
5 kinds of fruits with good names but difficult to swallow, lucuma fruit on the list, foodie: don't be fooled

author:Toot Delicious Notes

"In our lives, there are many things that do not match the name and food, such as no wife in the wife cake, no fish in the fish and meat shreds, no ants on the tree, etc., are deceived by the name, in addition to these, there are many fruits that also have the same "deception", the name sounds particularly good, but the taste is difficult to swallow, these 5 fruits are examples, lucuma on the list, foodies: don't be fooled. ”

Lucuma fruit, which is a characteristic fruit of the south, even for people who have not eaten, hearing the name of this fruit, there is a special desire to buy, after buying it will regret, because after opening it, it is like egg yolk, and the taste of eating is particularly choked and flashy.

5 kinds of fruits with good names but difficult to swallow, lucuma fruit on the list, foodie: don't be fooled

Lotus mist, the name of this fruit also sounds particularly good, and the outside of the red tongtong look is also particularly beautiful, especially in the north the price of this fruit is particularly expensive, in the face of foodies as long as you can eat delicious, do not care about the price, this fruit will never eat the last time will not eat the second time, many people are deceived by the name, because its taste does not have any taste, only some moisture.

5 kinds of fruits with good names but difficult to swallow, lucuma fruit on the list, foodie: don't be fooled

Ginseng fruit, hearing the name of this fruit, do you think of the "Journey to the West" watched when you were a child, Sun Wukong stole the picture of ginseng fruit, and this fruit was able to live forever in the Journey to the West at that time, in real life, I heard the name of this fruit, I know that there is no immortal effect, but I still want to buy some tasting, after eating it will make you disappointed, because the taste is completely different from what you imagined, it is not so delicious at all.

5 kinds of fruits with good names but difficult to swallow, lucuma fruit on the list, foodie: don't be fooled

Avocado, the name of this fruit also sounds very good, there is a relatively advanced feeling, and the nutritional value of this fruit is particularly high, it is said that the first time to eat people are not used to, because eating it is like eating soap, it is difficult to swallow, so many people are also deceived by the name of this fruit.

5 kinds of fruits with good names but difficult to swallow, lucuma fruit on the list, foodie: don't be fooled

Yacon fruit, hearing this fruit, is like a fruit that grows on the Tianshan snow lotus, is not a lot of people feel particularly mysterious, want to buy some to try it, how much disappointment is expected to be how big it is, worthy of the name, flashy and unreal a fruit, in addition to more moisture, eat without a little sense of high-grade, no taste.

5 kinds of fruits with good names but difficult to swallow, lucuma fruit on the list, foodie: don't be fooled

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