
3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!

author: Longnan Wen County released

In the township and rural markets, the frequency of use of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles is still very high. Whether it is pulling goods, traveling or picking up babies, there are models to choose from. However, in terms of using cars, compared with the previous purchase, you can use it after buying it, and now many places have begun to standardize the management of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles, and many requirements have been formulated for travel.

Some car owners have reported that there are too many requirements for using a car. It is necessary to get a license, and to study the certificate, and the township, rural areas are originally troublesome to enter the county, and they don't know where to do it. In response to a series of demands from the masses, many places across the country have brought good news, not only to liberalize the right of way, but also to implement a lot of convenient measures in terms of licensing and driving tests, let's take a look.

3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!

Three- and four-wheeled vehicles are subject to household registration management

In fact, the problem faced by many car owners is that the models in use are not compliant and do not meet the normal registration and licensing process. However, without a license plate, you can't drive on the road, otherwise the traffic police will punish and educate if you find out. In order to facilitate the masses to get on the road, many places have recently released the right of way for three- and four-wheeled vehicles, and adopted the form of "one car and one file" and filing and registration for three- and four-wheeled vehicles in the jurisdiction to obtain the right to get on the road.

3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!
3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!

Recently, Renzhai Township, Anhui Province has implemented the "household registration" management of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles in the jurisdiction, registering vehicles, establishing files, and realizing one car and one file, which is convenient for the standardized management of relevant departments, and at the same time, car owners can also enjoy more convenience in registration and car use.

Open up the "last mile" of driving test service

After solving the problem of licensing, the masses are most concerned about the driver's license. Like tricycles and motorcycles on the road, there are requirements for holding a license. Even if you are only riding on township and rural roads, you must have a license to go on the road. For car owners, the inconvenience is that the road to the county is too far, and some elderly people do not use computers to operate the test.

3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!
3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!

In order to further provide convenience for the masses, many places continue to implement the service of "sending motorcycle driving licenses to the countryside", and strive to open up the "last mile" of driving test services. For example, Gander County, Qinghai Province has recently carried out this activity, optimized and streamlined the registration procedures, and realized the convenient services of "one-time license" and "door-to-door driving test" for the people in the jurisdiction, which has been well received by the masses.

Motorized rectification and persuasion education "choose one of five"

In addition to licensing and certification, even in the standard of punishment, many places have begun to adopt the form of soft law enforcement. Including some common traffic violations, no longer blindly through the form of fines, but as much as possible to make car owners aware of the importance of safe travel, with experiential persuasion education instead of punishment.

3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!
3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!

Recently, Heyuan, Guangdong Province has carried out a special rectification of motorcycles, for traffic violations such as not wearing safety helmets, overcrowding, and running red lights, continue to carry out "one of five" persuasion activities, for car owners, in fact, the punishment is more "relaxed".

3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!

The above is the good news that many places have recently implemented for electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles in all aspects of licensing, road, and driving tests, what do you think about this? Welcome to exchange and discuss in the comment area.

3. There is a new policy for four-wheeled vehicles! No restrictions, no fines, no deductions, licenses, roads, driver's licenses, there is good news!

Source: Tricycle News