
Jia Lian met with You Erjie privately, and the three conversations were explicit and ugly, and You Erjie's response was even more disgusting

Fun Kan Red Chamber 376: Eyebrow affection, prodigal son love bequeathed Kowloon Pei, heart to understand the spirit, amorous woman loves to do the second room

After Jia Jing's death, Jia Lian often saw You Second Sister and You Third Sister at the funeral. He also often heard that the Eryou sisters and Jia Zhen's father and son were "gathering the slander", so they waited for the opportunity to get close to the intention of seducing. Third Sister You showed coldness about this, but Second Sister You was quite moved, so she made love to her.

You Second Sister is a person of water, does not want to marry her fiancé Zhang family, so she commits herself to her brother-in-law Jia Zhen, and her nephew Jia Rong is not clear, and the plan is only to rely on their help to find a good family for herself in the future. Do not ask to fill in the house, even if the second room is willing.

Although Jia Lian has a wife in the family, But Wang Xifeng is ill and precarious, and is the heir of the hereditary second-class lord of the Rongguo Gong, even if he is a second house, he can get a commandment in the future, which is the "good couple" that You Erjie is looking forward to. It was not surprising that she reacted enthusiastically to the olive branch thrown by Jia Lian.

When Jia Lian saw You Erjie's emotions, she knew that there was a chance. He didn't mean anything, just taking advantage. Not wanting his mind to be spied on by Jia Rong, he instigated him why not simply marry Second Sister You as the second room. It can be raised outside, and Wang Xifeng doesn't know it easily anyway.

Even if you know, the raw rice has been cooked to maturity, and at most it will be scolded by the elders. If you argue in the name of an heir or two, you will be fine.

Jia Rong's proposal was particularly tempting for Jia Lian. He was under the control of Wang Xifeng for more than a day or two. Which of the rich princes is not a group of concubines, only he is alone and alone guards Fengjie every day, but anyone who cheats a little is detected to be a mess, and he has long been dissatisfied.

In the past, Jia Lian did not dare to act on his own. Now with the help of Jia Zhen and Jia Rong's father and son, and marrying You's sister You Erjie, Wang Xifeng and the elders in the family also take care of it.

If he can really do a good thing, not only can he hold the beauty of the return, but also take the opportunity to break Wang Xifeng's blockade and take care of the birth of heirs.

The key is that the sky has fallen with the help of Jia Zhen's father and son, why not enjoy it!

Jia Lian has no ambitions, although he is quite capable, he is just a "wife and child hot kang head" mentality. If Wang Xifeng could open his heart and give him a few concubines, he would not be able to move towards the twilight and see different thoughts.

Therefore, Wang Xifeng's tragedy stems from not knowing Jia Lian, and the biggest responsibility lies in herself. Where there is oppression, there is resistance, Jia Lian's resistance to Wang Xifeng's rebellion from many girls to Bao Er's family is only a temptation, and it is really a challenge to You Erjie's place.

Jia Lian's rebellion against Wang Xifeng has been proceeding step by step, but it is relatively secretive. At first, he was suspicious of having more girls' hair, and when he arrived at Bao Er's house, he designed a label for Wang Xifeng as a "humble woman, a jealous woman", which attracted the attention of Jia Mu and Jia Shu. Jia Lian believed that if he really secretly married Second Sister You, as long as he put the responsibility on Wang Xifeng's jealousy, he would be foolproof.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that Jia Rong wanted to match him, he immediately agreed to it regardless of it. As for Jia Rong's "wolf ambition", she also wants to borrow Jia Rong's foreign house to share a piece of the pie, Jia Lian does not know, nor does she pay attention to it.

The plan between the uncles and nephews here had been decided, and Jia Rong went to ask Jia Mu for peace, at this time Jia Lian did not say that she would come back to the old lady and the wife to ask for peace, but instead told Jia Rong not to say that he had returned, and when he finished, he turned to Ning Guo Mansion.

(Sixty-fourth time) Jia Lian entered the room to take a look, only to see that only Second Sister You was working with two servants on the southern kang, but she did not see Old Lady You and Third Sister. Jia Lian rushed forward to say hello and wanted to see him. Second Sister You smiled and let her sit down, so she sat down against the east side. Jia Lian still gave up the head to the second sister, said a few words of meeting, and then smiled and asked, "The wife of the family and the third sister went there, why didn't they see them?" Second Sister You smiled and said, "Only when something went to the back, it also came." At this time, the waiting lady poured tea and no one was in front of her, and Jia Lian couldn't stop glancing at the second sister. The second sister lowered her head and only smiled.

Jia Lian and Jia Zhen are brothers in the clan and both are administrators. There are no elders in Ningguo Mansion, You Shi is much older than Jia Lian, he does not shy away from daily travel to Ningguo Mansion, and has always been straight in and out of the inner house.

The reason why Jia Lian planned the opportunity to get close to Second Sister You was also because he was able to enter and exit the Ningguo Mansion freely.

However, Jia Lian's casualness stemmed from the loose rules of Ningguo Province. According to the rules at that time, although You Shi was a sister-in-law, in the end he was not old, and he could not prevaricate that "the old sister-in-law was better than his mother". Jia Zhenji has a lot of concubines, and there are nephews and daughters-in-law in the family, and it is not convenient for Jia Lian to come in and out at will.

