
How Long After Miscarriage Do Women Get Their Periods? 4 major nursing points after abortion should be done!

author:Po talks about health

Miscarriage, whether spontaneous or induced, is a major blow to a woman's body and psyche. And when to resume menstruation after miscarriage is a concern for many women. The recovery time of menstruation varies from person to person and is usually related to factors such as the type of miscarriage, the individual's constitution, age, etc.

How Long After Miscarriage Do Women Get Their Periods? 4 major nursing points after abortion should be done!

Menstrual recovery time after spontaneous abortion

After a spontaneous abortion, a woman's body needs time to recover. In general, menstruation may resume within 2 to 6 weeks after a spontaneous abortion. However, this time is not fixed, some women may resume their periods as soon as 1 week after the miscarriage, while others may take longer.

Menstrual recovery time after abortion

An abortion is a medical procedure that surgically terminates a pregnancy. After an abortion, the recovery time for menstruation is usually between 3 and 6 weeks. But again, this is not absolute, some women may resume their periods as soon as 2 weeks after the surgery, while others may need 8 weeks or more.

How Long After Miscarriage Do Women Get Their Periods? 4 major nursing points after abortion should be done!

4 key points of care after abortion

After a miscarriage, a woman's body needs special care and care, and the following are the 4 main points of care:

1. Rest and recovery

After a miscarriage, a woman's body needs time to recover. It is advisable to try to get enough rest and avoid strenuous exercise and heavy physical exertion in the first few days after the miscarriage. Proper rest helps the body recover and reduce bleeding.

2. Diet

After a miscarriage, a sensible diet is very important for recovery. Choose foods that are rich in nutrients and easy to digest, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats, eggs, etc. Avoid spicy, greasy, raw and cold foods so as not to affect the recovery of the uterus.

3. Emotion management

Miscarriage can have emotional effects on women, such as sadness, anxiety, guilt, etc. At this time, the care and support of family and friends is very important. At the same time, women should also learn to adjust their emotions and seek professional psychological help if necessary.

4. Regular check-ups

After a miscarriage, regular medical check-ups are very important. This helps to detect and manage possible complications such as infection, bleeding, etc. in a timely manner. The doctor will recommend the appropriate time and program of the examination according to the individual's situation.


After a miscarriage, women need special care and attention, both physically and psychologically. Knowing when menstruation resumes after miscarriage and following the above care points can help women get back to health faster. At the same time, it is also very important to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in the strength of the body.

How Long After Miscarriage Do Women Get Their Periods? 4 major nursing points after abortion should be done!

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