
Men completely fall in love with you, will show these unknown "gentleness"

Whether a person has love in his heart or not, you can see the difference from his state. When we do not encounter love, our hearts are calm, and our lives are often very simple. However, after encountering love, whether it is our mentality or life, it will change dramatically.

Balzac once said: "Love is like the sea, the rough man says it is monotonous, but the noble man can find a rich and colorful taste in life." ”

When a man completely falls in love with a woman, he can take the initiative to find more colorful and more interesting interests from this relationship. If you want to capture a woman's heart, a man will take the initiative to understand the woman's inner thoughts; understand all the preferences of a woman so that when they are together, they can do what they like; and they will also give the woman enough patience and gentleness to let the woman feel the sincerity of his heart.

In love, the man has these performances, so that the woman can understand his thoughts and know that his attitude towards feelings is very sincere. In this way, women will be willing to go down with men and strive to create a future life that belongs to two people.

If a man is with a woman, he only cares about his own feelings, and only cares about his own interests, and treats feelings as just a joke. Then when getting along, they often do not take into account too many women's feelings, because in their hearts it is clear that this feeling is only temporary, and when their freshness has passed, they will quickly leave the woman and look for the next fresh and interesting relationship.

Gibran said: "Limited love requires possession of the other, while infinite love requires only love itself." ”

Women should understand that if the man does not love you so much, then this love is limited for him. If so, how could he give you so much tenderness and patience? Only the man who is completely in love with you and hopes to have a good future with you will show enough tenderness in front of you, be tolerant enough for you, and will always think about you and consider your feelings.

Gentleness is the best attitude that men give to women.

When the opposite sex gets along, if a man does not love a woman, in his heart, he naturally does not care about everything about women. How the woman's mood is, how the woman's state is, and what the woman is thinking, these are all things that for men, as long as they have not thought about going all the way with women, they will feel that all this has nothing to do with them.

When encountering some disputes and contradictions between each other, the first thing men think of is their own feelings and interests, and they want to create all the conditions that are beneficial to themselves. With such a man, the woman should not think that he will tolerate you and will be gentle enough with you.

A man who is willing to give his infinite tenderness and tolerance must have met the woman who made him deeply infatuated. With such a woman, the man will unconsciously make plans for the future, will carefully care about everything about the woman, and even for him, as long as he sees that the woman is happy, he is willing to pay everything for it.

When the opposite sex gets along, women must understand that men completely fall in love with you will show these unknown "gentleness".

01 Even if I quarrel with you, I will always care about you.

Sometimes it is very enviable to see some lovers get along, we all know that in love, two people who love each other will also argue over some small things, and even have a cold war for a while.

To know if a person really loves you, after a fight, it is clear to see his attitude. A man who truly loves you will care about your feelings, and even if he argues with you, he will not really ignore you.

Generally speaking, after two people quarrel, men are often only superficially angry, in fact, they will always care about you in their hearts and care about your every move.

02 When walking on the road, you will always pay attention to everything around you and worry that you will encounter danger.

A man's heart does not care so much about a woman, maybe he will care about you verbally, and even say various vows to you. But in terms of behavior, the man's performance is often disappointing, even if you question him, he will find a lot of excuses to prevaricate you, as well as all kinds of sweet words to confuse you.

Tennyson said, "Love is buried in the depths of the soul, not between the lips." ”

Men love you, and this concern and concern are naturally hidden in the heart and manifested in behavior, not just using words to perfunctory you. The most obvious is that when walking with you on the road, the man who truly loves you will always pay attention to everything around you, afraid that you will encounter some warmth. This gentleness of men is not only caring for you, but also protecting you.

03 When I miss you, the smile that comes up on a man's face is very gentle.

Maybe this is something that women find hard to see, but it's something that a man who loves you often shows. La Roche Fuco said: "There is only one kind of true love in the world, but there are thousands of imitations of love." ”

If a man is hypocritical about you, then when he is with you, the most important thing he needs to do is to think about how to deceive you and get this temporary feeling. In this process, men tend to do some very deliberate behaviors to make you feel that he really likes you, but these behaviors are often very superficial and easy to imagine.

And the man who truly loves you, he doesn't have to think about how to show this love, because as long as he has love for you in his heart, many actions are involuntarily happening.

It's like when he thinks about you, he often has a very gentle smile. When I see you, I will also show such a smile. This gentleness is his attitude towards you, and it is also a manifestation of completely falling in love with you.

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