
Is chronic pharyngitis difficult to cure? TCM conditioning refreshes your throat!

author:Department of Urology, Wang Wei

On a cold winter night, Xiao Ling sat at her desk, holding a thick medical book in her hand, her brows tightly locked, as if thinking about some important question. The wind whistled outside the window, and the cold hit her, making her feel some discomfort in her throat.

"Ahem." She coughed softly, her throat growing even more uncomfortable. She frowned and began to think back to the recent condition of her throat.

A few days ago, she suddenly felt a little dry in her throat, and coughed a few times inadvertently, thinking that it was just a temporary minor problem, and she didn't pay much attention to it. However, the discomfort in her throat has not gone away, but has become more and more serious, making her a little anxious.

She remembers that she has been busy with work recently, facing the computer screen all day long, constantly holding meetings and talking, perhaps because her throat is a little wronged. She thought of her friend Xiao Min, who had been in a similar situation before, but later regained her throat health through a TCM conditioning method.

"Maybe I should consult a TCM practitioner to see if it can solve my problem." Xiao Ling thought to herself and decided to go to a Chinese medicine expert the next day.

Is chronic pharyngitis difficult to cure? TCM conditioning refreshes your throat!

Etiological analysis of chronic pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis is a common laryngeal disease with complex and diverse causes, including the following:

Environmental factors: Chronic pharyngitis is often closely related to environmental factors, such as dry climate, airborne dust, smoke and other irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, which may cause laryngeal inflammation.

Lifestyle habits: Long-term bad lifestyle habits are also one of the causes of chronic pharyngitis, such as long-term loud noises, smoking, excessive drinking, etc., which will cause damage to laryngeal health.

Overuse of the voice: Certain occupations that require loud speech or singing for long periods of time, such as teachers, actors, etc., are prone to chronic pharyngitis.

Respiratory tract infection: Laryngeal infection is also one of the common causes of chronic pharyngitis, especially respiratory diseases such as colds and flu, which can easily cause laryngeal inflammation.

Decreased immune function: Differences in immune function among individuals can also affect susceptibility to chronic pharyngitis, and immunocompromised people are more likely to develop the disease.

The above is an analysis of the possible causes of chronic pharyngitis, and understanding these causes can help us better prevent and treat chronic pharyngitis.

Is chronic pharyngitis difficult to cure? TCM conditioning refreshes your throat!

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning methods

Clear away heat and detoxify, moisten dryness and relieve cough

The TCM treatment method of chronic pharyngitis focuses on clearing heat and detoxifying, moisturizing dryness and relieving cough, aiming to improve pharyngeal inflammation and enhance immunity. These methods are derived from TCM's understanding of the internal balance of the human body, and the purpose of regulating pharyngeal health is achieved through the adjustment of drugs, diet and lifestyle habits.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment

The treatment of chronic pharyngitis with traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine is mainly to clear away heat and detoxify, moisten dryness and relieve cough. For example, Chuanbei, lily, wheat Dong, etc. have the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing heat and dissolving phlegm; Raw land, radix radix, etc. can clear away heat and detoxify, cool blood and stop bleeding. These medications, when properly combined, can effectively relieve pharyngeal discomfort and promote pharyngeal tissue repair.

Traditional Chinese medicine fumigation

Traditional Chinese medicine fumigation is a traditional Chinese medicine method suitable for the treatment of chronic pharyngitis. By using Chinese herbs that have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, moisturizing dryness and relieving cough, fumigating the pharynx can promote local blood circulation, accelerate the resolution of inflammation, and relieve throat discomfort.

Oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine

Oral Chinese medicine is one of the common methods for the treatment of chronic pharyngitis. According to the specific condition of the patient, TCM selects appropriate TCM preparations, such as granules, pills, etc., to regulate the internal environment, enhance immunity, and achieve the purpose of healing.

Traditional Chinese medicine health conditioning


Light and easy to digest

Patients with chronic pharyngitis should adopt the principle of light and easy digestion in terms of diet, and avoid eating irritating foods, such as spicy and greasy, so as not to aggravate pharyngeal inflammation. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, light porridge and cooked foods to keep your gastrointestinal tract healthy.

Drink plenty of water

Adequate hydration is especially important for people with chronic pharyngitis to help dilute phlegm and relieve throat discomfort. It is recommended to drink more than eight glasses of water a day, you can drink some warm water or warm tea, and avoid drinking excessively cold or hot beverages.

Is chronic pharyngitis difficult to cure? TCM conditioning refreshes your throat!

Lifestyle conditioning

Keep indoor air fresh

Indoor air quality directly affects pharyngeal health, and patients with chronic pharyngitis should keep indoor air fresh, ventilate regularly, and avoid inhaling harmful gases and dust.

Avoid staying up late

Good sleep is one of the important factors in maintaining good health, and patients with chronic pharyngitis should pay special attention to avoid staying up late and ensure sufficient sleep time, which helps to improve immunity and promote physical recovery.

The above are some practical suggestions for TCM conditioning methods and health conditioning, hoping to help patients with chronic pharyngitis. In daily life, reasonable diet, pay attention to lifestyle habits, actively cooperate with doctors' treatment, and regular follow-up visits can better manage chronic pharyngitis and maintain pharyngeal health.

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