If it were not for the purpose, catching up with You's and Xu's absence, Jia Lian would not be convenient to come and go often.

This kind of thing basically does not happen in RongguoFu. Jia Lian usually does not ask Jia Mu for peace, nor does she go to the back house. Like Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochao's inner cousin is generally missing. Widowed sister-in-law Li Feng is even less contact.

Jia Yu and Jia Zhengbei looked older and would not meet privately with Lady Xing and Lady Wang. For example, jia zheng is at home, it is absolutely impossible to sit with his sister-in-law Mrs. Xing and gossip about homely things, and it is even more impossible for Mrs. Wang to see the great uncle Jia Pardon, which is all a rule.

Jia Lian now harbored a covetous heart for Second Sister You, and although she knew that it was inappropriate to see her sister, she entered in a dignified manner, mainly because of the abolition of the rules of the Ningguo Mansion and the collapse of etiquette.

When Jia Lian came, it happened that Old Lady You and Third Sister You were not there, and Second Sister You replied that "it will come too", telling Jia Lian not to make a mistake. Jia Lian could only glance at the second sister with her eyes, and the second sister bowed her head and smiled, and everything was in silence.

(Sixty-fourth time) Jia Lian did not dare to make another move, because she saw the second sister holding a silk with a purse in her hand, so she touched it in her waist and said: "The betel nut purse has also forgotten to bring it, and my sister has a betel nut, and she will reward me with a bite to eat." The second sister said, "There is betel nut, but my betel nut is never eaten." Jia Lian smiled and wanted to come close and get it. The second sister was afraid that people would see indecent, so she quickly smiled and turned over. Jia Lian took it in his hand, poured it out, picked half a piece to eat and ate the rest in his mouth, and then picked up the rest.

Jia Lian waited for the opportunity to see the maid to pour tea, only he was alone with the second sister in the room, because he saw that the second sister of You was fiddling with a purse tied to the handkerchief, he said that he wanted to eat betel nut and forgot to bring it, and asked the second sister if there was any betel nut for him to eat.

Jia Lian's words are very inappropriate, Second Sister You is "pro-family" with him, and it is not like Lin Daiyu is her cousin. It was rude and rude for a lady to ask for betel nut to eat.

Sister You said that I have betel nuts, but I never give them to others to eat, nor is it a good word. Responded to Jia Lian's abruptness with frivolity. The daughter of a good man would simply refuse, or call the servant to come and get the betel nut for the second master, where would be so provocative. Only this point, You Erjie's personality can be seen in general.

As soon as Jia Lian heard Second Sister You say that her heart flowers were all blooming, did she have a reason for not going to the Tao, and immediately approached to take the initiative to ask for it.

Second Sister You's constant refusal showed her acquiescence. At the beginning, Wang Xifeng "tempted" Jia Rui to do the same, and he counted one report and one report.

Second Sister You was also worried about being seen by the servant, so she quickly gave the purse to Jia Lian. Jia Lian poured out the betel nut and did not pick it up and eat it, but picked up half of the leftover piece to eat, and put the rest back.

Li Yu, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, wrote that after his great week, there was a phrase "rotten chewing red mushrooms, laughing at Tanlang", and the betel nut had the meaning of flirting and teasing. Betel nut is eaten privately and should not be given away easily. Not to mention eating what's left over from others.

Jia Lian salivated and asked for it, and Second Sister You gave it to him, and he specially picked up half a piece of betel nut that second sister had leftover to chew and eat, which was naked flirtation.

A piece of betel nut, You Erjie and Jia Lian are half eaten by one person, which is unimaginable in the ethics of the ancients. Jia Lian's behavior towards an unmarried big girl is considered sexual harassment. It's just that flies don't sting seamless eggs, and Sister You's second sister can do nothing about it!

(Sixty-fourth time) I was just about to send the purse myself, only to see two squirrels pour tea. While Jia Lian took the tea and ate the tea, he secretly untied one of the Hanyu Jiulong Pei he had brought with him, tied it to a handkerchief, and still brushed it when he turned back. The second sister did not take it, but only pretended not to see, sitting and eating tea. Only to hear a curtain ringing in the back, but it was the third sister of old lady You who came from behind with two little girls. Jia Lian sent a look to the second sister and asked her to pick it up, and this second sister just ignored it. Jia Lian didn't know what the second sister meant, and she was very anxious, so she had to meet with the third sister of You Lao Niang. When he looked back at the second sister, he saw that the second sister was smiling, as if there was nothing to do; and then he looked at the silk, and he didn't know where he had gone, and Jia Lianfang let go.

The "flirting" between Jia Lian and You Erjie was thrilling and natural. Neither of them is a good man or a good woman, and it seems that they are more advanced than the duo girl and the Bao Er family, but in fact, they are also "male thieves and female prostitutes" which is disgraceful.

Second Sister You gave Jia Lian betel nuts, which was intentional. Jia Lian returned to Jiulong Pei, which is a promise. At this point, the relationship between the two has been established, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Therefore, women like Sister You have low moral character, and her tragedy does not deserve sympathy. The bubbles on her feet twisted herself, and she embarked on the road to find death, just like Li Zhen'er's own sins could not live. To find out what happens next, look at the next breakdown!

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