
DIY orange juice tore beef jerky, steal a lazy in the oven, canned up and eaten slowly

author:Plum Life Chronicles

This beef jerky has been made several times, changed a variety of flavors, feels very interesting, sent up to share with you.

DIY orange juice tore beef jerky, steal a lazy in the oven, canned up and eaten slowly

The steps are as follows:

1, left picture: take a piece of beef with a long and lean shredded meat, the piece in the picture is about 1 pound, cooked with water and an appropriate amount of green onions and ginger - want to keep the cold water under the beef stock, do not want to leave the soup under the boiling pot.

Right: Cooked beef is cooled until it's not hot and torn into thin strips in the direction of the meat fibers.

DIY orange juice tore beef jerky, steal a lazy in the oven, canned up and eaten slowly

2, left picture: seasoning - a grass fruit, a large ingredient (star anise) 1-2, a small piece of cinnamon, 2-3 pieces of fragrant leaves, a handful of peppercorns, a handful of cumin. These can be found in supermarkets or farmers' markets. If you like to eat spicy, you can also put some dried red peppers and peppers as you like, because there are children in my family to eat, so I didn't put them.

Right: The key to flavoring – orange juice. I have done several times respectively used their own freshly squeezed orange juice and supermarket bought boxed Huiyuan 100%, the result of the attempt is still freshly squeezed orange juice taste better, even if later added a little water, the fruit aroma is still particularly strong, but it is a little troublesome, this time the shoot is fresh orange juice, about 200 ml squeezed. Children's shoes that are afraid of trouble can be used to buy ready-made, in fact, the taste is also good.

DIY orange juice tore beef jerky, steal a lazy in the oven, canned up and eaten slowly

3, Left picture: Add a little oil to the wok, heat over low heat, add the seasoning and slowly sauté until fragrant.

Right: Pour in the orange juice, then add soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, fine salt to an appropriate amount, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for more than 20 minutes. Because orange juice is more acidic, it is recommended to use utensils such as stainless steel that are not easy to rust, and it is best to thicken the pot, and it is not easy to paste the pot when it is fried later.

DIY orange juice tore beef jerky, steal a lazy in the oven, canned up and eaten slowly

4, left picture: pour the beef strips into the boiled soup, the amount of soup to make all the beef strips full of water and a little surplus prevails, try to add enough orange juice at a time.

Right: Drain the soup over medium-low heat and stir-fry the dried beef strips over low heat. After drying the soup, you can add your favorite ingredients, such as curry powder, paprika, cumin powder, pepper, cooked sesame seeds, etc., I do more is curry flavor, if nothing is added is spiced, this time added some cooked sesame seeds.

DIY orange juice tore beef jerky, steal a lazy in the oven, canned up and eaten slowly

Add all the ingredients and the rest is fried. To be clear in advance, stir-frying dried beef strips in a pot is a test of physical strength and endurance, and the thickened wok with even heat conduction mentioned earlier is particularly important here. I stole a lazy, in order not to make effort to achieve the ideal state - let the oven help.

5, Left: Spread the beef strips that are sautéed until the soup is dried onto a baking sheet.

Right: Oven at 100 degrees, heat up and down, preheat and add beef strips. The oven with fan function can be baked and blown for about 1 hour, turning it every ten minutes in the middle, turning it over and drying until the meat is crisper and crisper when rubbing against the baking pan.

DIY orange juice tore beef jerky, steal a lazy in the oven, canned up and eaten slowly

Eat clean and rest assured, you can also bottle up and enjoy it \(^o^)/ slowly

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