
Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

Affected by the decline in subsidies, the rising cost of raw materials, and the stimulation of domestic refined oil prices, since the beginning of this year, the domestic new energy vehicle market has set off multiple rounds of price increases. High-end intelligent pure electric vehicles up to hundreds of thousands of yuan, small to tens of thousands of yuan of micro-electric vehicles, have been adjusted to varying degrees. According to the analysis of many industry insiders, due to the uncertainty of oil prices and raw material costs, the domestic new energy vehicle market in the second quarter may also set off multiple rounds of price increases.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

Affected by this, in the first quarter of this year, the domestic new energy vehicle market is also under the tide of rising prices, ushering in a wave of rush to buy. According to the production and sales data released by major new energy vehicle companies in March and the first quarter in recent times, the terminal sales of many domestic new energy vehicle companies have appeared in the hot sales situation of "short supply".

Tesla: First-quarter deliveries increased by 68% year-on-year, and prices were raised three times in March

Affected by the rising cost of raw materials and the shortage of parts, since the price increase in January this year, Tesla has increased its price three times in a row from March 10 to March 17, of which the Model Y model has increased by more than 30,000 yuan compared with last year.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

However, this does not seem to have affected the buying enthusiasm of the end market. According to Tesla's official data, Tesla delivered 310,000 new cars worldwide in the first quarter of this year, an increase of 68% year-on-year. Although it has not yet released sales data for the Chinese market, tesla china achieved 59,800 units and 56,500 units in January and February this year, with exports accounting for 40,500 units and 33,300 units, respectively.

Judging from the sales volume in the first two months, Tesla's sales performance in the Chinese market is still remarkable. Therefore, in March this year, if we conservatively estimate that Tesla still achieved a monthly sales of 50,000 vehicles in the domestic market in March, then in the first quarter of this year, the delivery volume of the Chinese market has accounted for half of its total global delivery.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

BYD: Cumulative sales of 291,400 vehicles in the first quarter have increased prices for two consecutive times this year

BYD's first price increase this year was on January 22, when BYD announced that due to the continuous sharp rise in raw material costs, BYD Dynasty Network and Ocean Network related new energy models will be raised by 1,000-7,000 yuan from February 1. On March 15, BYD once again announced that the new energy models related to Dynasty Network and Ocean Network will be raised by 3,000-6,000 yuan from March 16.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

Although the price has been adjusted twice, due to the abundance of new energy models related to Dynasty Network and Ocean Network, and the terminal price is relatively close to the people, the price increase in the first quarter of this year has also spawned BYD's terminal hot sales. According to the data, in March this year, BYD sold 104,300 vehicles, an increase of 160.9% year-on-year. Among them, DM models accounted for 50,700 units and EV models accounted for 53,600 units.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

From January to March, BYD's cumulative sales have reached 291,400 units, an increase of 179.78% year-on-year. It is worth mentioning that by-one, bydir's cumulative undelivered orders have reached 400,000 vehicles. Previously, BYD also officially announced that from March, BYD has stopped producing fuel vehicles.

GAC Aeon: Sold 44,900 vehicles in the first quarter, with price increases ranging from 4,000-10,000 yuan

Affected by the subsidy breakthrough and the rise in raw material costs, after a price adjustment at the beginning of this year, on March 4, GAC Ae-An said that from March 4, GAC AION's AION Y, AION S Plus, AION V Plus and other related models will be adjusted, with an increase of 4,000-10,000 yuan.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

Under the people-friendly price and rich product matrix, in March this year, GAC Aeon sold more than 20,000 vehicles, an increase of 189% year-on-year, setting a new high for delivery. In the first quarter of this year, GAC Aeon's cumulative sales reached 44,900 units, an increase of 154.26% year-on-year.

At present, GAC Aeon's product matrix has completed the full coverage of many market segments such as small cars, compact cars, and medium-sized SUVs. In order to ensure production capacity, GAC Aean has completed a production capacity expansion in February this year, with a production capacity of 200,000 vehicles per year. According to the plan, this year, GAC Aegean will also launch three new cars: AION LX Plus, AION V Plus and AION Y Plus.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

Xiaopeng Automobile: In the first quarter, 34,600 vehicles were delivered, with a maximum increase of 20,000 yuan

As the head car company in the new car manufacturing force, Xiaopeng Automobile has also raised prices twice this year. The first time was in January this year, when the three models of Xiaopeng P7, Xiaopeng P5 and Xiaopeng G3i were all raised to varying degrees, with increases ranging from 4000-6000 yuan. On March 18, Xiaopeng Automobile once again announced that due to the sharp rise in the price of upstream raw materials, Xiaopeng Automobile's models on sale will be raised by 10,100-20,000 yuan.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

From the perspective of growth, Xiaopeng Automobile's increase is not small, but in the first quarter of this year, with the cumulative delivery of 34,600 vehicles, it has achieved the crown of the new car-making force. Data show that in March this year, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered 15,414 new cars, an increase of 202% year-on-year. From January to March, the cumulative delivery volume of Xiaopeng Automobile reached 34,600 units, an increase of 159% year-on-year.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

It is worth mentioning that in the current product matrix of Xiaopeng Automobile, Xiaopeng P7 is the main sales force. In March this year, the delivery of Xiaopeng P7 exceeded 9,000 units. With the increase in sales, Xiaopeng P7 is likely to quickly cross the threshold of 10,000 vehicles, boosting Xiaopeng automobile sales to rise again. In recent times, the attention of Xiaopeng Automobile's first medium and large SUV Xiaopeng G9 is also rising, according to the official, the new car will be listed in June.

