
Can vaginitis really heal itself? Is it really okay to drag on and leave it untreated? Pay attention to these three harms! Don't put it off any longer! ✨ I believe that many friends who have vaginitis have had this kind of thought

author:Qin Jiajia, an expert in gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine

Can vaginitis really heal on its own? Is it really okay to drag on and leave it untreated? Pay attention to these three harms! Don't put it off any longer!

✨ I believe that there are many friends who have vaginitis, have this kind of thought, isn't it just an itch underneath? Patience is over, or go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine and rinse it back, or plug the medicine, go to the hospital and troublesome, and a little embarrassed, I really can't bear it, and it is too late to go to the hospital to see it.

🖋 But in this way, it is a fluke mentality, and it is really not very responsible for yourself. As for vaginitis, if left untreated, there is a possibility of self-healing, but at the same time, there is a very high chance of aggravation or ❗ even other organ infections ❗❗ as usual

📝 Because the initial onset of vaginitis is related to your own immunity, when your immunity is low, and you are invaded by pathogenic bacteria, your own physique is very suitable for the growth of germs, it is easy to attack.

🔹 If your vaginitis symptoms are mild, your own immunity is better, and your lifestyle habits are better, it is possible that you will get better on your own, but it is easy to relapse due to the decline of resistance again.

⚠️ However, if your own resistance is relatively poor, and you do not pay attention to nursing and hygiene of the genitals in your daily life, then it is very likely to aggravate the disease.

❌ The following hazards will occur

1. Reduced quality of life

The vagina has a certain ability to clean itself, and some patients may experience some reduction in symptoms after a period of vaginitis. However, if left untreated, symptoms can recur and have a significant impact on quality of life.

2. Trigger other inflammations

The early infection of vaginitis is confined to the vagina, but as the disease progresses, the inflammation may gradually expand and may be accompanied by urethritis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.

3. Infertility

In severe vaginitis, the environment in the vagina changes, which is not conducive to sperm survival, so that sperm cannot combine with the egg normally. Even when the inflammation ascends to the pelvis, it is likely to affect the fallopian tubes, resulting in blockage of the fallopian tubes, resulting in infertility.

✅ So what should you do if you find out you have vaginitis?

1. Go to the hospital for a routine examination of vaginal discharge during non-menstrual periods to confirm the nature of your vaginitis.

2. According to the results of leucorrhea examination, standardize medication and actively treat.

3. It is necessary to do a regular review, and if the vaginitis does not occur again for three consecutive months, it can be said that the vaginitis is better clinically.

✔️ As for vaginitis in the early stage, as long as it is actively treated and the medication is standardized, most of them can achieve the goal after a course of treatment, but after treatment, it is also recommended to go to the hospital for re-examination to understand whether the original pathogenic bacteria have turned negative, and then stop taking the drug.

⚠️ If your vaginitis has been recurring for a long time, and it doesn't work to use Western medicine, it means that there is a problem with your physique and your resistance is very bad.

🔹 The constitution of vaginitis patients, generally speaking, is heavy moisture, heavy moisture in the body, it is very suitable for the growth of pathogenic bacteria, just using Western medicine, just sterilization, but the body is still wet, the wet environment nourishes the growth of fungi, which will cause the spores to grow hyphae, so that the inflammation begins to attack.

🔹 The use of traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning is to drain the dampness, so that the environment in the body is not suitable for the growth of pathogenic bacteria, so that vaginitis will slowly stop attacking.

#Gynecological inflammation##Traditional Chinese medicine gynecology##Health science##Vaginitis##关爱女性健康#

Can vaginitis really heal itself? Is it really okay to drag on and leave it untreated? Pay attention to these three harms! Don't put it off any longer! ✨ I believe that many friends who have vaginitis have had this kind of thought
Can vaginitis really heal itself? Is it really okay to drag on and leave it untreated? Pay attention to these three harms! Don't put it off any longer! ✨ I believe that many friends who have vaginitis have had this kind of thought
Can vaginitis really heal itself? Is it really okay to drag on and leave it untreated? Pay attention to these three harms! Don't put it off any longer! ✨ I believe that many friends who have vaginitis have had this kind of thought

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