Principle: Eating three beans together is a good product for relieving heat, clearing heat, dispelling dampness, and preventing diseases. In the three-bean soup, mung beans and red adzuki beans have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat and dampness, while black beans strengthen the spleen and kidney. Mung beans are cold things, and the addition of black beans has a certain countervailing effect on its coolness. Therefore, for some people with a weak spleen and stomach, especially children and the elderly, it is also very good to drink this soup.

Therefore, three-bean soup can not only clear away heat and heatstroke, but also strengthen the spleen and promote dampness. In this way, people with average physique often consume an appropriate amount of three-bean soup, which will not adversely affect the function of the spleen and stomach. For people with particularly weak digestive function, an appropriate amount of rice can be added to the three beans and boiled into porridge to eat, which also has the effect of clearing heat and strengthening the spleen.

From the beginning of summer to the dog days, don't forget to drink this bowl of soup~~ Clear the heat and relieve the heat, comprehensive nutrition, and spend the summer comfortably~

Second, the effect of drinking three-bean soup

1. Dispel fire and heat, clear away heat and dampness, and do not hurt the spleen and stomach

Eating three beans together is a good product for relieving heat, clearing heat, dispelling dampness, and preventing diseases. Mung beans are cold things, and the addition of black beans has a certain offset against their coldness. Therefore, for some people with a weak spleen and stomach, especially children and the elderly, it is also very good to drink this soup.

2. Painstaking Summer:

For those who lose their appetite and fatigue in the summer, this three-bean soup is very beneficial.

3, Antisputum:

Children are most likely to have prickly heat, the main effect of this soup is to clear heat and relieve heat, strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, and it also has a good effect on prickly heat, and there is no need to worry about hurting the spleen and stomach due to too cold. In fact, the heat poison brought by summer dampness and heat is not only prickly heat, but also various scabies, acne, and eczema.

4. Dispel fire, relieve fatigue, and spend summer safely:

Summer dampness and heat poison not only bring prickly heat, scabies, acne, eczema, etc., but also the most important thing, some people will feel particularly tired in the summer, dizzy and don't want to do anything, the bitter summer, people who are not in good health are really unbearable, if you often cook some three-bean soup to drink, these conditions can be quickly relieved.

3. How to make three-bean soup:

Ingredients: 20 grams of mung beans, red beans, and black beans, and an appropriate amount of rock sugar


1. Wash the beans and soak them in water for 1 hour;

2. Put the three beans into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook slowly for 1 hour, put rock sugar in the beans after flowering and continue to cook for 5 minutes, and eat them with the soup and beans after cooling. The elderly, children, and those with a bad stomach can add brown sugar (brown sugar is warm) instead of rock sugar.

4. Precautions for drinking three-bean soup:

It is best not to eat ice drinks and ice cream during the three-bean soup (if you can insist on not touching ice drinks and ice cream in summer, even if you don't go to winter diseases and summer treatment, the stubborn cold in your body can be half better).

Why can't you eat ice cream on the summer solstice? It's too cruel not to eat ice cream and cold drinks!?

It's not ruthless, it's because the yang energy of the human body is floating on the surface of the body during the summer solstice, and the internal organs are cold. If you are afraid of heat, you can drink cool white open at room temperature, simple and nourishing. If you can stick to a summer solstice without touching ice drinks and ice cream, even if you don't go to winter diseases and summer treatment, the stubborn cold in your body can be half better, especially in winter, you are particularly afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, it will be fine.

P.S. Three-bean soup is good, but you should also pay attention to it

Three-bean soup can be drunk twice a week, and it is not advisable to drink it every day, and it can be drunk until the heat is hot at the latest.

For the elderly, children or those who usually have a bad stomach, you can add an appropriate amount of brown sugar (brown sugar is warm) instead of rock sugar.

The mung bean soup we usually drink has a good effect on relieving the heat, but the bias is cold, and those with spleen and stomach deficiency can't drink it often, so the three-bean soup can just be adjusted. Mung beans and red adzuki beans are both cold things, and the addition of black beans counteracts their coldness to a certain extent. For people with particularly weak digestive function, an appropriate amount of rice can be added to the three beans and boiled into porridge to eat, which also has the effect of clearing heat and strengthening the spleen.

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