
When people reach middle age, they are afraid of blocked blood vessels! Blood vessels like these 4 kinds of food, and eating them often makes blood vessels more elastic

author: Longnan Wen County released

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are mild hemiplegia, severe and fatal, come as fast as a mountain, we all have a fluke psychology when we don't come, how can I get that kind of disease, in fact, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a must-have disease for middle-aged and elderly people, more than 80% of them are because of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases that cause death and disability, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are not like colds, they come and go quickly, it is characterized by long-term accumulation and then attacks, and the basic life after the attack is the ellipsis ~Its central cerebrovascular disease mostly occurs in blood vessel blockage, so what can cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases eat to hurt blood vessels? Let's take stock today!

When people reach middle age, they are afraid of blocked blood vessels! Blood vessels like these 4 kinds of food, and eating them often makes blood vessels more elastic

coconut oil

Coconut oil has a great effect on human health, which is good for the heart and overall health, in addition to helping the body resist viruses and bacteria and regulate internal hormones, so it can help effectively lower cholesterol and remove waste from the blood.


Honey is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and carotene, which can improve blood circulation in the coronary arteries and prevent and treat cerebral arteriosclerosis.

When people reach middle age, they are afraid of blocked blood vessels! Blood vessels like these 4 kinds of food, and eating them often makes blood vessels more elastic


In the health industry, cabbage is often regarded as the "cleaner" of blood waste, because the vitamin C, carotene and dietary fiber contained in cabbage help reduce blood lipid levels and prevent the occurrence of arteriosclerosis.

When people reach middle age, they are afraid of blocked blood vessels! Blood vessels like these 4 kinds of food, and eating them often makes blood vessels more elastic

Fish food

Compared to most meats, fish is low in fat and saturated fatty acids. In particular, there is a special substance in marine fish that helps us regulate the cholesterol status in the blood and also reduces the risk of stroke. Therefore, many countries and ethnic groups that eat more marine fish have a very low incidence of stroke. We can buy more marine fish to eat in our lives, which can have a good regulating effect on the body.

Source: Healthy Gastronomy

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