
Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when too much moisture accumulates in the body, it will feel like being wrapped in wet clothes, which is what Chinese medicine calls "wet and heavy as wrapping". In the summer, humidity tends to get in.

So, where does moisture come from? 4 reasons why you can't ignore it!

Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

First of all, overeating

Long-term excessive eating may cause food accumulation, affect digestion, and cause moisture. Excessive drinking or eating will lead to food and drink stagnation in the stomach and intestines, causing excessive dampness.

You can give it a try, if you eat too much dinner for a certain period of time, and when you stick out your tongue in the morning, you will find a layer of white and greasy tongue coating, which is the moisture that appears due to "food accumulation".

Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

And the temperature is high in summer, at this time, fruits, ice cream, and cold drinks have become a weapon to cool off, but many people ignore the summer heat, the human body releases the greatest yang energy, the spleen and stomach function becomes weaker, the spleen and stomach are injured by the cold, and the dampness evil comes.

Second, sedentary lifestyle

I believe that many people don't want to go out to exercise in the summer, and like to nest at home to escape the heat, in fact, sedentary life will also cause the spleen and stomach to be unlucky, resulting in excessive moisture.

If you sit for half a day and find that your feet are a little swollen, your appetite is poor, and you even vomit, this is a sign of insufficient spleen and stomach and dampness.

Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

Also, blow cold air conditioning all day long

Although it is said that blowing cold air conditioners in summer can help cool down the body and feel very comfortable, if you blow cold air conditioners all day, you may experience symptoms of dizziness and heavy body, because blowing cold air conditioners will make sweat poor, and water moisture will spread all over the body, resulting in aggravated moisture.

Also, it's staying up all night

Some people may not know that staying up late will also lead to heavy dampness, and when people stay up late, the yang energy cannot be hidden, and the body cannot be recuperated, resulting in a lack of yang energy in the spleen and stomach.

Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

So, how to regulate people with heavy body moisture? Here are 2 ways to help!

(1) Choose dietary therapy

To get rid of dampness, there is a relatively simple dietary therapy method, that is, "red bean barley porridge". The "red beans" in this porridge actually refer to red adzuki beans. There may be people in life who can't tell the difference between red adzuki beans and red beans, you can observe carefully, there is still a difference between them. The red adzuki bean has a slender body and a complete red bean grain, which is slightly larger than the red adzuki bean. For the effect of removing dampness, red adzuki beans are stronger than red beans.

Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

Barley is also known as coix seeds, raw coix seeds and fried coix seeds, all have the effect of removing dampness. It's just that raw coix seeds are cold, and if they are used directly to cook porridge, they are easy to hurt the spleen. The coldness of fried coix seeds will be reduced, so its dampness removal effect will be better. Therefore, when cooking "red bean and barley porridge", you should choose fried coix seeds.

The method of frying coix seeds is not complicated, if you have time, you can fry it yourself, if you don't want to do it yourself, you can go to the pharmacy to buy ready-made fried coix seeds.

It is recommended that when cooking red bean and barley porridge, you can add some gourd appropriately, the taste is richer, and the spleen can be strengthened and dampness can be dispelted at the same time.

Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

(2) Soak your feet often before going to bed

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the feet flow qi and blood, connect the internal organs, and can also pass through the inside and outside, and there are many nerve endings and acupuncture points in the feet, which are called the "second brain". The foot is farthest from the heart, and it is difficult for blood to flow to the foot,

Therefore, soaking your feet often before going to bed can promote blood circulation, dilate the blood vessels in your feet, stimulate the corresponding organs, and help dispel dampness and cold.

Where does moisture come from? 4 reasons should not be ignored, regulate moisture, learn 2 methods may help

However, when soaking the feet, it is not that the higher the water temperature, the better, generally keep it at about 42 degrees, too high will burn the skin, too low the effect of dampness is poor.

If you can add some herbs such as ginger, wormwood, pepper, and safflower to your foot soak, the nutrients in these herbs will penetrate into the body and help remove moisture from the body.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet

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