
Shenzhou 13 astronauts returned today, netizens left a message: parents should grasp a little bit of parenting

Welcome Heroes! Tears in your eyes! Safe return! On April 16, netizens left a message one after another, making the entire God Thirteen spaceship return live broadcast full of love and expectation. When the return capsule landed on the East Wind landing field under the attention of the whole world, the three heroes Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu returned to the motherland. The whole Chinese people pay tribute to the hero.

Shenzhou 13 astronauts returned today, netizens left a message: parents should grasp a little bit of parenting

But do you remember the hero's parents? Do you remember the education of heroic parents? It was the hero's parents who correctly raised their children to cultivate aerospace geniuses for the motherland. We should pay tribute to the heroes' parents. All Chinese parents should learn from the parents of heroes. How do heroic parents raise their children? Morality, intelligence, physical fitness and beauty are very important in all aspects, but thousands of netizens revealed the secret with exciting messages: grasp a point - morality. Let's take a look at the words and deeds of astronauts.

Zhai Zhigang:

Shenzhou 13 astronauts returned today, netizens left a message: parents should grasp a little bit of parenting

Wang Yaping

Shenzhou 13 astronauts returned today, netizens left a message: parents should grasp a little bit of parenting

Ye Guangfu

Shenzhou 13 astronauts returned today, netizens left a message: parents should grasp a little bit of parenting

The three heroes finally took the Shenzhou XIII manned spacecraft to triumph in space more than 300 kilometers above the ground.

Shenzhou 13 astronauts returned today, netizens left a message: parents should grasp a little bit of parenting

Loving oneself, loving one's home, and loving one's motherland are the three realms of parenting. Look at what Yin Xi, a doctor of physics, said: Although China has cultivated me, even if the United States is in chaos, I do not want to return to China. How selfish and failed the results of such education are. Those who study abroad and do not return will never understand that loving their motherland and treating the interests of the country and the Chinese nation more than their own lives is the highest secret of all heroic parenting, and it is also the highest realm of all our parents. May Chinese parents cultivate talents with moral education.

Friends, I'm 1395, see you tomorrow.

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