
Parents should sound the alarm bell, the kindergarten "new type of violence" is being staged, and the children can't say anything

Originally, it was a very happy thing for children to go to kindergarten, but there will be some unexpected things that parents are constantly playing out in kindergartens, which is now called "new violence".

If parents lack communication with their children on weekdays, they really don't know that their children have suffered so many grievances in kindergarten!

Every parent hopes that the child can have a happy and happy childhood, otherwise once the child has an unfortunate childhood, it will take a lifetime to heal.

Before sending their children to kindergarten, parents will also take a comprehensive look, in addition to looking at the kindergarten's teachers, teaching quality, but also look at the atmosphere of children getting along. However, even if parents try so hard to select the right kindergarten for their children, there will still be mistakes.

Parents should sound the alarm bell, the kindergarten "new type of violence" is being staged, and the children can't say anything

Parents should sound the alarm bell, the kindergarten "new type of violence" is being staged, and the children can't say anything

The child of Little C's girlfriend MeiMei has reached the age of kindergarten, in order to let the child go to a kindergarten that ranks high in all aspects of morality, intellect and physical beauty.

In the choice of school for the child Mei Mei can be said to be broken heart, hard to choose for the child to choose a kindergarten with a very high ranking and evaluation, Mei Mei thought that this time can finally save her mind, did not expect that her wrong decision almost ruined the child's childhood.

Everything was normal when the child first entered kindergarten, but only a short semester later, Mei Mei found that the originally lively and cheerful child had now become dull and taciturn.

Mei Mei thought at first that the child was having an awkward fight with a child of the same age, but later after talking to the child, she found that it was because she was misunderstood by the teacher, which caused the child to become introverted and not like to talk.

Parents should sound the alarm bell, the kindergarten "new type of violence" is being staged, and the children can't say anything

Things have to start from a few months ago, once the child was unwell, the same table to help her clean, did not expect the teacher to see this scene from time to time to care about the child's body, but indiscriminately criticized the child, saying that she was not willing to pay for the class, even cleaning such a small thing is not willing to do.

The child who was misunderstood by the teacher opened her mouth to explain, but the teacher did not give her the opportunity to explain.

If she hadn't learned the truth from her child's mouth, Mei Mei wouldn't have thought that her child would be treated like this in school.

Such a "new type of violence" is now frequently staged in kindergartens, if parents do not take the initiative to ask their children, children are likely to be held in their hearts after being wronged and dare not say it, in the long run, the negative impact on the child's body and mind is also far-reaching.

These three "new types of violence" are often staged, and parents must sound the alarm bell

1, negative labels are attached to the body, hitting the child's confidence

Many children are in kindergarten when the sun shines, but after a while they become frosted eggplant, why? In addition to discovering and analyzing problems from the children themselves, we also need to talk to the children about what they have encountered in kindergarten.

If the teacher has been attached some negative labels to the teacher for a long time, such as "big stupid", "destroy the king", etc., it will also seriously hit the child's self-confidence, so that the child no longer has the courage to do many things.

Parents should sound the alarm bell, the kindergarten "new type of violence" is being staged, and the children can't say anything

2. Ignore the needs of the child and treat the child's request as air

Some teachers with children may be relatively young, go to the toilet, sleep need the help of the teacher, once or twice the teacher can accept, but the number of times will also be disgusted by the teacher, there are a small number of teachers will ignore the child's request, although they can cultivate the child's ability to be independent, but from some aspects will also hurt the child's soul.

Parents should sound the alarm bell, the kindergarten "new type of violence" is being staged, and the children can't say anything

3. Treat children differently and like to cooperate with their children

Some teachers do not like children who contradict themselves everywhere, they like to follow their children in everything, and they will also favor one over the other in front of all the children, and the teacher will do this for a long time, so that those students who usually do not get the "love" of the teacher are more reluctant to perform.

Parents should sound the alarm bell, the kindergarten "new type of violence" is being staged, and the children can't say anything

Reject the "new type of violence" and start with the child's ideology

1, no matter how busy the work is, you must take time to care for your children

Parents should not think that the "throwing" of their children to kindergarten is a hundred, no matter how busy the work is on weekdays, they must take some time and communicate with their children every day, so as to know what is happening to their children in school.

If the child is wronged in school, the parents also guide the child how to face and deal with these things.

2. Children are still young, and daily safety education is indispensable

Many children are not yet mature in their thinking, and they do not understand many things, so they may make some bad moves, and parents should often give their children safety lessons, so that children can respect their classmates and protect themselves at the same time.

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