
Stomach, bloating, acid suppression, introducing 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis: stomach soothing capsules are huangjing (steaming), dang ginseng, baishu (fried), yam, silk seed, northern sand ginseng, Xuan ginseng

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

Stomach strengthening, bloating, acid suppression, introducing 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis:

The formula of Stomach Nourishing Shu Capsules is Huang Jing (steamed), Dang Ginseng, Bai Shu (stir-fry), Yam, Silk Seed, Northern Sand Ginseng, Xuan Ginseng, Bird Plum, Tangerine Peel, Hawthorn, Dried Ginger, and the combination of various medicines, playing the gong of Yiqi yangyin, strengthening the spleen and zhong, and performing the work of qi guidance.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Gastric Shu Capsules have the effect of repairing gastric mucosal damage, which can effectively alleviate epigastric pain and epigastric discomfort symptoms of chronic gastritis; Has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates the level of inflammatory factors and oxidative stress factors; It has the effect of inhibiting Helicobacter pylori and does not affect the normal flora of the human body.

Clinically, Stomach Comfort Capsules can be used for stomach pain caused by spleen and stomach qi and yin deficiency, and the symptoms are gastric burning pain, bloating, dry mouth, fatigue, sluggishness, emaciation, fatigue, fatigue, hand and foot heart fever; Red tongue with little or no moss, fine pulses, chronic gastritis see the above symptoms.

The formula of tsuria bell stomach pain granules is cubeb, neem, yanhusuo (vinegar), incense stick (vinegar), bergamot, citron, rhubarb (wine), huanglian, evodia, sea mantis, corrugated seed (calcined), and the combination of various medicines plays the function of qi and blood invigorating blood and relieving stomach pain.

Clinically, the stomach pain granules can be used for gastric gas machine depression, slow blood flow and the formation of blood stasis, gastric pain caused by blood stasis, stomach pain caused by gas and blood stasis, mainly pain, refusal to press, pain even two threats, pain is fixed, the pain is long-lasting and unbearable, after eating or into the night pain is even worse, poor diet, belching, acid reflux, tongue purple or petechiae, ecchymosis, pulse strings astringent; Chronic superficial gastritis and functional dyspepsia are seen in the above symptoms.

The formula of danguixiang granules is astragalus (system), guizhi, evodia, cinnamon, fine spices, wood fragrance, citrus aurantium, wu medicine, salvia, peach kernel, safflower, angelica, red peony, danpi, Sichuan root, yanhusuo, slice turmeric, three ridges, curcuma, leeches, raw land, huanglian, licorice (system), all of which are combined to play a good role in the stomach, disperse cold, activate blood and relieve pain.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that danguixiang granules have anti-chronic gastritis effect, can improve chronic atrophic gastritis, increase blood flow to the gastric mucosa; Has an anti-ulcer effect, can reduce the ulcer index of gastric ulcers.

Clinically, danguixiang granules can be used for stomach pain caused by spleen and stomach deficiency, qi and blood stasis, and the symptoms of stomach pain are full of pain, endless, fasting pain is even worse, food pain is reduced, food is poor, noisy heating, spitting water, bloating, thin stool, dull tongue, white moss, fine pulse, chronic atrophic gastritis see the above symptoms.

The combination of flavored zuojin pills is huanglian (ginger burning), evodia (licorice burning), chai hu, yanhu purple (vinegar burning), wood incense, xiangfu (vinegar burning), citrus shell (de-bran stir-frying), tulip, tangerine peel, green skin (vinegar burning), yellow cen, white peony, angelica, licorice, all of which are used together, with the function of calming liver and reducing rebellion, depressing and relieving pain.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that flavored Zuojin pill has the effect of inhibiting gastric secretion, and can reduce the amount of gastric juice, total acidity and total acid discharge; It has the effect of inhibiting gastrointestinal motility, and can inhibit gastric emptying and small bowel propulsion movement.

Clinically, flavored Zuojin Pill is used for liver and stomach disharmony, stomach pain caused by liver fire offender stomach, symptoms such as chest swelling pain, aggravation after eating, pain and two threats, irritability and irritability, belching hiccups, noisy swallowing acid, dry mouth and bitter mouth, reduced intake, red tongue moss yellow, pulse string number, chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer see the above symptoms.

In addition, flavored Zuojin Pills can also be used for liver and stomach disharmony, liver fire caused by stomach swallowing acid, symptoms of chest, chest burning pain or tingling, dry mouth, acid swallowing, dry stool, thin moss, pulse strings, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, reflux esophagitis see the above symptoms.

The molodan group is lily, poria, baishu (stir-fried), Yanhusuo (vinegar moxibustion), wu yao, chicken inner gold (stir-fried incense), Sichuan root, pu huang, angelica, white peony, mai dong, dendrobium, Xuan ginseng, sanchi, ground elm, nine knots of Changpu, Yin Chen, Ze diarrhea, all of which are combined, and play together with the work of stomach reversal, spleen distension, and pain fixing.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that morodan has an acid-suppressing effect, can reduce gastric acid secretion and gastric juice acidity, inhibit pepsin activity, and has a strong inhibitory effect on Helicobacter pylori; It has the effect of anti-chronic gastritis, and has a certain alleviating effect on the lesions of gastric mucosa and clinical symptoms of metaplasia.

Clinically, morodan can be used for spleen and stomach weakness, bad luck caused by stomach pain, fullness, stuffiness, sluggishness, belching, heartburn, chronic atrophic gastritis see the above symptoms. #谣零零计划 #

Stomach, bloating, acid suppression, introducing 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis: stomach soothing capsules are huangjing (steaming), dang ginseng, baishu (fried), yam, silk seed, northern sand ginseng, Xuan ginseng
Stomach, bloating, acid suppression, introducing 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis: stomach soothing capsules are huangjing (steaming), dang ginseng, baishu (fried), yam, silk seed, northern sand ginseng, Xuan ginseng
Stomach, bloating, acid suppression, introducing 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis: stomach soothing capsules are huangjing (steaming), dang ginseng, baishu (fried), yam, silk seed, northern sand ginseng, Xuan ginseng
Stomach, bloating, acid suppression, introducing 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis: stomach soothing capsules are huangjing (steaming), dang ginseng, baishu (fried), yam, silk seed, northern sand ginseng, Xuan ginseng
Stomach, bloating, acid suppression, introducing 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis: stomach soothing capsules are huangjing (steaming), dang ginseng, baishu (fried), yam, silk seed, northern sand ginseng, Xuan ginseng

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