
Freshly squeezed juice is not a substitute for fruit!

author:Small Fish News

With the popularity of juicers, eating with a glass of freshly squeezed juice has quietly become a highly regarded "healthy lifestyle". More and more people prefer to replace fresh fruits with freshly squeezed juices.

Freshly squeezed juice is not a substitute for fruit!

"Drinking" fruit and eating fruit,

What's the difference in nutrients?

In freshly squeezed juice, the nutrients such as sugar, fat, and trace elements required by the human body are similar to those of eating fresh fruits, but in the process of juicing, the high-speed rotating blade destroys all the cells, which will lose vitamins and antioxidants.

Freshly squeezed juice is not a substitute for fruit!

Some studies showed that the loss of vitamin C in freshly squeezed juice was large, such as 84.11%, 58.92% and 32.76% in cucumber, mango and orange, respectively.

The biggest disadvantage of pressing fruit juice (filtering out the pulp and pomace) is that it loses a lot of essential dietary fiber. Water-soluble fiber represented by pectin has the health effect of preventing and reducing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and insoluble fiber has the effect of stimulating intestinal peristalsis and promoting bowel movement. In addition, dietary fiber also has the effect of preventing excess calories, controlling obesity, preventing gallstones, and lowering blood lipids. Drinking fruit may consume more energy, sugar, and less dietary fiber than the feeling of fullness from eating fruit.

Freshly squeezed juice is not a substitute for fruit!

Studies have found that there may be an association between regular consumption of freshly squeezed fruit juices and increased risk of diabetes, for example.

Therefore, for the general population, drinking fruit juice does not have any nutritional advantages over eating whole fruits, and freshly squeezed fruit juices cannot replace fruits. For people with poor teeth and poor digestion (patients, the elderly, infants and young children), freshly squeezed juice can promote digestion, increase appetite, detoxify and detoxify, and purify the body.

Freshly squeezed juice is not a substitute for fruit!

If you really like the taste of freshly squeezed juices, here are some tips to make it more nutritious:


1. It is recommended to eat the pulp and pomace together when drinking freshly squeezed juice, or choose a food processor or wall breaker to retain the pulp and pomace, which is the best way to solve the problem of less dietary fiber in fruit juice.

2. Retain the foam of freshly squeezed juice, which is rich in enzymes, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, purify blood, and enhance immunity.

3. Retain the white sponge layer of the orange fruit, which is rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

Freshly squeezed juice is not a substitute for fruit!

4. Do not use aluminum containers to hold juice, citric acid and fruit acid in freshly squeezed juice are easy to react with aluminum products.

5. Freshly squeezed juice should not be mixed with milk to prevent affecting the absorption of nutrients.

6. Freshly squeezed juices should not be heated because more vitamins will be lost.

7. It is best to squeeze and drink freshly to avoid the growth of bacteria.

8. In addition, it is not advisable to drink freshly squeezed fruit juice with higher concentration on an empty stomach to avoid stomach damage. It is also not advisable to drink too much at lunch and dinner, as the fruit acids in fruit juices can affect the digestion and absorption of certain nutrients in the diet.

Reference Sources:

[1] Ma Guansheng.Concentration is the essence?Freshly squeezed juice cannot replace fruit![J].China Food Industry,2021(16):60.

Military Digest,2020(22):20-23.

[3] Zhang Zhiping, Pan Zhaoguang.Analysis of vitamin C loss rate of freshly squeezed fruit juice[J].Guangdong Chemical Industry,2017,44(17):80-81.

Source: Suzhou CDC

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