
What causes ducks to shake their heads? What disease? How to treat it? What disease does a duck die of shaking its head?

author:Wow Sai veterinarian

In the process of duck breeding, sometimes we see the symptoms of shaking their heads, sometimes accompanied by runny nose, tears and other manifestations, what is the reason? Is there something wrong with the duck? Today, let's analyze the causes and solutions together, and you can refer to them.

What causes ducks to shake their heads? What disease? How to treat it? What disease does a duck die of shaking its head?

Duck head shaking symptoms can be caused by a number of reasons:

1. Duck infectious serositis

This is an acute or chronic septic disease caused by Riemerella duck plague and mainly affects ducklings and young ducklings. Once infected, ducks may show symptoms such as listlessness, drowsiness, neck shrinkage, runny nose, and moist and sticky discharge from the corners of their eyes. At the same time, ducks will also have neurological symptoms, such as shaking their heads, falling sideways, leaning back, backwards, kicking their legs, etc.

During the treatment, you can use: Anjian + Qingjie swordsman + florfenicol, these three are mixed and used for ducks, which can be used for 3~5 days to solve the problem of serositis in ducks, and the effect of treating duck serositis is very good.

What causes ducks to shake their heads? What disease? How to treat it? What disease does a duck die of shaking its head?

2. Duck cold

When the weather changes suddenly, such as wind and rain, ducks are prone to catching a cold if they fail to take shelter in time. Ducks with a cold may show symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing, and neurological symptoms such as shaking their heads.

For ducks with colds, in the treatment, we can use: Qingjie Swordsman + Asthmatic Swordsman + Doxycycline, combined with Weikuang Swordsman, to alleviate symptoms, supplement nutrition, and improve immunity.

What causes ducks to shake their heads? What disease? How to treat it? What disease does a duck die of shaking its head?

3. A variety of diseases mixed with feelings

Sometimes ducks may be infected with multiple viral diseases at the same time, resulting in complex conditions such as shaking their heads. These viral diseases may include avian influenza, duck plague, etc. In addition, avian cholera and E. coli disease can also cause ducks to shake their heads. Avian cholera is an acute infectious disease, and sick ducks may show symptoms such as mouth, nasal discharge, foamy fluid, and frequent head shaking. E. coli disease is caused by E. coli, and sick ducks may have symptoms such as difficulty breathing.

If it is a duck head shake caused by a variety of diseases, we need to choose the appropriate antibiotic or antiviral drug combination treatment according to the specific cause. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the feeding environment, provide suitable feed and drinking water, strengthen the nutrition and immunity of ducks, and promote the recovery of sick ducks.

What causes ducks to shake their heads? What disease? How to treat it? What disease does a duck die of shaking its head?

In conclusion, the symptoms of duck head shaking can be caused by a variety of causes, and we cannot determine the cause by just one symptom. In the actual breeding, we need to observe more, combined with the syndrome of sick ducks to find out the specific causes, and then targeted treatment to ensure a better treatment effect.

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