
Shen Junbo, your idea is awesome!

"The black hair doesn't know how to study early

Bai Shoufang regrets reading late"


Early morning of May 5

The most poetic two-meter spacer

Appeared in Lianhua Community, Haidian District, Beijing

Nucleic acid testing site

Staff introduction

This is a community man named Shen Junbo

The idea of a high school boy

His parents were very supportive of his ideas

With the consent of the community

Help him print and paste it on the ground

Shen Junbo, your idea is awesome!

Shen Junbo's mother said

The day before they were lining up in the community to do a nucleic acid test

I saw that some of the chalk lines on the ground had blurred

Volunteers are needed to keep moving around the side of the line

Remind everyone to keep their distance

The child has a stroke of genius

I thought of prompting with stickers printed with poems

You can also read some poems when you are in line

It acts as a spacer

You can also pass the waiting time

Shen Junbo, your idea is awesome!

Choose poems, determine typography, and background images


The family went to the print shop

More than 30 stickers with adhesive backing were printed

Shen Junbo used his own money to pay for printing

The final poetic presentation

Get unanimous praise from the residents of the community

Shen Junbo, your idea is awesome!

Great idea!

Shen Junbo, thumbs up for you

Source: People's Daily WeChat (reporter: Jiang Jie, Zhang Jinxin), Beijing Daily (reporter: Sun Ying)

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yongqun

Editor: Sun Xiaoting Xing Yanyan

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