
Dreaming of a deceased loved one represents insecurity? Three common dreams reveal your real situation

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In order to survive, human beings must maintain adequate sleep in addition to the necessary energy intake. People are particularly prone to dreaming during sleep, which is a phenomenon that everyone will experience, and from a psychological point of view, when people are asleep, the cerebral cortex is still in a state of activity because it cannot be fully controlled.

It's just that at this time, we can't think logically and rationally like during the day, so there are often some strange things in the dream, which is really confusing.

Although everyone's dreams are varied, some common dreams are believed to be experienced by many people, the most of which are the following, such as the reappearance of deceased relatives who are taking exams, teeth falling out, etc.

Dreaming of a deceased loved one represents insecurity? Three common dreams reveal your real situation

What do these dreams really mean? What do they teach us about real life? To explore the answers to these questions, follow in the footsteps of a psychologist and let him reveal the secrets for you.

Dreaming that I am taking an exam

Exam-related dreams are generally divided into the following three types, the first is that the exam failed to achieve the desired results, which often occurs when the individual is more anxious, especially in the stage when you are preparing for some things, if the mental pressure is relatively large, the brain will experience a lot of information baptism and become overwhelmed.

If you think back to those days when you went to school, every time you focus on the results of the exam, your emotions will be extra tense, and your subconscious mind will be very stressed.

Because you are particularly stressed at this time, after the brain feels a similar scene, it will recall the previous memories in the dream, such as the test score ranking is very low, the score is particularly poor, the score is difficult to satisfy, and so on.

Dreaming of a deceased loved one represents insecurity? Three common dreams reveal your real situation

The second situation is that the exam is very smooth. Freud pointed out that the individual's dreams reflect the needs and desires of the individual, and if you are confident about the exam in the dream and have a particularly good score, it means that you are very confident in reality, and everything you are experiencing so far is not difficult in your opinion.

The third situation is that the exam is affected by force majeure, such as forgetting to bring the admission ticket, the neutral pen suddenly running out of oil, etc., which indicates that you are in a state of anxiety in your daily life. When an accident occurs, it is difficult to accept the heart, so the psychology will be more fragile.

A tooth drop means separation

Teeth are the most familiar organs that can be used to chew food, help us consume energy, and can also help us speak and adjust our pronunciation.

Dreaming of a deceased loved one represents insecurity? Three common dreams reveal your real situation

In general, teeth are particularly prone to appear in dreams, and in psychoanalysis, they symbolize hardness and sharpness, and are typically representative of aggression. When people suddenly come to a new environment, they will definitely make themselves seem more easy-going at first to facilitate integration into the group.

If you need to face leaving your hometown or leaving a familiar environment in real life, the subconscious will have a feeling of reluctance, like a tooth falling out.

Dreaming of a loved one who has passed away

Among all the emotions, family affection is the most special one, it relies on blood relations as a bond, is one of the emotions that people can not give up no matter what, when we get along with our relatives, the heart will naturally give birth to a sense of security and belonging.

However, people will live and die of old age and illness, everyone has a day to leave, if a loved one dies for some reason, those who remain in the world must have a lot of reluctance.

Dreaming of a deceased loved one represents insecurity? Three common dreams reveal your real situation

The departed man has disappeared into the world, but the memories of him remain in our minds.

If this person is very important, then the probability of us remembering him in our daily life may not be very high, because people are not willing to face the sad memories, but in the subconscious, we are very concerned about him, so the brain often turns past memories into dreams.

If we see a loved one in a dream who has passed away, it means that our current life may be in a state of no sense of belonging or uneasiness. When our subconscious mind seeks to feel safe, dreams are born.

When there are contradictions and unsmooth things in life, everyone will take the initiative to look for older relatives and let them point out a path for themselves, precisely because people have a certain sense of dependence on older relatives psychologically, so dreaming of deceased relatives actually implies that we are looking for guidance for the way forward.

Dreaming of a deceased loved one represents insecurity? Three common dreams reveal your real situation

Psychologists believe that the function of dreams is to blur the individual's thinking, once the dream is realized in reality, it means that the individual's body and mind have been double satisfied, and even the quality of sleep after that will be greatly improved.

Although the material of the dream is simple, the mystery behind it is very profound. If you dream of a special dream, think about its connection to reality, and maybe you can find a correspondence with each other.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

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参考资料:Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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