
What is the effect of Morodan? What are the often overlooked stomach yin deficiency, and what other similar Chinese patent medicines are there?

author:Materia Medica

Morodan is a very commonly used Chinese patent medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, some people use it with good results, and it is common to use it with unsatisfactory results.

Moro is another name for the lily of traditional Chinese medicine, so Morodan is based on lily as the king's medicine.

In the drug instructions, morodan has the effect of "reducing stomach inversion, strengthening the spleen and reducing bloating, and clearing the channels and relieving pain".

What is the effect of Morodan? What are the often overlooked stomach yin deficiency, and what other similar Chinese patent medicines are there?


According to the instructions, the scope of treatment of morodan is very wide, and it seems that most stomach diseases have the opportunity to be used, but in fact, this is not the case.

According to the formula, Morodan is mainly used to treat stomach yin deficiency.

What is the effect of Morodan? What are the often overlooked stomach yin deficiency, and what other similar Chinese patent medicines are there?

According to the main components of Morodan, such as lily, wheat winter, dendrobium, scutellaria, white peony, Zexiao, Yinchen, etc., it can be basically determined that the medicinal properties of Morodan are cool.

Stomach yin deficiency type of stomach disease is very common, but it is often overlooked.

Gastric yin deficiency is a deficiency of gastric yin and fluid deficiency, and the main symptoms are red tongue, dry mouth and stool, heartburn and dull pain, mouth and tongue sores, etc.

Stomach diseases are often very complex, even if the stomach yin deficiency is the mainstay, but there are also many symptoms such as liver and stomach disharmony, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, which leads to wrong judgment.

What is the effect of Morodan? What are the often overlooked stomach yin deficiency, and what other similar Chinese patent medicines are there?

Wheat Dong

Symptoms such as red tongue, dry mouth and stool, and sores on the mouth and tongue caused by stomach yin deficiency have many similarities with the symptoms of real fire, so it is easy to be confused. If the dialectic is not correct, and the use of drugs for the treatment of real fire, such as Sanhuang tablets, bezoar Qingqi pills, aloe vera capsules, etc., will be effective in the short term, but long-term application will hurt the liquid more and cause more serious symptoms.

Others, such as the treatment of liver and stomach disharmony drugs for liver and stomach disharmony and qi regulation, the treatment of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, the treatment of dietary stagnation drugs for food and drink stagnation, for the injury to the stomach yin.

Therefore, although the efficacy and indications in the instructions of Morodan are very extensive, they cannot be applied at will.

Morodan is mainly used for the treatment of stomach yin deficiency, and is not suitable for people with dampness and heat in the stomach and intestines, not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, and not suitable for people with liver and stomach disharmony.

What is the effect of Morodan? What are the often overlooked stomach yin deficiency, and what other similar Chinese patent medicines are there?


Gastric diseases, in terms of syndrome, are not only cold, heat, deficiency and reality, but also more common external sense, diet, emotion, and fatigue, but in the actual situation, the manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases will not be so simple, but very complex, often a variety of etiologies, a variety of symptoms mixed together, if you can't distinguish the priority, or can not adjust the medication in time according to the change of symptoms, it may put the cart before the horse, the opposite direction.

Gastrointestinal diseases are varied, gastrointestinal drugs are difficult to count, Morodan is a good Chinese patent medicine, but it still needs to be established on the basis of dialectical accuracy, and can not be applied at will, and it is not recommended to use it for a long time without professional analysis.

In addition to Morodan, there are also Yangjiashu Granules and Shenmei Yanggao Granules for the treatment of gastric yin deficiency, and the effect of symptomatic application is also very good.

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