
In doing so, the children easily sleep in separate rooms

"Zhao Da Girl" 86 original article

The 20th consecutive day

My family slept in a separate room at the age of 5.

The process is quite relaxed, at the beginning of the child will occasionally run over in the middle of the night, after slow guidance, you can already sleep well all night.

Good sleep habits are very important, sleeping separately is good for children and adults, adults need their own independent space, children actually need to, in their own room will stay in their own play will play games lying on the bed with themselves to play with themselves, learn to get along with themselves can grow up can be better independent.

I have consulted many articles and books, combined with my own experience, summed up a few tips for sleeping in separate rooms, I hope to help you.

01, create a sense of ceremony

Sleeping in separate rooms is not forced apart, and suddenly sleeping with the child you want to sleep with your own child is difficult to accept and even have a strong resistance. Therefore, the preparation of the early stage is very important.

My approach is to create a sense of ritual, let the child slowly adapt and think that it is a thing to be proud of from the heart.

About two months before his 5th birthday, the family began to lay the groundwork for him the concept of a big baby at the age of 5. The whole family would tell him at different times, "You're going to have a birthday soon, and 5 years old is a big baby." ”

Then take him to his future room and tell him that this is your future room, and your mother is so envious that you can have your own room at such a young age, and everything in it is yours, and you can arrange it as you want. Take him with you to buy curtains, sheets and quilts, etc., be sure to go with him to let him choose by himself, and when he goes home, he must also arrange it with him, so that he has a feeling of being a master, and the room is what he likes. I see on the Internet that conditional mothers will paint the room in advance into the color and style that the child likes, which is also very good, provided that the child is involved in the process by herself.

On his birthday, he had to do a full ceremony, put the gift in the room, give him a good bath and put on new pajamas, and tell him that he was going to wash white and live in his room soon, which was a very remarkable thing.

After this set of processes is done, the child basically will not have much disgust.

02, prepare the night lights

Most children are still afraid, and my family is especially afraid of the dark.

So choosing a small night light that he likes in advance and putting it at the head of the bed can be a good way to alleviate fear. There are a lot of good-looking night lights on the Internet, but be sure not to pick the kind that can change color and flicker, we have bought one before, and the result is that the child plays with the night light and sleeps later.

Buy a good look, light soft function is simple.

03. Countermeasures

The child will still run out in the middle of the night, and may also cry. Make an agreement with the child in advance that "your mother will guard you at the door, and if you are afraid, you will call your mother, and your mother will accompany you." ”

Then accompany him at the door so that he can shout at any time to know that we are by his side.

We were at the door for about 5 days, and it went well later. At first, he would have to shout from time to time, and we would respond to him in time.

Running over at night is not easy to avoid, can only gradually adapt, parents must not lock the door so that he can easily enter. Guide him according to the time he came, such as "Today's performance is very good, Oh, my mother saw that you came over at dawn, I can already sleep for a long time, I am a very good child." ”

Change the pattern of exaggeration, if you don't come one day, you have to praise the whole family together, "It's a big baby, you can sleep by yourself is particularly brave!" ”

04. Agree on a good time to sleep

The child's sleep is very important, from the time he was born we paid attention to this matter, the first year of birth is about 7:30 to take him to sleep, and then gradually extended to 8 o'clock, 8:30 o'clock. Finally fixed to 9 o'clock sleep 7 o'clock, usually will let him sleep for a full 10 hours.

But children sleeping is a very boiling thing, yesterday a parent told me that taking the child to sleep to make parents tired of the child or keep their eyes open. My approach is not to stay up with him, but to sleep with him, really asleep. The parent himself fell asleep first, he played for a while without any meaning, he will slowly fall asleep. This is my method before the room is divided. Every time I slept with him at 9 o'clock and woke up at 10 o'clock to do some of my own thing. Sleep is contagious, and someone around you who sleeps well will fall asleep quickly. My family nap is also like this, no matter him, mom and dad sleep first, mobile phones and tablets are put away, he will play with toys after a while will come to sleep together.

What should I do if I cry? Agree with your child in advance, Mom and Dad want to sleep, do you sleep? You can not sleep, but you can't make a fuss about Mom and Dad, or you'll have to lie in bed with us.

Talking about the operation after returning to the room, I told him that I must wash up at 9 o'clock and return to the room, and we don't care what we play in the room, but we are not allowed to come out. He would play in the house by himself for a while and then obediently sleep.

Here's a point, try to let children learn to look at time early, have a concept of time, such as playing games for 20 minutes, and what should be done at what time. My family is now having fun on their own, telling him that it is already 9 o'clock, and he will see the time to determine the time and then obediently go to wash up.

Well, if you still have any confusion, you can leave a message in the background to discuss it together.

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