
The world's hardest fruit VS the hardest fruit I've ever eaten The hardest fruit I've ever eaten: 1. Black Brin: It's that big dark purple plum, I was lucky enough to buy a few, and I was it

author:Timid stars see the world

The hardest fruit in the world vs the hardest fruit I've ever eaten

The hardest fruit I've ever eaten:

1. Black Brin: It is the big dark purple plum, I was lucky enough to buy a few, I was confused by its color, I took a bite, and my teeth were almost soft with acid

2. Jackfruit: The taste is very strange, not sweet, not bitter, not sour, not spicy

3. Bananas: Bananas actually taste good and are very fragrant, but the flesh is soft and there is no juice

The world's hardest fruit:

1. Noni fruit: When ripe, the taste is very smelly

2. Avocado: It tastes a little dry and feels no moisture

3. Lucuma fruit: eat eggs, only eat egg whites, do not eat egg yolks, it is recommended not to try, its taste is similar to the egg yolk, the color is almost the same

The world's hardest fruit VS the hardest fruit I've ever eaten The hardest fruit I've ever eaten: 1. Black Brin: It's that big dark purple plum, I was lucky enough to buy a few, and I was it
The world's hardest fruit VS the hardest fruit I've ever eaten The hardest fruit I've ever eaten: 1. Black Brin: It's that big dark purple plum, I was lucky enough to buy a few, and I was it
The world's hardest fruit VS the hardest fruit I've ever eaten The hardest fruit I've ever eaten: 1. Black Brin: It's that big dark purple plum, I was lucky enough to buy a few, and I was it

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