
Doctor: I don't want to be abnormal, I can't do these few things Relaxing before going to bed is a healthy habit that many people think can help relieve the stress of the day.

author:Möngke talks about health

Doctor: If you don't want to be abnormal, you can't do these things

Relaxing before bed is considered by many to be a healthy habit that can help relieve the stress of the day and promote sleep. However, doctors point out that some ways of relaxing may not be suitable for everyone, and even some behaviors may increase health risks and cause abnormalities in the body. Therefore, when relaxing before bed, there are a few things to pay attention to to keep your body healthy and stable.

Don't stay up too late. Although staying up late may make people feel more relaxed, staying up late for a long time can accumulate sleep debt, leading to a disruption of the body's biological clock, affecting normal metabolism and immune function. In addition, staying up late can also increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Therefore, in order to maintain the health of the body, one should try to avoid staying up late excessively and ensure adequate sleep time.

Don't overindulge in electronic devices. Using electronic devices for a long time, such as mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc., before going to bed can affect the quality of sleep, leading to insomnia, anxiety and other problems. In addition, excessive use of electronic devices can also affect vision, increase the burden on the cervical and lumbar spine, and lead to problems such as eye fatigue, cervical spondylosis, and lumbar disc herniation. Therefore, when relaxing before bedtime, you should try to avoid using electronic devices to allow your eyes and body to get enough rest.

Don't drink too much alcohol or eat too many sweets. While drinking alcohol and eating sweets may be relaxing, long-term excessive alcohol consumption can impair liver function and lead to diseases such as fatty liver and cirrhosis, while eating too many sweets can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Therefore, when relaxing before bedtime, one should try to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and sweets and maintain a healthy diet.

Don't overindulge in work or other stressors. Being under high levels of tension and stress for a long time can lead to a decline in the body's immune function and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, digestive system disease, etc. Therefore, when relaxing before bedtime, you should try to avoid overthinking, relax your mind, and do some relaxing and enjoyable activities, which can help relieve stress and promote sleep.

Relaxation before going to bed is important, but the ways and methods of relaxation should also be moderate and scientific. Avoiding excessive late nights, excessive use of electronic devices, excessive alcohol consumption or eating too many sweets, and excessive indulgence in work or other stressors can help keep your body healthy and stable and avoid unusual situations. Therefore, I hope that you will pay attention to these precautions and take care of your health when relaxing before bedtime.

When relaxing before bed, you should also be careful not to overindulge in negative emotions or negative thoughts. Long-term immersion in negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, anger, etc., can have adverse effects on physical and mental health, increasing the risk of mental illness. Therefore, when relaxing before going to bed, you should try to adjust your emotional state, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and relax your mood by listening to soft music, reading pleasant books, and communicating with family and friends.

Also take care to control your body temperature when relaxing before bedtime. Excessive hot bathing before bedtime or exercising in a hot environment can lead to high body temperature and affect sleep quality. A cold environment can cause discomfort and affect sleeping. Therefore, when relaxing before bedtime, you should choose a suitable temperature environment to make your body feel comfortable and help promote sleep.

Also take care to avoid overly excited or stimulating activities when relaxing before bedtime. Playing games, watching TV dramas, stimulating physical activities, etc., for a long time, can lead to an overactive excitatory nervous system and affect the quality of sleep. Therefore, when relaxing before bedtime, you should choose some relaxing activities, such as listening to music, doing yoga, doing breathing exercises, etc., which will help relax the body and mind and promote sleep.

Relaxation before going to bed is important, but the ways and methods of relaxation also need to be moderate and scientific. Avoiding over-indulgence in negative emotions, controlling body temperature, and avoiding overly excited or stimulating activities can help maintain physical and mental health and promote good sleep quality. Therefore, we hope that you will pay attention to these precautions, take care of your physical and mental health when relaxing before bedtime, and enjoy a healthy sleep.

Doctor: I don't want to be abnormal, I can't do these few things Relaxing before going to bed is a healthy habit that many people think can help relieve the stress of the day.
Doctor: I don't want to be abnormal, I can't do these few things Relaxing before going to bed is a healthy habit that many people think can help relieve the stress of the day.
Doctor: I don't want to be abnormal, I can't do these few things Relaxing before going to bed is a healthy habit that many people think can help relieve the stress of the day.

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