
Li Meijin: Children who have been "managed" and "not managed" since childhood have lived two lives after the age of 12

At the end of 2021, the Family Education Promotion Law stipulates that from 2022, education will return to the family.

Li Meijin: Children who have been "managed" and "not managed" since childhood have lived two lives after the age of 12

This is another effort by the state in the education industry after the "double reduction policy"!

From now on, education will "have laws to follow", parents can no longer be "hands-off treasurers", if guardian education is absent, they will be punished! Parents are even more directly shouting: It is so difficult to be a parent!

It is no wonder that the state promulgates policies, after all, nearly 80% of parents on the mainland do not know how to educate their children, or even use the wrong methods to discipline.

Over time, under some improper educational methods, children become more and more difficult to manage, and their personalities become distorted:

Adolescence resists, lies, early love, soft and hard do not eat, oil and salt do not enter;

See cartoons than mothers are pro, mobile phone Internet everything loves, do not love to learn;

Can't fight, scold, say two sentences and start crying, it is almost up, and the psychological endurance is poor;


Li Meijin once said in "Round Table Pie":

"Before the age of 6, the words of parents are gold, and after the age of 12, the words of parents are garbage."

Li Meijin: Children who have been "managed" and "not managed" since childhood have lived two lives after the age of 12

In short, parents must discipline their children as early as possible, and if they do not care when they are young, they will not be able to control them when they grow up.

Before that, there was a returnee man who was sprayed wildly by netizens.

It turned out that he had not gone to work for more than ten years after returning from studying abroad, and he was old at home.

Li Meijin: Children who have been "managed" and "not managed" since childhood have lived two lives after the age of 12

One day, the man and his father quarreled, and the father smashed the car he bought for his son.

The man threatened to cut his father, but thanks to the arrival of the police, a tragedy was prevented.

There is a detail that is very frustrating: the son's car was bought by the old father.

Presumably, in the past 10 years, more than this car has been bought for my son, right?

There may also be designer sneakers, and high-end gaming equipment... Maybe before buying these, my father refused, but in the end he bought them with a soft heart.

Some netizens have commented: It must be that I didn't manage it well when I was a child, and I can't manage it when I grow up.

To the point.

Before the age of 12, it is a critical period for the formation of children's values.

If parents do not give their children the correct guidance and strict discipline, the child is likely to not know right and wrong, do not distinguish between right and wrong, and eventually cause irreparable tragedy.

A letter from a murderer to his parents:

4 years old, I fell and you said it was the stone's fault;

At 6 years old, I had to buy two Transformers, and you agreed;

12 years old, I rode a bicycle and hit someone, and you secretly apologized for losing money for me;

At 33 years old, I owe a loan shark, and you take everything out to continue to pay it off for me;

34 years old, you didn't give me money, I had to rob, but I killed people by mistake...

What is conveyed between the lines is not a mother's love for her son, but a failure of education.

In childhood, the son made mistakes, and the mother did not point out, did not punish, and did not guide, which made the son a person with no rules, no responsibility, and no patience, and ultimately harmed society.

But I have to admit that this is the current situation of Chinese parents.

Do not understand education, Buddhist family to raise children.

Saying this is not to scare you, but to make you pay attention to family education.

Parents' education methods have too much impact on children!

Stop telling me anything about being a parent for the first time, there are no "failed" kids, only "failed" parents.

But then again, the reason why many parents find their children difficult is that they don't understand their children's inner thoughts and the wrong way to discipline them!

There is a difference between nurturing by experience & having planned parenting

It's so big

Li Meijin: Children who have been "managed" and "not managed" since childhood have lived two lives after the age of 12

Because of this, parents urgently need to supplement the theoretical knowledge related to family education:

The problem of lack of educational knowledge and ability is widespread among mainland parents;

Parents can't understand their children's problems, and there is no appropriate solution...

Therefore, the state vigorously develops the "family education" curriculum to rescue tens of millions of families in distress!

And encourage parents to "hold a certificate", learn family education courses, arm themselves with scientific theory + hands-on practice, and raise their children.

Li Meijin: Children who have been "managed" and "not managed" since childhood have lived two lives after the age of 12

So where should ordinary people go to learn professional parenting courses?

Now, I recommend Ewha Education's 5-day "Family Education Guidance Class" to you!

12 years of parenting experts hand-in-hand teaching, children disobedience, temper tantrums, procrastination, addicted to games... Solve 99% of your parenting problems with one click, and be the envy of family and friends!

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