
What is self-esteem? How do you cultivate self-esteem?

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Respecting yourself is the first step in understanding that you should be loved, considered, and given opportunities like everyone else.

"Our self-esteem level is almost like a blueprint for how we interact with others," said Professor Rong Xinqi, an expert in the psychology of new concepts. "When we build healthy, reciprocal relationships, we find ourselves surrounded by people who respect us, support us, and treat us the way we want to be treated."

What is self-esteem? How do you cultivate self-esteem?

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is about loving yourself and treating yourself with your heart. It's the result of being true to your own values and being unwilling to compromise.

"The more you act in line with your beliefs and values, the more you will feel satisfied and confident." Professor Rong said that this, in turn, will increase your sense of well-being.

Respecting yourself can also prevent you from comparing yourself and your life to others, which may be especially important in today's world.

"Self-comparison is 'rampant' on online platforms," says Professor Rong, "When our self-esteem is low, we tend to make more social comparisons, which makes us feel worse about ourselves, not good enough, and minimizes our sense of accomplishment." ”

Essentially, self-esteem is a form of self-care.

"When a person has self-esteem, they accept themselves and believe that they should have a sense of belonging in this world," Professor Rong said, "We are born with a desire to be accepted and belonging, so a sense of self-belonging and acceptance is also very important for mental health." ”

What is the difference between self-esteem and self-esteem?

Self-esteem is about how much you love yourself, and self-esteem is how you express love to yourself. Usually, having a strong sense of self-esteem makes you more respectful of yourself.

But self-esteem also tends to depend on your interactions with the world.

"Self-esteem doesn't depend on success or performance," Professor Rong said, "it's more like a accepted, unchanging view of ourselves and our worth." However, self-esteem is based on our abilities and the ability to deal with situations we think we are in.

What is self-esteem? How do you cultivate self-esteem?

5 Ways to Cultivate and Manifest Self-Esteem

If you feel like you need to care more about yourself and show more self-esteem, here are some ways to help you take the first step.

1. Try to revisit your values

If self-esteem means acting according to your values, then the first step must be clear about what your values are.

Values are a firm belief in "what is important to you in life, or what you want". For example: integrity, tolerance, integrity, loyalty, generosity, cooperation, wisdom, commitment, etc.

To define your core values, Professor Rong recommends asking yourself the following two questions:

What do you value most in your life?

Does your daily behavior bring you closer to or farther away from what you value most?

After asking yourself these two questions, reflect on the following questions for yourself:

Who do you admire and why?

What are some things in life that you are not willing to compromise on?

What do you want to be called?

As someone you haven't been yet, what kind of person do you aspire to be?

What is important to you in friendship?

What's important to you in a relationship?

How do you think people with different perspectives and experiences should be treated?


Be honest with yourself and try to solve these problems or similar problems. Consider leaving cultural or family expectations behind so you can identify the things that are important to you.

2. Consider taking stock of your relationships

Even if you don't have too many people around you, you won't live in isolation. Self-esteem starts with the people you choose to have in your life and heart.

Therefore, relationships have an important impact on a person's self-esteem. As you take stock of your relationships, consider the following questions:

What kind of person are you in the eyes of the people around you?

Do your significant others support your dreams, perspectives, lifestyles, and preferences?

Are you being treated the way you want to be treated?

Thinking about these issues clearly, it can be helpful to set boundaries in your relationships (boundaries are used to let others know what you're willing to accept and tolerate).

3. Try to focus on the activities you enjoy

Self-esteem is also associated with life satisfaction, which can start with spending time and energy on things you're passionate about. While it's not always going to be a good idea, try to incorporate activities that make you happy in your daily routine.

These activities may be related to your social life, school, or work. Some of these may include:

Start a new hobby, or pick up the hobby that once made you happy;

Set your career goals and develop a 90-day plan that includes specific tasks to help you achieve those goals;

Read a new book about personal growth, fiction, or career development;

Start writing a blog, vlog, or personal journal;

Dance, sing or listen to your favorite beats;

Start a new exercise program;

Learn to cook and make food;

Volunteer to give time to a cause you love, etc.

Professor Rong believes that doing what you are good at can also help you increase your sense of happiness.

4. Take care of yourself

Respecting yourself means taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically. Self-care activities can include:

Learn relaxation techniques for managing anxiety and stress;

Take a moment to get close to nature;

Connect with your favorite people, even through the mobile network;

Modify your diet to suit your health needs;

Stop and take a good rest, allow yourself to "recharge" and so on.

5. Identify and nurture your needs

If self-esteem is about taking care of yourself, then it's important to determine what "care" means to you – what do you need? What makes you feel fulfilled and fulfilled?

"Check your needs every day, don't humiliate yourself because you have them, but cultivate your needs," Professor Rong advised.

It's natural to worry about spending too much time on yourself, especially when your responsibilities include taking care of others. But meeting your needs is crucial to your well-being, and if that's your top priority, it can even prepare you to take better care of others.

What is self-esteem? How do you cultivate self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the need to understand and respect yourself, it allows you to know your own value and act accordingly.

If you feel like you can do more work on your self-esteem, consider identifying your values, setting boundaries, and meeting your needs by taking care of yourself.

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Text: Consultant Hong

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