
Rural Educator's Handwriting | Cao Jiahui: An Educational Story Triggered by a Pair of Glasses

Qilu Evening News, Qilu one-point reporter Gong Yueyue planned and sorted

Editor's note: From now on, the "Youth Talk" column plans to launch the "Rural Educator's Handbook" to provide a platform for rural principals and teachers to show themselves, share what they have seen and heard on the front line of education, and help the construction of rural education pilot areas.

The following is the educational notes of Cao Jiahui, a teacher of the Fourth Experimental Kindergarten in Yiyuan County:

"Teacher, your glasses are really strange, how are they different from the previous ones?"

Some time ago, I took a leave of absence for myopia correction surgery, and I needed to wear a pair of goggles for a short time, in order to protect my eyes from trauma. Today at work, I put my glasses on to the kindergarten, and suddenly attracted the attention of the children, and several children stared at me all the time, full of curiosity and questions.

Interest is the best teacher, I think we must seize this educational opportunity to meet the child's desire for inquiry in time. So I followed the children's interests and discussed with them the "unique" glasses.

How is this pair of glasses different from the previous ones? For small class children, the intuitive approach is more suitable for them. I found a photo of my previous glasses on my phone and asked the child to compare it with what it looks like now. Children, you say to me, "Glasses are not the same size, this big and that is small; the glasses frame is different, one is red and the other is blue..."

Immediately after, I took off my glasses and asked the children to take turns trying them on, "Teacher, you don't look like a diver, I've seen divers on TV with glasses; I wear like an astronaut..."

Intuitive feeling and experience further stimulated the children's interest, but also mobilized the children's existing life experience, I quickly hit the iron while it was hot, borrowed the myopia glasses of the neighboring teacher and then asked the children to experience, guiding the children to find that in addition to the difference in appearance, the two pairs of glasses also have different "skills". I told the children that the glasses they used to wear were "myopic glasses" because the teacher's eyes were "sick" and needed to wear glasses to see clearly; the glasses they wore now were called "protective glasses" and were used to protect the eyes.

Why do the eyes "get sick"? This question has aroused new interest in children, adhering to the concept of toddlers first, I let the children express their ideas, some say "it is the reason for chili, eating too many chili peppers", some say "because drinking water is less on fire", and some say "watching too much TV".

The children's communication reflects their existing knowledge and experiences.

So, what causes myopia, and how should children protect their eyes? We watched popular science videos together, and the children knew that watching TV, playing mobile phones, and playing with computers for too long may cause their eyes to get sick. It turns out that eating carrots and rubbing your eyes without rubbing your hands can also protect your eyes.

There were carrots in the dish at noon on this day, and usually many children were not very interested in carrots, but after the discussion of the topic of glasses, the children actually ate all the carrots and wanted to eat a second one. This makes me sigh that the charm of life education is really great!

Rural Educator's Handwriting | Cao Jiahui: An Educational Story Triggered by a Pair of Glasses

This matter did not end here, during the stay at home, the children's living habits have also changed, we are worried about whether the child will use too many electronic products at home and affect the problem of vision, in a home communication, a parent shared with me such a thing: the child's parents at home, more like to look at the mobile phone, before the child for "animation, small video" is also more interested, often pestering adults to watch. During this time, the child, like growing up, not only did not look at it himself, but also told his parents that they could not look, because it was not good for the eyes, it would make the eyes "sick", and also shared the story of the teacher having a pair of "unique" glasses.

Hearing the feedback from parents, my heart was full of joy and emotion, and I did not expect that the story of a pair of glasses had penetrated into the daily life of children. At the same time, I also got inspired by this, kindergarten life is permeated with education everywhere, just like the point of "glasses", there is no preset goal, but the education caused by a small thing in life, but it can make children understand the importance of protecting their eyes in a subtle way, and unexpectedly solve the problem of "not loving to eat carrots".

"A day of life is education" is not an empty phrase, as a kindergarten teacher, we must always maintain a sincere and enthusiastic heart, good at discovering educational opportunities in life, the education in a day of life, stimulate the potential of every child, so that they can achieve all-round development in a free and comfortable life!

Rural Educator's Handwriting | Cao Jiahui: An Educational Story Triggered by a Pair of Glasses

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