
Why do geese get enteritis? How to treat a goose with enteritis and diarrhea? Here's the good way

author:Wow Sai veterinarian

Enteritis is a very common problem in goose breeding, its occurrence is directly related to poor feeding management, no matter which stage of growth geese will get enteritis, the typical symptom is diarrhea, loss of appetite. Next, let's take a look at the causes and treatment of the high incidence of goose enteritis.

Why do geese get enteritis? How to treat a goose with enteritis and diarrhea? Here's the good way

1. Treatment of thrush enteritis

For the treatment of goose enteritis, a treatment plan needs to be developed on a case-by-case basis.

1. Medication

Depending on the cause and symptoms of enteritis, the appropriate drug is selected for treatment. For example, if it is caused by a bacterial infection, it can be treated with antimicrobial drugs, such as: Likang Swordsman + Enrofloxacin; If it is caused by intestinal flora imbalance, probiotics can be used to regulate, for example, use: Likang Swordsman + Changyi Swordsman for treatment and conditioning.

Both of these treatments are very effective.

2. Improve feeding management

Strengthen the cleanliness and hygiene of the goose house, disinfect it regularly, provide clean feed and drinking water, and avoid feeding moldy and spoiled feed. If enteritis is caused by mold poisoning, it should be used in time: a mold-free swordsman to help decompose and excrete mycotoxins and reduce the symptoms of poisoning.

3. Regular deworming

If the goose has intestinal inflammation caused by coccidiosis in the body, we should use it in time: sulfachloropyrazine sodium + Likang swordsman, the treatment effect is very good.

Why do geese get enteritis? How to treat a goose with enteritis and diarrhea? Here's the good way

2. Reasons for the high incidence of goose enteritis

1. Poor feeding management

Poor sanitation of the goose house, feed and drinking water are not clean, resulting in the breeding of germs, mold, etc., and the geese are susceptible to infection when foraging or drinking, resulting in germs entering the intestines, causing intestinal infection and damage, thus causing enteritis.

2. Feed problems

In summer, the air humidity is high, the temperature is high, the feed is very easy to mold and deteriorate during storage, and feeding the goose flock with moldy and spoiled and rancid feed will cause irritation and damage to the goose's intestines, causing fungal enteritis.

3. Stress factors

Due to drastic changes in the climate, geese suffer from cold or heat stroke, which may also lead to the occurrence of enteritis.

4, parasites

Certain parasites, such as coccidiosis, the most common, can damage the intestinal mucosa when they live in the intestines of geese, causing intestinal bleeding and inducing inflammation.

Why do geese get enteritis? How to treat a goose with enteritis and diarrhea? Here's the good way

In summary, there are many causes of goose enteritis, including many aspects. When we encounter the problem of goose enteritis, we must first find the cause, and then take corresponding measures to ensure the treatment effect and promote the recovery of the sick goose as soon as possible.