
Take stock of the 6 major symptoms of pyelonephritis, in addition to treatment, we must also do a good job in these 3 major care

author:Dr. Zhang said anesthesia

Health problems occur in our daily lives, and sometimes, we may ignore some seemingly inconspicuous symptoms, but they can be signals from the body that we need attention. Today, I would like to talk to you about a common but easily overlooked health problem – pyelonephritis.

Take stock of the 6 major symptoms of pyelonephritis, in addition to treatment, we must also do a good job in these 3 major care

It was an ordinary afternoon, and Xiao Ming felt that he was suddenly bothered by an urgent urge to urinate. He didn't care, thinking that he might have just drunk too much water, so he went to the bathroom. However, he noticed a tingling sensation when peeing, which bothered him a little. A few days passed, and the pain did not go away, but instead there was a dull ache in his lower back, and he began to notice that the color of his urine had also changed somewhat. Xiao Ming was going to be patient, but when he started to experience symptoms of fever and elevated body temperature, he realized that something serious might be happening.

Xiao Ming went to the hospital in time, and the doctor diagnosed pyelonephritis. This pain, which was once ignored by Xiao Ming, turned out to be the body sending a distress signal. After prompt treatment and correct care, Xiao Ming recovered quickly. This story teaches us that even seemingly inconspicuous symptoms can be a sign of something wrong with the body that we cannot ignore, let alone take lightly.

Six symptoms of pyelonephritis

Pelonephritis is a common urinary tract infection that can cause discomfort and even serious complications for patients. Here are the top six common symptoms of pyelonephritis:

Frequent urination: Patients may urinate frequently, especially at night. This is because the urinary tract is infected, which affects the flow of urine, making it necessary for the patient to urinate more often.

Urgency to urinate: People with pyelonephritis may suddenly feel a strong urge to urinate, even if the amount of urine is low.

Painful urination: Painful urination is one of the common symptoms of pyelonephritis, and patients may experience burning, tingling, or painful sensations when urinating, causing them discomfort and distress.

Take stock of the 6 major symptoms of pyelonephritis, in addition to treatment, we must also do a good job in these 3 major care

Low back pain: Due to inflammation of the kidneys, patients may experience discomfort or pain in the lower back or abdomen, which is often persistent and affects the patient's daily life and work.

Changes in urine color: Pyeelonephritis may cause the urine to become cloudy or even bloody. This is because urine contains bacteria and white blood cells, which cause changes in its color and clarity.

Fever: pyelonephritis is often accompanied by fever, and the patient may have an elevated temperature and even chills. This is due to the body's immune response to bacterial infections.

These symptoms are common manifestations of pyelonephritis, and if you or someone close to you has similar symptoms, it is recommended to seek medical attention and receive professional treatment and care to avoid further deterioration of the disease.

Take stock of the 6 major symptoms of pyelonephritis, in addition to treatment, we must also do a good job in these 3 major care

Care measures for pyelonephritis

Maintain adequate hydration

Adequate fluid intake is the cornerstone of pyelonephritis care. Drinking enough water promotes the production and excretion of urine, helps to cleanse the urinary tract, and reduces the chance of bacterial growth. It is recommended to drink at least 1500-2000 ml of water per day, but it should be increased or decreased according to the individual's physical condition.

Urinate promptly and avoid excessive urination

Holding urine for a long time can easily cause bacteria to multiply in the urinary tract, increasing the risk of infection. Therefore, timely urination is one of the important measures to prevent pyelonephritis. Try not to hold urine excessively and keep your urinary tract open.

Maintain personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene is essential to prevent pyelonephritis. When women clean their private parts, they should pay attention to wiping from front to back to avoid bringing intestinal bacteria into the urethra and reducing the chance of infection. At the same time, keeping the vulva dry and clean can reduce the environment where bacteria can grow.

Take stock of the 6 major symptoms of pyelonephritis, in addition to treatment, we must also do a good job in these 3 major care

Other care recommendations


Diet also has an impact on the recovery of pyelonephritis. It is recommended to reduce the intake of spicy and irritating foods and avoid excessive consumption of greasy foods. It can increase the intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, which can help improve immunity and promote physical recovery.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine can irritate the bladder and worsen symptoms of frequent urination and urgency. Therefore, during pyelonephritis, it is best to avoid alcohol and excessive intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks.

Pay attention to emotional regulation

Mood swings can affect the body's immunity and resistance, which in turn affects the recovery from the disease. Maintaining a good attitude and facing life and illness positively can help speed up the recovery process. You can relax your mind and relieve anxiety and stress by exercising, listening to music, reading, etc.

Have a regular schedule

A regular routine helps to regulate the body's biological clock and maintain the normal functioning of the body. Try to maintain a regular schedule and ensure adequate sleep time, which can help improve the body's immunity and promote recovery.

Take stock of the 6 major symptoms of pyelonephritis, in addition to treatment, we must also do a good job in these 3 major care

Seek prompt medical attention

If you have symptoms of pyelonephritis, such as frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, low back pain, etc., you should seek medical attention in time and receive professional treatment. Do not delay the condition to avoid aggravation and affect your health.

The above care recommendations can help relieve the symptoms of pyelonephritis and promote recovery. In daily life, we should pay attention to maintaining good living habits to prevent the occurrence of pyelonephritis, improve the body's immunity, and maintain health.

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