Ideal Car: 31,700 units were delivered in the first quarter, with a price increase of 11,800 yuan

In the domestic new energy market, Ideal Auto decided to increase prices on March 23 this year, when in fact, many car companies have already raised prices. According to the announcement of Ideal Auto, from April 1, the price of Ideal ONE will be raised from 338,000 yuan to 349,800 yuan, an increase of 11,800 yuan.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

With an ideal ONE, it rushed into the head echelon of the new car-making forces, and in the terminal market of new energy vehicles, the ideal car has always been a presence that cannot be ignored. According to the data, in March this year, Ideal Car delivered 11,034 new cars, an increase of 125.2% year-on-year. From January to March, the cumulative sales volume of Ideal Automobile was 31,700 units, an increase of 152.1% year-on-year.

Although only one model is on sale, the Ideal ONE is the only model in the team of new car-making forces with monthly sales of more than 10,000. However, the situation of Ideal ONE alone will soon come to an end, according to ideal car planning, ideal car's second production model ideal L9, will be released on April 16. With the reinforcement of new cars, the ideal car is expected to reach new highs further.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

NIO: A total of 25,800 units were delivered in the first quarter, and prices will increase from May

Although it did not choose to follow the trend in the first quarter, Weilai Automobile will also join the price increase army from May this year. According to NIO's previous announcement, NIO is expected to release the 2022 ES8, ES6 and EC6 in late May, and the revised model will undergo a major upgrade to the smart hardware, and the price of the upgraded model and battery is expected to be raised.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

The reason why it did not follow the trend of price increases is actually related to the sales momentum of Weilai Automobile's relative lack of staying power. Although in March, NIO has also achieved nearly 10,000 results, from January to March, the cumulative delivery of new cars reached 25,800 units, an increase of 28.5% year-on-year, still in the head echelon of the new car-making forces, but compared with the ideal car and Xiaopeng Motors, the sales growth of NIO Automobile gradually slowed down.

At a time when the new energy vehicle market is basically based on substantial growth, this is not optimistic for Weilai Automobile.

Nezha Automobile: The delivery volume in the first quarter exceeded 30,000, and the price increase ranged from 3,000-5,000 yuan

Because Nezha Automobile has always been more focused on the new energy market of about 100,000 levels, the price increase range is not high compared with some high-end new energy vehicle brands. According to the announcement of Nezha Automobile on March 17, starting from March 18, Nezha Automobile raised the price of the model on sale by 3,000-5,000 yuan.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

In horizontal comparison, this increase is actually not too high. Thanks to this, the sales volume of Nezha Automobile in the first quarter was not affected. Data show that in March, Nezha Automobile delivered 12,026 new cars, an increase of 270% year-on-year. From January to March, the cumulative delivery volume of Nezha Automobile has exceeded 30,000 units, an increase of 305% year-on-year.

Although from the price dimension, Nezha Automobile is not mainly attacking the high-end intelligent electric vehicle market, but in terms of scale, Nezha Automobile has also ranked among the top new forces echelon, and now, the three-strong pattern of "rationalizing small ones" has become more and more stable.

Price increases do not hinder sales growth? Sales summary of new energy vehicle companies in the first quarter

However, it is worth mentioning that the official guidance price of the two new cars of Nezha V and Nezha U. Tide, which were recently listed, has also increased by 0.1-1.2 million yuan compared with the version of the 2021 model, which is also the second price increase of Nezha Automobile this year, and whether this price increase will have an impact on its sales in the second quarter remains to be seen.

Red Dot Observation: In fact, in addition to the head car companies mentioned above, a number of domestic car companies have adjusted prices for their new energy models this year, including SAIC-GM-Wuling's Hongguang MINI EV, Chery's QQ Ice Cream and Xiao Ant, and other micro-electric vehicles with higher sales have also risen to varying degrees. However, because these car companies have not yet announced their monthly sales, it is still impossible to know whether their new energy vehicle sales have been affected.

Previously, there were also voices in the industry that new energy vehicles have not yet risen to the top, and in the second quarter of this year, the domestic market may also usher in a wave of price increases. Under such circumstances, it may lead to the rush of end consumers for new energy vehicles, but it may also affect the sales of new energy vehicles. What do you think about that?

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