
Abstinence Story Meeting: Abstinence from alcohol is really simple, and the distance between success and failure is only once the ICU

"I advise all drinking friends, drinking a lot of wine is tantamount to self-harm, if there is a problem with the body, try to quit as early as possible, and those who are reluctant to quit should drink less, don't wait until I enter the ICU like I did, and then start to regret not being the beginning!"

I am now in a remarried family, and I am introduced to my current wife.

At that time, after my wife knew and contacted me for a while, she saw that I had a stable job, knowledgeable, cultured, and good looks, and thought that she had found a treasure.

But in the 8 years after we got married, the quarrel lasted for 7 years.

Why quarrel?

It's because of the wine.

I am good at this, that is, I love to drink, and I am itchy if I don't drink for three days.

My alcohol intake is also very large, drinking half a pound is like playing, and I often drink more than one pound, and my drinking friends admire me in this regard.

I am a good drinker, never make trouble after drinking, drink too much and fall asleep on the bed, so the drinkers are willing to drink with me.

I broke up with my ex-wife, on the one hand, for character reasons and on the other hand, because she was very much against me drinking. Every time I drank a big drink, she would get angry, often cold together, for several days.

After I met my current person, I didn't drink alcohol at first in front of her, so she didn't know that I was drinking and drinking until she married me.

Within a few days of getting married, I couldn't hold back—I couldn't hold back, the wine bugs had been calling me for a long time.

That day, on the pretext that a colleague was looking for me, I had a drink with a drinking buddy at a tavern!

The first time I drank too much, my wife cared for me very much, and it was tea and fruit cutting, which made me feel that it was really my blessing to find this wife.

Soon after I got married, the company sent me to the provinces, and I had to reluctantly separate from my wife temporarily.

When I was in the province, I often drank, and no one nagged, and I had a very pleasant life.

Within half a year, I was transferred back.

Then, my drinking frequency started to return to the past.

After all, having been with my wife for so long and feeling that she is very satisfied with me, I am a bit arrogant.

My wife did not say anything when I came back from drinking more wine for the second and third time, she may think that drinking too much wine is also my helplessness, it is unavoidable, a big man, who does not have a few liquor stores?

But when it came to the fourth and fifth times, she was not happy, and asked me the reason why I drank too much, and it couldn't be that someone else forced you to drink.

I learned afterwards that she had already heard from my relatives that I liked to drink.

I had to say, I have an addiction to alcohol, nothing else is good, just this mouthful.

After the fifth time, I stopped drinking for a few days, but a week later, I started drinking again and got very drunk.

This time, my wife was angry, and she, who used to have a very good temper and was very gentle, yelled at me directly.

Abstinence Story Meeting: Abstinence from alcohol is really simple, and the distance between success and failure is only once the ICU

I yelled at her too.

Two people live a life, who shoots whom? Especially after drinking, the gall is fatter.

But afterwards, I apologized to her, she asked me to quit drinking, and I said no problem.

In fact, at that time, I already realized that something was wrong with my body.

Long-term alcoholism, can your health get better? Your own body knows.

The first time I quit drinking, I only quit for 9 days before I drank again. That day, a small hair boy asked me to come to his house to help, and then I quit.

Since then, I have returned to my previous drinking state.

In the next few years, on average, I would quit drinking once every six months, sometimes forced by my wife, sometimes voluntarily, and wanted to take the initiative to quit drinking, but I never succeeded.

I probably did the math, before I entered the ICU, I quit drinking 15 times without success.

Friends who are addicted to alcohol know that quitting alcohol is easier said than done.

It's okay to quit for three or five days, but if you don't drink alcohol for half a month, it's like wanting your life.

Over the years, my physical condition has also deteriorated.

Hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, night sweats, shaky hands, coronary heart disease, irregular heart rhythm... There are too many faults.

Seriously, I also wanted to quit drinking, but I couldn't quit, which annoyed me.

In March last year, I had a drink with a few drinkers, and that time I drank faster, and in less than an hour, I drank about 1 pound and 3 taels of wine, and then I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and sweat on my head.

At first, I wasn't afraid, I just thought, if I don't drink it, I will fall down if I drink it again.

I quickly drank some drinks and pressed it, but it was useless, and I fell to the ground as soon as I was crooked.

The drinkers rushed me to the hospital.

After diagnosis, I was severe acute pancreatitis and had systemic complications, and I had to rush into the ICU, otherwise my life would be in danger.

Fortunately, the operation went smoothly and my life was picked up.

After this drinking accident, I never touched the wine glass again.

When I was discharged from the hospital, the doctor also told me: if you want to die, don't touch the wine again.

Of course I want to die... I'm only 45 years old, and I don't want to die yet!

I used to feel how difficult it was to quit drinking, I didn't think that I would have a life-threatening day, or even if I thought about it, I would think that it was someone else's business, and the amount of alcohol like me was fine.

There is also the fact that although I know that drinking more wine is not good for my health, I am unwilling to control the amount of alcohol, and I drink it high every time, if I only drink half a pound at a time, I may be fine.

It's ironic to think about my drinking career, I have failed to quit drinking 15 times, and I have succeeded in entering an ICU.

Now my physical condition is still recovering, and my wife is very good to me.

Man, how can you do something bad when you know it? Only when he threatened his own life was he willing to repent!

Advise all drinkers, as early as possible if the body is sick, reluctant to quit also drink less, do not wait until I enter the ICU, before beginning to regret the beginning!

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