
Fallen does not pay attention to the three things, rich do not kiss the three

As the saying goes, it is some summary of the life experience of the ancients, which can help future generations to take fewer detours and learn more from the experience of others to enrich their own experience.

Especially for people, the ancients have more experience than us.

For example, the ancients often said: fall down and ignore the three things, rich do not kiss three people.

The meaning of this sentence is that there are three things that the depressed people cannot do, and when they have money, the three kinds of people must stay away. Usually, you may wish to pay attention to it and understand it early and benefit early.

1. Ignore the trivialities of your children

Chinese parents always like to think about the future for their children, although this is also a good intention of parents, but this only applies to when their children are young.

At that time, children did not have the ability to judge right from wrong, so they needed parents to guide them and even intervene in some bad decisions they made.

But as their children age, parents must gradually detach themselves from their children's lives, at least not to interfere with their children's decisions at will.

Because the social environment in which they grew up and the education they received were different, the ideological concepts of the two generations were naturally different.

If the parents impose interference on the children no matter what they decide, this will only affect the relationship between the parents and the children, and there is no other benefit.

Especially the more depressed parents, they can't just ignore the trivialities of their children, so that their children will feel that how can parents who can't even manage themselves make the right decisions for themselves?

Fallen does not pay attention to the three things, rich do not kiss the three

Second, ignore the education of the next generation

The issue of children's education is the top priority of every family, whether it is parents of any age, they all hope that their children can become the dragon and phoenix of the people, or grow up healthily.

Each generation has a unique way of education, and the development of society also determines what kind of talents can be more popular.

At this time, the educational concept of the older generation is likely not applicable to the contemporary era, and the grandparents will also spoil the child, which is extremely harmful to the child.

Therefore, it is better not to interfere with the education of grandchildren casually, and you can care about your children's lives, but do not care about education casually.

Third, ignore the livelihood of their children

Everyone will have their own small family when they grow up, and at this time, whether it is a man or a woman, they must gradually withdraw from the original family.

Everything must be discussed with your other half, rather than blindly obeying the arrangements of your parents, so that you will only become a "mother treasure" in the eyes of others, just like a giant baby whose mind can never mature.

As parents, we must be more aware of this and respect the other half of the child, so that the family will have a happy life. Otherwise, both parents are involved, which will only make the otherwise comfortable day a mess.

Fallen does not pay attention to the three things, rich do not kiss the three

Fourth, stay away from people who do not understand gratitude

Since ancient times, the mainland has had an old saying called "the grace of dripping water, when the spring repays each other", and parents teach their children from an early age to learn to be grateful. For those friends who send charcoal in the snow, we must cherish it extraordinarily.

In the future, if they encounter difficulties, they must lend a helping hand in time, so that the friendship between the two will be stronger.

For those who have saved them from danger, but you are reluctant to lend a hand when you are in distress, it is better to stay away early.

Because spending time with them will only consume yourself indefinitely.

That is to say, for those who have helped us, we must learn to be grateful. And for those who do not know how to be grateful, stop the loss in time and do not continue to communicate.

Fifth, stay away from people who confuse black and white

There will always be some unreasonable people in life, they always excuse themselves by vague concepts, the ancients cloud "show only met soldiers, reason is not clear", probably this is the case.

Such a person likes to reverse right and wrong, remove the responsibility that originally belongs to him, and get out like a person who has nothing to do. What's more, they will bite you back and make you have words of suffering, so for such people, they should also stay away in time.

Fallen does not pay attention to the three things, rich do not kiss the three

Stay away from snobbish people

Snobbish people usually put what they see as small profits in the first place, and such people only make friends with powerful people. When you are good, they are very kind to you and try to do everything they can to please you.

Once you have no power and status, the so-called "tree falling and scattering", they will be the first time to leave the relationship with you. Such a snobbish eye, do not come and go, so as not to make the circle around you into a miasma.

There will be different people around different social statuses, perhaps their purposes are different, and we must deal with them because of our feelings.

But once the behavior of these people reaches the bottom line, they must withdraw in time to avoid being hurt by them in the end.

The other is to take less care of the children, between two generations, especially after marriage, we must grasp the boundaries, so that it is good for both families.

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