
Before I turned 30, I was thankful to be able to finish these books

To this day, I am still a waste that has achieved nothing.

This is not a false courtesy, but a fact that must be acknowledged. I don't have anything to do with the world's standards of success.

Especially compared with the excellent studies in my youth, compared with the 985 University after the college entrance examination, today's me really made my life a mess, which can be summarized in simple words: what I want is nothing.

But I'm not writing this to complain.

Because I've complained enough in my past life. I complained about bad luck, complained about bad luck, complained about this god being blind to the dog's eyes. But these complaints are useless.

After complaining, I was still the salted fish lying on the ground, and I was not even qualified to turn over.

And I'd love to share today how I stopped complaining.

The answer is simple: read.

The reading I want to talk about here is not reading in the narrow sense, but reading in the broad sense.

In the world before I was 18 years old, there was a lot of study of textbooks. I have to admit that reading has changed my fate tremendously. Coming out of a small mountain village, with excellent results, I was admitted to a good 985 college and had the qualification to go to the city to work as a social animal.

Many people say that the life of social animals is suffering. I admit it. But the hardships are also afraid of comparison, compared with the farming and income of my parents' generation, my life in the cubicle is a huge change. I made this change.

I cannot yet assert which kind of life is more bitter, because each of these two lives has its own suffering. But I have to admit that I would rather suffer from this life than return to the suffering of the past.

This is the first change that reading has brought me.

This change is really nothing. Because everyone can accomplish this change in various ways. Those who can seize the opportunity of the times and bravely move forward are too easy to seize this opportunity.

On the contrary, reading books can easily cultivate people into characters who dare to think and dare not do.

That's just me.

But I am still grateful to read, because reading has allowed me to complete the following three aspects of change.

First, know and accept yourself.

For a long time, I was very unhappy.

This incident is a symptom of me after working hard for a job.

At that time, I could say that I was crazy about a job. Because I love the job, I've done a great job, and the boss has promised to give me something. But in the end, the boss did not make any promises for me except to take what I made.

I was furious. In anger, I did something out of the ordinary. Every day in the office yelling, often making a big fuss, nameless anger hurt many innocent colleagues.

When I realized that I had a psychological problem, I resigned, although I did not give up.

In the time after I quit my job, I read a lot of psychology books and realized my problems. When the pain does appear, it means that you are sick. And when your illness surfaces, the opportunity for treatment has come.

It's a long process. Every quarter of an hour of my pain, the books in many books, gave me a good healing.

Now I am still not beautiful. But I know that life is not good, and the pain of life can be cured.

Second, reading made me stop worrying.

There was a time when I always felt that everything was too late.

When I was 20 years old, there were people who made tens of millions of dollars in their 20s, and when I was 25 years old, there were people who achieved financial freedom at 25 years old. Today, when I'm 30 years old, there are 30-year-olds who have retired.

Everything made me extremely anxious. The desire for money, the desire for fame, and the desire for a luxurious life made me so anxious that I couldn't do things at all.

Until last year, I was in a more laid-back job. I was able to endure my temper outside of work, and after reading about 40 books, my anxiety slowly healed.

Third, reading has made me a better version of myself.

This word sounds very chicken soup.

But reading does have this effect. Because the better self is always discovered and defined by oneself.

Why do some people say that reading is a beacon in despair? Because this lamp is something you need to light yourself.

As for the expansion of life by reading, this is indeed a long journey to complete. No one who loves to read will say that he has completed this career. Only by constantly moving forward is the way back to this road.

Finally, it is not uncommon to recommend some books.

In the past two years, I have read more psychology books, but I have also read a lot of literary works. Put a few books that I feel have helped me a lot at this moment, and share them here.

Psychological aspects: "The Courage to Be Hated", "Emotional Blackmail", "Native Family", "See a Psychiatrist When a Toad"

Literary aspects: "Grapes of Rage", "Les Misérables", "Blood Plague", "Blood Death", "Eugenie Grande", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Dead Souls"

Other: "Unspoken Rules", "Survival of the Sick", "You Eat It"

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