
The stomach is bloated and not digested, ginseng spleen pills, morodan, liver comfort and stomach pills, how to choose?

author:Director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The stomach is bloated and not digested, ginseng spleen pills, morodan, and liver comfort and stomach pills, what is the difference between them? And how to use it?

The stomach is bloated and not digested, ginseng spleen pills, morodan, liver comfort and stomach pills, how to choose?

Let's first talk about ginseng spleen pills, it is composed of ginseng, fried white art, poria, yam and other 11 flavors of Chinese medicine, of which ginseng, astragalus, baishu, poria is invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen, yam, tangerine peel, sand kernel is strengthening the spleen and stomach, wood fragrance is regulating the spleen and strengthening the spleen, conditioning the medium coke machine, sour jujube kernel, Yuanzhi An is determined, angelica nourishes blood and livens the blood, from this prescription, ginseng spleen pills are more suitable for the spleen and stomach is relatively weak resulting in some diets are not easy to digest, do not want to eat, chest tightness, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, Loose stools and other problems.

The stomach is bloated and not digested, ginseng spleen pills, morodan, liver comfort and stomach pills, how to choose?

Then let's talk about this Morodan, Morodan it is composed of lily, poria, ginseng, black medicine and other 18 important flavors, of which lily, poria, baishu is spleen and stomach, Yanhusuo, black medicine, chicken inner gold, Chuanxiong, Puhuang is qi and blood vitalization, help luck and relieve pain, angelica, white peony, Mai Dong, dendrobium, xuan ginseng is to nourish yin and nourish blood, Sanqi, Diyu is to dissolve stasis and stop bleeding, calamus, fungus Chen, ze diarrhea is clear heat and moisture, so this Molotan It is biased to solve the spleen and stomach qi deficiency, There are also gastric yin deficiency and gastric blockade of some stomach pain and fullness, spleen fullness, belching, heartburn and other problems,

The stomach is bloated and not digested, ginseng spleen pills, morodan, liver comfort and stomach pills, how to choose?

Finally, Shu liver and stomach pills, it is composed of 13 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine such as incense, white peony, bergamot, wood incense, among which incense, woody fragrance, tangerine peel, betel nut, bergamot medicine is qi and pain relief, chai hu, tulip is liver thinning and depressant, lotus is moist and nausea, white art, licorice is to nourish the temper, lai is to eliminate food, it is obvious that this recipe contains a lot of liver thinning and depressant ingredients, so this recipe is biased to solve the liver and stomach discord caused by the swelling of the two flanks, stomach pain, appetite is not very good, hiccups, vomiting, These problems such as stool disorders. In short, if it is a simple weakness of the spleen and stomach, you can use ginseng spleen pills,

The stomach is bloated and not digested, ginseng spleen pills, morodan, liver comfort and stomach pills, how to choose?

If the stomach is yin and yin, and there are some conditions caused by gastric blockage, you can use Molodan, if it is because you are often angry, stomach bloating after anger and do not want to eat, and now it is painful, you can use liver relief and stomach pills. If you have the above questions, you can leave a message in the comment area, and I will reply to you one by one!

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