
How do you show respect for healthcare workers? Parents let their children dance unexpectedly but caused controversy!

How to educate children? It's something that everyone is thinking about. The words and deeds of our parents directly determine the healthy growth of every child, and recently the practices of some mothers have caused widespread controversy among netizens.

Recently, many mothers have set off a trend of letting their children dance and perform for medical staff.

This period of the epidemic is serious, and our medical staff are very hard, especially those involved in doing nucleic acid, staying outside for a day or even longer. In order to teach their children to respect medical staff from an early age, many of our mothers ask their children to dance to medical staff at the nucleic acid test site.

Look at these little girls, performing hard at the scene of the nucleic acid test, although no one around them seriously watched them dance, and the medical staff were too busy to watch, but they still danced seriously and meticulously. Not afraid of the gaze of those around you at all.

Of course, I believe that this is definitely not the spontaneous behavior of the little girls, because the little girls of this age are the shyest, and if no one asks them to do this, they will never be able to dance in public. So who's asking them to do that? Probably their mother.

How do you show respect for healthcare workers? Parents let their children dance unexpectedly but caused controversy!
How do you show respect for healthcare workers? Parents let their children dance unexpectedly but caused controversy!
How do you show respect for healthcare workers? Parents let their children dance unexpectedly but caused controversy!

As long as there is one little girl who does this, there will be more little girls involved. Looking at the Internet these days, more and more people are dancing for medical staff, and even some college students are involved. If this continues, will more people dance at the nucleic acid testing site?

How do you show your respect for healthcare workers? Do you have to dance and sing live? It has aroused controversy among netizens.

In recent years, because of the epidemic, our medical staff has really worked hard, and parents have taught their children to respect medical staff, and the original intention is absolutely good. But do you have to dance live to show your heart? These practices of mothers have also aroused heated discussion among netizens.

One view is that this behavior is completely eye-catching and wants to make the child quickly red.

It is now the Internet age, and a small thing can cause heated discussion on the Internet. This practice of mothers seems to be to educate their children, in fact, it is to become famous, children dance, mothers take a video, and then posted to the Internet, reflecting their love, but also took the opportunity to promote themselves. If it can spread quickly, maybe the child will become an Internet celebrity.

Another view is that there is nothing wrong with it, at least no malice.

There is also a perception that people think that this matter is too complicated. The child may be so young to show a kind of respect for the medical staff, there is no special intention. Even if you accidentally make this child red, but this matter itself is always a good thing, at least to attract everyone's attention to the medical staff, consider the hardships of the medical staff, why not?

Everyone has their own ideas, but it is undeniable that this thing is really special, because it has never happened before, so it is particularly different.

How do you show respect for healthcare workers? Parents let their children dance unexpectedly but caused controversy!

How to express care for medical staff? Netizens said: Let's be real!

Why is this causing a hot discussion on the Internet? It is important to note that many people think that this kind of care is too fake and embarrassing for medical staff.

What do healthcare workers need most in the face of the pandemic? Is it a greeting? Is it a thank you? What they need is real love. For example, buy them some water; if the weather is too cold, buy them a little sun; send more volunteers to help them; send them some hot meals; give them a little salary increase, pay more overtime pay, and so on. These are far more fun than dancing and saying thank you!

Moreover, it is embarrassing to face such a scene as a medical worker, because they do not thank these children, which is rude. But they were so busy that they hardly even had time to watch, wasn't that deliberately embarrassing them?

How do you show respect for healthcare workers? Parents let their children dance unexpectedly but caused controversy!

Write at the end:

As parents, they attach great importance to the education of their children, and perhaps the original intention of these mothers is also good. But this approach is really inappropriate under the epidemic.

1. The nucleic acid testing site is indeed not a place to dance. There are so many people, everyone is so busy, isn't this adding chaos to medical staff?

2, this is not good for children. Respecting and loving a person is from the heart, rather than dancing and saying two good words. Why not let the child give a bottle of water to the medical staff to salute?

Truly kind people must be people who try not to cause trouble to others, I hope these parents can understand.

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