
Broilers are "emaciated, don't grow meat, and have poor feed intake", what's going on? How to recuperate?

author:Wow Sai veterinarian

The main goal of breeding broilers is to make it fat, reduce the feed-to-meat ratio, and improve the breeding efficiency. However, in the actual breeding process, we often encounter problems such as broiler emaciation, no meat, and poor feed intake, which is a headache. So, what is the reason for this problem in broilers? How can it be improved?

Broilers are "emaciated, don't grow meat, and have poor feed intake", what's going on? How to recuperate?

First, the solution.

1. Adjust the feed

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the vocabulary contains sufficient nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals to meet the needs of broiler growth. If necessary, the chickens can be supplemented: Wei Mine Swordsman + Cod Liver Swordsman to meet their nutritional needs. Secondly, pay attention to the quality and freshness of the feed, and avoid using expired or spoiled feed. Regular use of mold removers, such as mold-free swordsmen, to reduce the adverse effects of mycotoxins on chicken growth.

2. Improve the environment

Improving the breeding environment is also an important measure to promote the growth of broilers, first of all, to ensure that the chicken house is well ventilated to avoid air pollution and high ammonia concentration. Secondly, it is necessary to control the temperature and temperature in the chicken house to avoid too high or too low temperature and humidity to adversely affect the growth of broilers. In addition, it is necessary to keep the chicken house clean and hygienic, clean up the manure and disinfect the chicken house regularly to prevent the spread of diseases.

3. Regulate the intestines and treat diseases

In the later stage of growth, broilers may have intestinal damage and inflammation due to a variety of diseases or parasites, which will affect digestion and absorption, resulting in emaciation and reduced feed intake. We need to use it in time: Likang Swordsman + Changyi Swordsman to promote the recovery of the damaged intestinal mucosa, and replenish the intestinal beneficial bacteria, restore the digestion and absorption function of the intestines, and gradually improve the growth rate of the flock.

Broilers are "emaciated, don't grow meat, and have poor feed intake", what's going on? How to recuperate?

2. Cause analysis.

The problem of "emaciation, no meat, and poor feed intake" in broilers may involve many aspects, mainly including insufficient feed nutrition, poor feeding environment, and disease problems.

First of all, insufficient feed nutrition is one of the important causes of broiler wasting. If the feed lacks essential nutrients, or the feed quality is poor, it will affect the growth and appetite of broilers. Secondly, the breeding environment is also an important factor affecting the growth of broilers. If the house is poorly ventilated, the temperature is too high or too low, the humidity is too high, etc., it will adversely affect the growth of broilers. Finally, disease is also an important cause of wasting in broilers. Some common intestinal diseases such as enteritis, glandulositis, intestinal parasites, etc., will affect the appetite and growth of broilers.

Broilers are "emaciated, don't grow meat, and have poor feed intake", what's going on? How to recuperate?

In summary, the problem of "emaciation, no meat growth, and poor feed intake" of broilers may be caused by a variety of factors, which requires us to improve from many aspects such as feed adjustment, feeding environment improvement, disease treatment and intestinal conditioning. Through scientific management and conditioning, the growth rate and meat quality of broilers can be effectively improved, and better economic benefits can be achieved.

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